Granted Patent facts
While investigating facts about Granted Patent Search and Granted Patent Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Harvard's first black faculty member was a dentist. Dr. George Franklin Grant joined the Dept of mechanical dentistry in 1871. Also an inventor, he patented the wooden golf tee. Previously, golfers carried around buckets of sand, placing their balls on little piles as they went.
how to tell if a patent has been granted?
The process of dry cleaning was invented in 1821 by an African American business owner named Thomas Jennings. He was one of the first African Americans to be granted a patent. He had to use the proceeds from his invention to buy his wife and children out of slavery.
What is actually covered by a granted patent?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is legally protected by a granted patent. Here are 30 of the best facts about Granted Patents In India and Granted Patent Code I managed to collect.
what can prevent a patent from being granted?
One of America's first patent trolls was George Selden, who was granted a U.S. patent for an automobile in 1895, and proceeded to sue anyone else who attempted to produce one even while he never manufactured a car himself.
The Nat Sherman tobacco company introduced plastic tipped cigars to the industry. While the government never granted them a desired patent on the idea, they bluffed away any competitors for 32 years by putting "Patent Pending" on the packaging.
The inventor of the windshield wiper Mary Anderson was granted a patent for it in 1903, she tried to sell the rights in 1905 and was told that it held no commercial value and was unable to sell it. 19 years later, they became standard equipment on every vehicle.
Thomas Edison is the only person in the US to ever have a patent granted every year for 65 consecutive years.
In the 1990s Namco was granted a general patent for providing an auxiliary game (like Galaxian) during a loading screen, meaning that kids across the planet have spent millions of combined hours staring at loading screens thanks to Namco
Google has been granted a patent on a "flypaper"-like product that would glue a pedestrian to the hood in the event of a self-driving car striking a person.
Jamie Lee Curtis is also an inventor. In 1987 she was granted a patent for her invention of diapers with a built-in water proof compartment for baby wipes. However she refused to start manufacturing unless companies started making biodegradable diapers.
He sent his patent application to 10 other countries and all of them granted him a patent.
A patent was granted to him in 1907 for a multi-row self-aligning ball bearing.
The first keyed bugles were invented in the early 1800s. A patent was granted for the Royal Kent bugle in 1811 to Joseph Halliday in England. This version was used often until the 1850s.
Granted Patent data charts
For your convenience take a look at Granted Patent figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are patents granted?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
A study identified 1,650 mathematically gifted children in the 1970s. Four decades later, 4.1% earned tenure at major universities, 2.3% were top executives at major companies, 2.4% top attorneys. They authored 85 books, 7572 articles, 681 patents; secured $358m in grants
Ben Rich, the director who oversaw Skunk Work's F-117 Top Secret stealth bomber program, was granted his first patent in his twenties for a heating wire system that prevented pilots' genitals from freezing to their urine elimination pipes in cold weather - source
Canadian pharmacist Marcellus Gilmore Edson was granted a US patent for peanut butter manufacturing 12 years before George Washington Carver began his famous work - source
In 1977, Donald J. Smith and his father Frank J. Smith was granted a patent on the comb over hairstyle
All US Land Patents (real estate ownership) can be traced back to their original grant by the US - source
When was first patent granted?
The first vehicle in the world to be powered by an internal combustion engine - The de Rivaz engine - was powered by Hydrogen. The compressed hydrogen gas fuel was stored in a balloon. On 30 January 1807 Isaac de Rivaz was granted patent No. 731 in Paris.
How long does it take for a patent to be granted?
The watermelon-smashing comedian Gallagher was granted a patent on a slot machine called "Bird on a Wire."
The first lawn mower was invented by Edwin Budding in 1830 in England. Budding's mower was designed primarily to cut grass on sports grounds and extensive gardens, as an alternative to the scythe, and was granted a British patent on August 31, 1830.
In 1993 a patent application was submitted for a method of exercising cats with a laser was granted in 1995.
In 2001, John Michael Keogh applied to patent the wheel (in Australia) and it was granted!