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Gold Rush facts

While investigating facts about Gold Rush Season 10 and Gold Rush White Water, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A plane carrying 6,000 pounds of pot crashed in Yosemite National Park. Climbers in Yosemite Valley heard news of the crash and sparked a miniature gold rush with up to 20 people searching the frozen crash site. Much of the weed was salvaged, smoked, or sold before park rangers caught on.

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During the California Gold Rush a Chinese laundry man named John-John washed enough gold dust out of pants cuffs and shirttails of miners to set himself up for life.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the california gold rush. Here are 50 of the best facts about Gold Rush Cast and Gold Rush 2019 I managed to collect.

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  1. San Francisco’s LBGT culture was rooted in the gold rush, when the city’s population was 95% men. The unbalanced gender ratio made things such as cross-dressing and same-sex dancing commonplace.

  2. During the height of the CA gold rush, an egg would cost the equivalent of $25 in today’s money, coffee went for $100/pound, and a pair of boots would set you back more than $2,500.

  3. When his heir died childless, the estate of British scientist James Smithson passed to the U.S. government. American diplomat Richard Rush was sent to England to collect the money, and returned with today's equivalent of $11M in gold coins, which was used to found the Smithsonian Institution.

  4. During the California Gold Rush, the distinct lack of women in San Fransisco caused gay culture to flourish. Men would often pay for "female impersonators" to be prostitutes.

  5. Clara Brown, a woman who was born a slave in Virginia that, after receiving her freedom, would go on to start a laundry business, become the owner of mines in Colorado during the gold rush, and even traveled to Kansas to help freed slaves build communities

  6. Heinrich Schliemann, who survived a shipwreck as a young boy, made a small fortune off the California gold rush, cornered the market in indigo dye and ammunition constituents in Russia during the Crimean War, was fluent in 14 languages, and excavated the site presumed to be Troy.

  7. The gold discovery in California that led to the Gold Rush happened in January 1848. The miners were '49ers and not '48ers because it took so long for the news to spread widely.

  8. Dozens of ships are still buried underneath the San Francisco financial district. They were abandoned during the gold rush and never moved.

  9. The Golden Gate Bridge isn't named for its own coloring but rather for the mouth of the San Francisco Bay, which was named so even before the California gold rush.

  10. While Filming "The Gold Rush", Charlie Chaplin did 63 separate takes of a scene where his character eats a boot—in reality, a prop made of licorice—and ended up being taken to the hospital for insulin shock due to the high sugar intake.

gold rush facts
What was the klondike gold rush?

Why did the gold rush end?

You can easily fact check why was the gold rush important by examining the linked well-known sources.

Scammers during the gold rush would load gold dust into shotguns and shoot cave walls to make a cave appear laden with gold.

James Marshall despite being the person credited with finding gold in 1848 and starting the California Gold Rush, never profited from his gold find and died penniless in a small cabin in 1885. - source

Coastal Redwood fossils date back more than 200 million years to the Jurassic period. California's gold rush caused logging old growth lumber. Today, only 5 percent of the original old-growth coast redwood forest remains. - source

John Nordstrom financed the creation of his first retail store in 1901 with money he made mining for gold in Alaska during the gold rush.

On January 24th, 1848 while overseeing the construction of a sawmill on the American river James W. Marshall saw something shining in Sutter Creek. What he found was 10-12 pieces of gold. When word got out James W. Marshall, unexpectedly started the California Gold Rush Of 1849. - source

When gold rush back on?

The Mariposa Indian War, which ended in 1851, started because of the way the Natives were treated when the gold rush started.

How much gold was found in the gold rush?

During the California Gold Rush miners and prospectors would send their laundry to be done in China or Hawaii due to high cost and unfamiliarity with doing what was seen as women's work

In the early 1800s, the State of Georgia passed laws preventing Cherokee Native Americans from testifying against white people, selling land, mining for gold during the first American gold rush and the option of public dissent that lead to the Trail of Tears.

There are over 40 ships buried under San Francisco's financial district. They are abandoned gold rush ships that were used to help fill in Yerba Buena cove in order to build more housing.

In 1848, gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill, which led to the California Gold Rush.

The Gold Rush in California brought even more people to the west.

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During the Gold Rush in California violence between White Settlers and The Native Population was so frequent that The State of California paid bounties of Indian Scalps with varying prices based on gender and age. It's estimated that 4,500 Natives were killed between 1849-1870.

By 1849 the population of San Francisco, thanks to the gold rush, had increased from only 1,000 in 1848 to more than 25,000 people.

Yale, British Columbia with a population 186, was once the largest city west of Chicago and north of San Francisco. During the gold rush it was known as "the wickedest little settlement in British Columbia" and "a veritable Sodom and Gomorrah" of vice, violence and lawlessness

California is named after a mythological island ruled by a black queen. The warrior women of the island keep man-eating griffins for pets and everything is laden in gold. It was named this way before the gold rush!

Many prospectors in the mid-1800s used this route during the California gold rush. Because the canal did not yet exist they sailed the Atlantic to Panama, crossed the isthmus either on foot, mules or boat, and then took another ship to California.

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Michelson immigrated to the US with his family from what is now Poland during the height of the California Gold Rush.

As a result of the Gold Rush, the population of San Francisco increased from 1000 in 1848 to 25,000 in Decmber 1849, and about 500 ships were abandoned there by crews who left them and rushed to the gold fields.

In 1893 Australian gold miners used a waste product to fill in potholes and sidewalks. 3 years later that waste was found to contain gold, leading to a second gold rush which included mining the streets.

The state of California at one point tried to proclaim an official ghost town. However, a feud between Northern California and Southern California resulted in the crown being shared between Bodie (the official "Gold Rush" ghost town) and Calico (the official "Silver Rush" ghost town).

Alaska's state mineral is gold. There was once a gold rush at Nome, Alaska, which began after Joe Juneau discovered gold in 1880.

For the first time since the 1850s Gold Rush, California-born residents now make up the majority statewide

It was a failed California gold prospector from England, Edward Hargraves, who sparked the second largest gold rush in the world: The Victoria Gold Rush in Australia

Levi Strauss got his start selling pants made out of tent canvas to gold miners during the California gold rush. When they complained of chaffing he switched the fabric to denim.

Georgia experienced its own gold rush in 1829 when gold was discovered in the North Georgia Mountains.

The California Gold Rush brought many people to San Francisco's region in the mid-1800s.

California organized death squads to go after the Native Americans during the gold rush.

The first real settlers to the Lassen area came with the California Gold Rush. Peter Lassen and William Nobles were developers of two pioneer trails in the area. Parts of these trails can still be seen in some places.

San Francisco's subway runs through the hull of a sunken Gold Rush ship.

Jonathan R. Davis, a prospector and frontiersman who singlehandedly killed 11 bandits that ambushed him during the height of the California gold rush

Jack London tried writing short stories, and enrolled at Berkeley for a brief time before heading to the Yukon during the gold rush.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gold Rush. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gold Rush so important!

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