Gi Bill facts
While investigating facts about G.i. Bill and Gi Bill Calculator, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1932, General Macarthur and then Major Patton Tear-Gassed WWI Veterans Calling Themselves The "Bonus Army." They Had Marched On Washington Demanding Full Payment For Their Service During WWI. 2 Vets Were Killed. Historians Claim That Without The Protest, There May Have Never Been A GI Bill.
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About Yoshio Nakamura. An American Citizen of Japanese decent who was sent to an interment camp during WWII but enlisted in the army and fought in Italy to break the German line. He used his GI bill to earn a degree to become a teacher but school districts wouldn't hire him due to his heritage.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what gi bill do i qualify for. Here are 10 of the best facts about Gi Bill Benefits and Gi Bill Transfer I managed to collect.
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The US Army's GI Bill assisted in the education of 14 Nobel laureates, 24 Pulitzer Prize winners, and three Supreme Court justices
College enrollment was equal among men and women from 1900 to 1930 and that it was mostly the wars of the 20th century and the GI Bill that caused the disparity later on.
There was a military discharge that was considered neither honorable nor dishonorable, but in practice was often used to discharge homosexual and black soldiers. These soldiers did not receive the benefits of the GI Bill.
The GI Bill signed by FDR that provided college education, zero interest home loans, and training for WWII veterans frequently associated with the rise of the middle class excluded non-whites
For profit colleges were first created in the US in the 1940's as "fly-by-night commercial vocational 'schools'" designed to collect veterans' tuition grants due to the newly created GI Bill's then-lax requirements and limited oversight to prevent such abuses.
Chuck Feeney sold sandwiches to supplement his GI Bill to get through college, before becoming a billionare, giving away his fortune, building a University and helping calm politics in Northern Ireland
In 1905, Florida passed the Buckman Act. This segregated the six institutions of higher education into being only for White Men, only White Women, or only African Americans. This was ended with the passing of the GI Bill.
While the US GI Bill provided partial benefits to African Americans, it was the 1958 NDEA that federalized graduate grants to *women* (as an anticommunist measure!)
Gi Bill data charts
For your convenience take a look at Gi Bill figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Gi bill infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Gi Bill numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.