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Geographic Location facts

While investigating facts about Geographic Location Definition and Geographic Location Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The 1990s PBS game show "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" was created in response to a National Geographic survey stating that 1 in 4 Americans could not locate the Soviet Union or The Pacific Ocean

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Starbucks sometimes operates at a loss intentionally and clusters several locations in a small geographical area to become anti-competitive in the market.

What geographic location is least affected by seasons?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what geographic location is at 90 degrees north latitude. Here are 47 of the best facts about Geographic Location Of India and Geographic Location Of The Philippines I managed to collect.

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  1. Microsoft installed a backdoor in Skype to allow Chinese, Russian and United States law enforcement agencies to eavesdrop on Skype conversations, as well as have access to Skype users' geographic locations after they purchased Skype in 2011 for the law enforcement agencies around the world.

  2. Wolves have musical culture that changes depending on geographic location. Though mutually intelligible, howls of European wolves are much more protracted and melodious than those of North American wolves, whose howls are louder and have a stronger emphasis on the first syllable.

  3. The Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Game Show was created in response to a survey by National Geographic finding that 1 in 4 Americans could not locate the Soviet Union or the Pacific Ocean

  4. The term "On Broadway" refers to the size of the audience, not the geographic location. There are actually multiple "Off-Broadway" theaters on Broadway Street.

  5. For several years a company that kept a database of US IP address locations used a point near the geographical center of the US as the default location when the IP address locations were hidden. As a result a farm in Kansas had been targeted by the FBI, IRS, and angry vigilantes.

  6. In 1883, a volcano on Krakatoa erupted so violently, the eardrums of sailors ruptured over 40 miles away; island of Rodrigues 3000 miles away heard noises; and was heard by over 50 geographical locations covering a thirteeth of the globe.

  7. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones are the same kind of storm, each name corresponding to a geographic location.

  8. Mating season depends on the geographic location. It usually takes place during the warm season.

  9. Lemon-scented gum blooms during the spring, summer and winter, depending on the geographic location. Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds, main pollinators of this species.

  10. Websites know your exact geographical location because your Wi-Fi address has been collected by a Google StreetView car

geographic location facts
What geographic location is texas?

Geographic Location data charts

For your convenience take a look at Geographic Location figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

geographic location fact data chart about Foursquare Ratings of Places in San Francisco, by Geographic
Foursquare Ratings of Places in San Francisco, by Geographic Location

geographic location fact data chart about Breakdown of the world map based on if a geographical locati
Breakdown of the world map based on if a geographical location is classified as a country or not.

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You can easily fact check why was constantinople's geographic location an advantage for trade by examining the linked well-known sources.

Mating season depends on the geographical location but most species deliver babies during the winter and spring. Pregnancy lasts 16 months and ends with 2 to 4 pups. Females give birth to live babies.

Color of the fur depends on the geographic location. It ranges from yellowish and light brown to nearly black. Face is usually grey-colored. Legs and tail are darker than the rest of the body. Throat is covered with creamy or orange-colored fur.

Mating season of spinner dolphin depends on the geographic location.

The "Rietbrock Geographical Marker", located in the town of Rietbrock, Wisconsin. It is the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole as well as the Greenwich Meridian and the International Date Line.

Mating season of mullets depends on the geographic location.

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The only state not geographically located in North America is Hawaii.

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There is an actual short barber pole with a metallic sphere on top located near the Geographic South Pole. There is also a tradition where scientists at the South Pole Station run around the pole naked to join the "300 Club", enduring a range of 300° Fahrenheit (166°C) within a very short time.

Some theories suggest that he was simply in a better geographical location to more accurately track and record the earth's movement, which also led to his more accurate calculations of the equinoxes and the direction of the sun's apogee.

Camellia blooms during the autumn, winter and spring, depending on the geographic location and type of camellia. Flowers are not fragrant, but they easily attract bees thanks to vividly colored petals.

Due to his important contributions in various areas of sciences, there are dozens of species, geographical formations, schools and universities, and regional locations named after him.

Harebell produces flowers in the second half of the year, usually from June to October, depending on the geographic location.

Geographic location infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Geographic Location numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

geographic location fact infographic about Diagram of Average Nose Structure Based on Geographical Loca

Diagram of Average Nose Structure Based on Geographical Location

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Mating season of tunas depends on their geographic location. Tunas in Gulf of Mexico mate from middle of April to middle of June. In Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea, mating takes place from June to August.

64,000-year-old cave paintings were discovered at 3 locations in Spain and they weren’t created by humans. The only beings capable of making such art who were around in this geographical region at that time were Neanderthals.

Grey seals gather in large colonies to give birth and mate during the autumn and winter (depending on the geographic location). Males fight to establish dominance and get opportunity to mate.

Spawning season of hakes usually takes place during the summer and autumn, depending on the species and geographic location.

The Statue of Liberty is geographically located in New Jersey, not New York

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Small-eyed snake does not attack humans unless it is provoked and cornered (in self-defense). It produces strong myotoxic venom which prevents normal functioning of muscles (including heart). Strength of venom depends on the geographic location. When left untreated, bite of small-eyed snake leads to renal failure and death.

The name of the village located at the geographical center of Ohio is Centerburg.

The eruption of the volcano on Krakatoa Island (modern day Indonesia) in 1883 was so loud that it was heard in 50 different geographical locations, up to 3,000 miles away

National Geographic referred to Corcovado National Park as, "the most biologically intense place on Earth." Its location, connecting South America and North America, allows for such extreme diversity and the 13 ecosystems that thrive within its boundaries.

A specific bamboo species (Phyllostachys bambusoides) in which all individuals from a single cohort all blossom at the same time regardless of differences in geographic locations and climate. This phenomenon occurs once every 65-120 years.

Depending on the species and geographic location, hawks mate at different time in the year. Mating season for most hawks takes place at the end of winter or early in the spring.

Footballer Justin Edinburgh was nicknamed 'Musselburgh' after the Edinburgh suburb which sits only 6 miles from the Scottish Capital's city centre. Its geographical location meant that it was "Just in Edinburgh".

A Sacrifice Zone is a real term referring to geographical locations where there's permanent environmental damage and economic disinvestment

I learned that Poles of Inaccessibility are locations more remote and dificult to reach than actual geographic North and South Poles.

It's possible to trade weather futures. This is useful for insurance companies preparing for cyclones, power companies hedging against a warm winter, or movie companies shooting on location. It is possible to trade weather derivates for over 40 cities and geographic regions world wide.

Skype installed a backdoor to allow Chinese, Russian, United States, and other law enforcement agencies to eavesdrop on Skype conversations. This backdoor also allows them to have access to users' geographic locations.

The 1990s PBS game show "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" was created in response to a National Geographic survey stating that 1 in 4 Americans could not locate the Soviet Union or The Pacific Ocean

The European Union has full member regions which are geographically located in South America and Africa.It also has special member regions in Australia, Antarctica and North America.

The geographic center of Canada is actually located in Nunavut

The geographic center of the continental United States is located in Lebanon.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Geographic Location. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Geographic Location so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor