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Genie Aladdin facts

While investigating facts about Genie Aladdin Connect and Genie Aladdin 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Robin Williams took a huge pay cut to voice the Genie in Aladdin, if certain conditions were adhered to. Disney reneged on the promise and later apologised to him with the gift of a Picasso painting.

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Disney's Math Quest: Aladdin", with Robin Williams as the voice of Genie, is the only video game he has ever done voice work for.

What does the genie say in aladdin?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the genie write in arabic in aladdin. Here are 19 of the best facts about Genie Aladdin Will Smith and Genie Aladdin Costume I managed to collect.

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  1. The Peddler from the beginning of Aladdin was originally supposed to be revealed to be the Genie at the end of the movie, but it was cut as the story changed.

  2. Robin Williams voiced The Genie in "Aladdin" for $75,000. He agreed to the job provided that his name or image not be used for marketing, and his (supporting) character not take more than 25% of space on advertising artwork. Disney went back on both promises to ensure box office success.

  3. The original tale of Aladdin was set in China and featured two Genies

  4. Robin Williams voiced the character of Genie in the animated movie Aladdin. The majority of his lines were improvised.

  5. Robin Williams agreed to be payed $75,000 (instead of his usual fee of $8 million) for his role as Genie in Aladdin because he wanted to leave something behind for his small children.

  6. Robin Williams was paid $75k for voicing Genie in Aladdin

  7. The Finnish dub of Disney's Aladdin was completely done around the Finnish comedian who dubbed Genie, in much the same way the English one was written around Robin William's gags.

  8. The voice of Abu the monkey (Aladdin, 1992 Disney) never met the voice of Aladdin or the voice of the Genie.

  9. After Robin Williams' death, Disney wanted to make a new Aladdin movie featuring Williams' unused Genie outtakes from the previous films. However, this was forbidden by a special clause in Williams' will, leading to Disney scrapping their plans.

  10. there's going to be a live action version Aladdin released in the US in May 2019 and it will be directed by Guy Ritchie. Will Smith will play the genie (not featured in this teaser trailer.)

genie aladdin facts
What song does the genie sing in aladdin?

Why does genie stay with aladdin?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Shortly after Robin Williams' death, Disney Channel, Disney XD and Disney Junior all aired the original Aladdin over the course of a week with a dedicated drawing of the Genie at the end of each airing before the credits.

Robin Williams voiced the Genie in more than just the 1st an 3rd Aladdin films, and has a clause in his will forbidding Disney from using his voice in any further projects. - source

The brazilian voice actor (Márcio Simões) who has been dubbing Will Smith for years, has actually also dubbed Genie on the original animated film. It's an amazing coincidence that made watching Aladdin feel so nostalgic to me today. - source

The original story of Aladdin from the 18th century consists of a late father named Mustapha, an additional genie from a magic ring, and the evil sorcerer's brother who disguises himself as an old lady.

The creators of Aladdin confirmed that the peddler at the beginning of the movie is the genie. - source

When aladdin meets genie?

In the original story of Aladdin, there were two genies: one of the lamp and one of the ring.

How did the genie in aladdin become a genie?

Disney is working on a new live action Aladdin movie with Guy Ritchie as director and Will Smith as Genie

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Genie Aladdin. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Genie Aladdin so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor