Incredible and fun facts to explore

Genetic Testing facts

While investigating facts about Genetic Testing, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Flossie Wong-Staal was the first researcher to clone HIV. She also completed genetic mapping of the virus which made it possible to develop HIV tests.

A female zebra shark held in captivity in Australia gave birth asexually in 2017. It is only the third documented case of a vertebrate of any species switching its reproductive strategy from sexual to asexual. Sperm storage was ruled out when genetic testing was done on the offspring.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 29 of the best facts about Genetic Testing I managed to collect.

  1. White supremacist and racist Craig Cobb said he would take a genetic test, and receive the results on live television. He was found to be 14% Sub- Saharan African.

  2. Scientists have been able to genetically modify mosquitoes so their sperm can only produce male offspring, decimating test populations in six generations. This inexpensive innovation could prevent the spread of malaria, save millions of lives and won't have a significant impact on the ecosystem.

  3. In 2013 a genetic test of fish in restaurants and supermarkets showed 84% of Sushi restaurants in the US mislabeled and replaced tuna with Escolar, a fish known to cause prolonged, uncontrollable oily anal leakage

  4. The children of identical twins test genetically as half-siblings instead of first cousins

  5. A woman in 2002 almost lost custody of her children seeking financial assistance after genetic testing showed she wasn’t the mother. She in fact exhibited chimerism, or 2 sets of DNA.

  6. In DNA tests of Tutankhamun's mummy, scientists found DNA from the mosquito-borne parasites that cause malaria. This is currently the oldest known genetic proof of the disease.

  7. Mules (donkey/horse hybrids) are sterile. 2 instances of mules foaling have been confirmed by DNA testing which showed the mule passed on ONLY her horse genes. This means she'll foal a mule if a donkey breeds her or a horse if a stallion breeds her, and should be genetically impossible.

  8. The genetic testing of a boy who died 12,500 years ago proved that descendants of all Native Americans, including South & Central American tribes, can be traced back at least 24,000 years to a group of early Asians and Europeans who mated near Lake Baikal in what is now Siberia.

  9. A guy found a brother he didn't know he had using genetic testing, resulting in his parent's divorce...

  10. The DNA testing sequence able to identify genetic differences in identical twins isn't admissible in a US court of law

genetic testing facts
What are the best facts about Genetic Testing?

Genetic Testing data charts

For your convenience take a look at Genetic Testing figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

genetic testing fact data chart about DNA testing shows the marriage and migration patterns of uni
DNA testing shows the marriage and migration patterns of unique genetic groups.

What is true about genetic testing?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The genetic trait of disliking brussel sprouts used to be used as a paternity test

About Adam Nash - a test tube baby selected for specific genetic traits, brought to life in order to save his dying sister (2000) - source

Actor Sean Astin grew up believing John Astin was his father until his mother Patty Duke told him he was the result of an affair with Desi Arnaz, Jr. Genetic tests later revealed they were both wrong and his biological father was Michael Tell. - source

In the past a diagnosis of progeria could only be done by the presence of physical symptoms. Today it is possible to perform a genetic test if it is suspected, which allows for earlier treatment to help slow the aging process.

Genetic Testing Is Already Heavily Involved in Both Dating & Marriage In Nigeria - source

Genetic counselors don't have to disclose their financial ties to the labs that produce genetic tests

Genetic testing can verify whether or not you had a traumatic childhood. Well, sort of. (It's in our saliva!)

After 10 years, genetic testing on Benjamin Kyle (man with severe amnesia posted here before) revealed his true identity to be William Burgess Powell

Genetic testing through has helped adopted persons find their biologic parents and relatives

James Watson, co-discoverer of DNA who experienced backlash for comments about low black IQs, was genetically tested to reveal that he himself was 16% black.

The genetic testing company 23andme is run by Anne Wojcicki, who is married to Sergey Brin, Director of Google X and Co-Founder of Google

Interesting facts about genetic testing

The potato was originally believed to have been domesticated independently in multiple locations, but later genetic testing of the wide variety of cultivars and wild species proved a single origin for potatoes in the area of present-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia, not Ireland

I learned that Israel's founding fathers considered Palestinians the descendants of the ancient Hebrews, and modern genetic testing shows European Jews are genetically closer to Palestinians Arabs than they are to Middle Eastern Jews.

Sergey Brin, co-founder of google, discovered he carries a familial mutation for Parkinsons disease using the genetic testing kit created by 23andme, which was co-founded by his wife Ann Wojcicki, and he has since donated $160 million dollars to PD research.

Neanderthals have been confirmed as ancestors of homo sapiens. A simple blood test can identify how much of your genetic makeup is Neanderthal

Israel's founding fathers considered Palestinians the descendants of the ancient Hebrews, and that modern genetic testing indicates European Jews are genetically closer to Palestinian Arabs than they are to Middle Eastern Jews.

There is a genetic condition known as "Tetrachromacy" that allows some woman to see 100 times more colors than others and there is a test online to see if you have it

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Genetic Testing. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Genetic Testing so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor