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Gather Information facts

While investigating facts about Gather Information About Solar Light and Gather Information From Crossword Clue, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Polish intelligence officer Witold Pilecki volunteered for a resistance operation to be imprisoned in Auschwitz in order to gather intelligence about the camp. He organized a resistance movement in the camp, sent information to the Allies about what was happening there, and escaped in 1943.

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Volunteers in Madrid watched for dog owners who didn’t pick up their dog’s poop, gathered the owner’s information by petting the dogs, then sent the poop to the owner’s home with a “lost and found” label. According to Mayor Borja Gutiérrez, “It’s your dog poop. We are just returning it to you.”

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is gather information. Here are 38 of the best facts about Gather Information Synonym and Gather Information About Solar Water Heating System I managed to collect.

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  1. About "one of the biggest companies you've never heard of". Acxiom gathers information on some 700 m people, with up to 1,500 data points per person, for ultra targeted marketing. Down to the list of people who buy particular brands of cereal in your local supermarket.

  2. Polish intelligence officer Witold Pilecki volunteered for a resistance operation to be imprisoned in Auschwitz in order to gather intelligence about the camp. He organized a resistance movement in the camp, sent information to the Allies about what was happening there, and escaped in 1943.

  3. Take This Lollipop is an interactive film which accesses viewer's Facebook profile and locates the viewer's home from data in profile. It depicts the dangers in posting too much personal info on the Internet. Information gathered is then deleted which makes the film different for each viewer.

  4. Stingrays, or fake cell towers used by law enforcement that trick cell phones into giving gps and identifying info. When used to track a suspect, it also gathers information of all cellphones nearby.

  5. When asked how he had managed to gather so much information on his classmates, 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg replied that they were "Dumb fucks" for trusting him

  6. A police commissioner who claimed he had spent hours researching sticky bombs distributed printouts about them. All of the information he gathered came from the Terraria Wiki.

  7. Rapper Tupac's last known words were "fuck you" spoken to police officers trying to gather information on his shooter

  8. In France it is illegal to gather information on the ethnic origin of its citizens therefore it is impossible to know the percentage of ethnic French who inhabit France.

  9. Some believe that hieroglyphs have existed since 5000 BC, created by hunter-gatherers in the Western Desert. Others believe this was just early rock art as it was not meant to pass on information, just used to remember land features and other information.

  10. Australian WWII Coastwatchers were code-named "Ferdinand" after a bull from a famous children's story - just as Ferdinand the bull only wanted to sit and smell flowers, it was the job of the "Ferdinands" to sit and gather information inconspicuously

gather information facts
What is gather relevant information?

Why is it important to gather information on the background of the organization?

You can easily fact check why do marketers continue to gather information by examining the linked well-known sources.

Weird Al wrote "The Saga Begins" purely from information gathered from Internet Spoilers. After seeing the movie, his song was so accurate that he only needed to make minor adjustments.

From 1936-1966, the "Negro Motorist Green Book" provided essential information on lodgings, service stations, restaurants, and leisure facilities known to be "negro-friendly" to African Americans while traveling. Mail carriers were recruited to gather much of its content while on their routes. - source

Meteorologists gather information from weather satellites to make forecasts, but they also use simple instruments such as thermometers.

Red Sox catcher Moe Berg. Called ‘the brainiest guy in baseball’ and ‘the strangest man ever to play baseball’. Berg provided the US with the first clear video intel of Japan during the onset of US involvement in WW2, and gathered information on the German nuclear program as an OSS spy.

In early World War II, Witold Pilecki, a Polish soldier, volunteered to be imprisoned in Auschwitz in order to gather information, escape and let the world know about the Holocaust and concentration camp "atrocities". - source

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Sam Biddle, writer for Gawker affiliate Gizmodo, gained access to a total stranger's iPhone via a bug. Private pictures and conversations with friends and romantic partners were shared in the article. Enough information was gathered to be able to "stalk him, blackmail him, and harass him".

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During the Manhatten Project, there were "atomic spies" that gathered nuclear research and information to give to the Soviet Union. When scientists tried to make this public, the US government squashed their efforts and silenced them.

Hackers accidentally sold an XBox One that was made by them to the FBI (before actual release of it) after gathering enough information from Microsoft's servers about the xbox

The United States forgave Japan's war crimes committed by Unit 731 during World War 2 for the information gathered from the murder and torture of 250,000 people for use in their own biological warfare program. "Victim accounts were dismissed in the West as communist propaganda."

Withold Pilecki, a Polish soldier, voluntarily imprisoned himself at Aushwitz to gather information about the crimes committed at the camp and to organize an uprising.

Dick Higham is the only umpire to be banned from baseball. The owner of the Detroit team hired a private detective to gather information and the evidence showed Higham regularly blew calls to influence games for gamblers.

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Boeing jet sensors produce 10 terabytes of information per engine every 30 minutes of flight. So, for a 6 hours flight, a two engines aircraft gathers a massive 240 terabytes of data. By comparison the whole Facebook grows by 500+ terabytes per day.

Bills of Mortality were statistics distributed in London starting in the late-16th century during the time of the plague to monitor burials. These statistics were gathered by the Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks and later included information such as cause of death and the person's age.

There are people who track down and gather information on alleged former Nazis, SS members, and collaborators who were involved in the Holocaust. They are called Nazi hunters.

Likejacking is an exploitation of the “Like” button on Facebook. Scammers create a compelling post with the intention of getting people to “like” the post. Once people start “liking” the “malicious post” it is shared on the user’s friend's feeds to gather personal information

Because of his political activism, John Lennon was under surveillance by the FBI and the U.S government even tried to deport him. Over the years, the FBI had gathered nearly 300 pages of information on Lennon due to a fear he could influence the '72 Presidential Election.

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About Operation Snow White, wherein 5,000+ members of the Church of Scientology infiltrated various government agencies, in over 30 counties, including the US’s IRS and the Department of Justice, in order to purge, or replace, gathered information that shone the religion in a negative light.

There are companies that gather everyones personal information including sexual preferences and history, personal medical details, whether they are straight or gay, whether they have mental disorders and more, and then sell their names and contact info on lists.

There are companies known as data brokers that gather our personal information, and create lists that among others include, what addictions individuals have. They then sell these lists with names, addresses, emails, and other personal information.

There are companies known as data brokers that gather everyone's personal information including sexual preferences, medical history, financial history, whether they have mental disorders and more, and then sell their names and contact information on lists.

In 2011, hundreds of free t-shirts were distributed at a Neo-nazi gathering in Germany. After a wash, the shirts displayed the message "What this shirt did, you can too", with information about a group that helps people exit the Neo-nazi scene.

About MK-ultra, a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments. Sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture

In 1979, Colorado Springs African American police investigator Ron Stallworth called the number from KKK newspaper ad on a whim in the hopes of gathering information. He was offered a membership, and eventually an invitation to lead the local KKK chapter

The common practice of obscuring American license plate numbers has been pointless since 1994, when a bill was passed prohibiting the disclosure of personal information gathered by motor vehicle departments

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gather Information. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gather Information so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor