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Gasoline Additive facts

While investigating facts about Gasoline Additives and Gasoline Additive 7 Little Words, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The "Loony Gas Building" was the name given to an old Standard Oil plant in 1924 after every single man who worked there was hospitalized for insanity... 5 of which died. The plant was manufacturing a new, breakthrough product: leaded gasoline additive.

how to use gasoline additive?

In 1924, when Standard Oil was researching tetraethyl lead as a gasoline additive, 32 of 49 workers had to be hospitalized due to lead poisoning, and 5 of them died. A federal panel made entirely of industry scientists later concluded that there "no danger” from tetraethyl lead.

What is the best fuel additive for gasoline engines?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best gasoline additive. Here are 12 of the best facts about Gasoline Additive Crossword and Gasoline Additive 7 Letters I managed to collect.

what additives are in gasoline?

  1. TEL (tetraethyl lead), an octane booster gasoline additive that was killing Standard Oil Refinery workers or rendering them mad in the 1920's, wasn't' banned by the United States until 1986 largely due to business interests.

  2. Thomas Midgley who invented Ethyl, the lead-based additive to gasoline, also invented chlorofluorocarbons, which just about destroyed the ozone layer. He got polio, invented a wire-and-pulley system to get himself out of bed, and then ended up being strangled by it.

  3. Leaded gasoline is still being used in Algeria, Yemen, Iraq, and as an additive in some grades of aviation gasoline. Aviation gasoline alone releases 100 tons of lead every year

  4. Bride burning is epidemic in India, with around 1500 women immolated each year, with increased prevalence around 1993. It is done when a bride's family refuses to pay additional dowry to the prospective husband and his family, who then douse her in kerosene or gasoline before emblazing her.

  5. All gasoline, regardless of what station sells it, is basically the same. All stations buy from the same refiners, the only difference is an ounce or two of detergent additive per tankful.

  6. Researchers estimate that many as one billion additional gallons of gasoline are consumed each year due to overweight and obese Americans

  7. Gasoline degrades without additives so grabbing a random car in the Zombie Apocalypse after a year or two won't work.

  8. Obese people in the US consume an additional Billion gallons of gasoline being transported per year.

  9. American Ethyl Corporation by distribution of tetraethyllead, a gasoline antiknock additive, raised the lead concentration in Earth's atmosphere and human blood to unimaginary levels. The lead we won't be able to ever remove.

gasoline additive facts
What was once used as a gasoline additive?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Gasoline Additive. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Gasoline Additive so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor