Front Door facts
While investigating facts about Front Doors and Front Door Paint, I found out little known, but curios details like:
About “Latchkey Incontinence” - a phenomenon where the urge to urinate gets stronger the closer you are to a bathroom. One example would be when you put your key in your front door when returning home from work.
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In 1971, burglars were able to steal records from the FBI simply by leaving a note on the front door of the Delaware office that said "Please don't lock this door tonight"
What front door colour?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what front door color. Here are 48 of the best facts about Front Door Colors and Front Doors For Sale I managed to collect.
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In 2002, a British woman was so annoyed by Jehovah Witnesses repeatedly knocking on her door, she waited until they were holding a service, then started pounding on the front doors of their church. Then, she tried to get them to change religions. After about a half-hour, she was forced to leave
When an Indian law required bars to be at least 500m from certain roads, one bar built a maze in front of its entrance to triple the walking distance from the door to the street. Regulators accepted this solution.
Hunter S. Thompson pranked Jack Nicholson on his birthday by shining a spotlight on his house, blasting a recording of a pig being eaten alive by bears, firing his pistol, and leaving an elk's heart at the front door, while Nicholson and his two daughters hid in the basement.
A Dutch nursing home for people with dementia puts actual-size stickers of their former front doors on the doors to their rooms. This helps the patients find their rooms and gives the place a familiar feel.
When a Louisana woman was kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend, she was rescued by her family. When his involvement became known, they went to his house ahead of the police. They kicked the front door down and shot him 3 times, killing him. They’d walked in on him stabbing her. None were charged.
In 2006 a blind man named Jim Sherman saved his 84 year-old neighbor from a blazing house fire. He felt his way to her front door via a fence and tapping the sidewalk. He "heard crackling, smelled smoke, and felt intense heat" yet still entered, found the blind infirm woman and led her to safety
A blind cat named Homer risked his own life to save his owner. As the owner put it, one terrifying Miami night, Homer flung himself at a man who’d broken into her apartment while she slept, chasing the intruder out of her bedroom and all the way out the front door.
17-year-old California teen, Max Wade, stole Guy Fieri's $200,000 Lamborghini from a San Francisco car dealership by rappelling down from the roof and driving out the front door.
Because Boeing expected supersonic passenger airliners to render the 747 and other subsonic airliners obsolete, they designed the 747 with a hump to allow the aircraft to be easily converted for cargo by installing a front cargo door below the flight deck.
A man was required to change nationality after the borders of his town, (and incidentally his house) that straddles two countries, were accurately defined. To avoid this, he merely moved his front door...
Front Door data charts
For your convenience take a look at Front Door figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Front door won't lock?
You can easily fact check why is front door sticking by examining the linked well-known sources.
Before Kelly Johnson designed the SR-71, he designed the first twin engine American fighter, the P-38 Lightning. Despite starting off with a terrible record, it ended up being used on all sorts of special missions, including bouncing a 500lb bomb through the front door of German Headquarters.
On the night of Lincoln's assassination, Vice President Andrew Johnson's secretary picked up a note on Johnson's front door reading "I don't wish to disturb you, are you home? - J. Wilkes Booth." - source
Suicide" doors, which are hinged at the rear rather than at the front, were popular with mobsters during the 1930s. Supposedly, this was because the design of the doors made it significantly easier to push passengers out of moving vehicles. - source
The iconic hump of the 747 exists because Boeing assumed supersonic planes would make the 747 obsolete for passengers. The raised flight deck allows for a large front cargo door.
A red front door means different things in different cultures. For instance the Scottish would paint their doors red to indicate they've paid off their mortgages. - source
When front door opens into living room?
Black bear can easily open the jars and door latches using its skillful front paws.
How to paint a front door?
A man, disfigured from a self-inflicted shotgun blast to the face, set fire to apartment complex after management requested that he would stop masturbating in front of windows and open doors
Originally the Menorah was placed outside the front door, but today it is mostly displayed in the window.
In Scotland, homeowners would paint their front door RED to signify that they had paid off their mortgage.
Serial killer Ted Bundy escaped from jail twice. First time he jumped from a second story building during a recess break while defending himself in court. Second time he broke into the apartment of the chief jailer, changed into street clothes, and walked out the front door to freedom.