Frequency Hz facts
While investigating facts about Frequency Hz Chart and Frequency Hz Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is a specific frequency (18.98 Hz) that will cause your eyeball to resonate creating false hallucinations of ghosts.
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There is an individual whale of an unidentified species that calls at the highly unusual frequency of 52 Hertz (the highest normal average is 39 Hz), compelling scientists to call this the "world's loneliest whale"
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is frequency hopping used for. Here are 28 of the best facts about Frequency Hz List and Frequency Hz Music I managed to collect.
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Cat purring has the ability to aid in cat and human healing of broken bones, joint and tendon repair, and wound healing due to purring at a low frequency between 25 and 140 Hz.
Chameleons do not have ear opening or outer ears, but they are not deaf. They can detect sounds in the frequency range from 200 to 600 Hz.
That, since the 1980s, the callings of an individual member of an unidentified species of whale have been recorded at the unusual frequency of 52 Hz. It is the only known whale calling at that frequency, and it is known as the world's loneliest whale.
Infrasound can cause phenomena that people typically associate with ghosts. The sound waves may vibrate the human eye, causing people to see things that are not there. Usually, these waves have frequencies of less than 20 Hz, so they are too low-pitched for people to actually perceive.
Bats can detect frequencies between 20 and 120 000 Hz (humans can hear only those from 20 - 20 000 Hz).
Infrasound is an extremely low frequency between .1 -20Hz. It is so low, that humans cannot hear it without the aid of electronic equipment, but can feel it
The quartz crystal forks used in quartz watches are tuned using gold that is then taken off, incrementally, by lasers to insure that the quartz crystal oscillates at the correct frequency of 32,768 hertz (Hz) ± 0.06 Hz
The exhaust frequency of the Maserati Quattroporte is 333 HZ, which is a frequency level that supposedly stimulates the sexual arousal in women.[26]
Singing sand is a phenomenon in which sand produces sounds via the wind and is most commonly reported to have a frequency at 450 Hz
Frequency Hz data charts
For your convenience take a look at Frequency Hz figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why frequency is 50 hz in india?
You can easily fact check why frequency is 50 hz by examining the linked well-known sources.
Bee's are the only insect able to hum without flying and that said hum's frequency is between 150 - 200 Hz - source
In 1930 the hertz (Hz) was established as the name for frequency replacing the previous "cycles per second."
Many electric alarm clocks use the frequency (Hz) of your local electricity to measure time, and this is why the time can sometimes fluctuate.
Japan uses different frequencies across their nation due to 19th century's local purchase of different Hz generators from Germany vs United States, and they failed to unifying it ever since until today. - source
When a sound of frequency 300 hz?
The pitch made when you dial a given number is the same on every phone. For example, dialing '1' will always produce a tone comprised of frequencies 1209 and 697 Hz.
How to measure hz frequency?
A sound wave of 19 Hz frequency can induce feelings of fear...
There's a lonely whale out there known as the 52-hertz whale, it calls at the very unusual frequency of 52 Hz which is much higher than any other whale species.
The 52-hertz whale. It calls at an usually high frequency of 52Hz. Most whale calls are between 10-39Hz. It is the only known whale to ever emit calls at this frequency and has been described as "the world's loneliest whale".
The frequency of Cat Purrs (~25 hz) can improve and maintain bone density that would otherwise be lost during long periods of rest or inactivity.
A bowed string instrument with the height of a small giraffe (3.48 m) exists. It's called the octobass and can be tuned to play a 16 Hz note, which is below the frequency that humans can hear. It is so large that sometimes two musicians are required to play it.