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Forged Signature facts

While investigating facts about Forged Signature Crime and Forged Signature On Mortgage Documents, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Albert Göring, the younger brother of the head of Luftwaffe Hermann Göring, helped many Jews and dissidents survive in Germany by forging his brother’s signature and falsifying transit documents.

how to prove a forged signature?

Keanu Reeves was once forced into playing a serial killer due to a friend forging his signature on a contract. To avoid a lengthy legal process, Keanu just took the job.

What happens if someone forged my signature?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a forged signature. Here are 16 of the best facts about Forged Signature Detection and Forged Signature On Loan Agreement I managed to collect.

what to do if someone forged my signature?

  1. Keanu Reeves was forced to star in the critically-derided film The Watcher (2000) due to the fact a friend forged his signature on the contract agreement

  2. Deon Francois owes $400/week in child support after his ex-wife stole a notary seal, forged his signature and gained access to sperm that NYU's sperm bank was supposed to have disposed of. He later sued NYU and the notary for $9 million.

  3. Walt Disney tried to enroll into the Navy but was rejected for being underage. When he tried to join the Red Cross Ambulance Corps, Walt's father protested, stating he could be signing his son's death warrant, but Walt's mother forged his signature anyway.

  4. Yoshitaka Fujii was found to have fabricated data in at least 183 scientific papers, setting what is believed to be a record for the number of papers by a single author requiring retractions. He even forged the signatures of scientists he listed as co-authors without their knowledge.

  5. Keanu Reeves claims a friend forged his signature as part of the agreement to star in 'The Watcher.' Rather than fight a legal battle, he begrudgingly acted in the film.

  6. Actor Keanu Reeves was forced into doing the film "The Watcher" when his assistant Brian forged his signature on a contract. He performed the role rather than get involved in a lengthy legal battle.

  7. Ncsoft once terminated and forged the signature of its developer while he was in space costing him millions of dollar in stock.

  8. Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez death was reported as March 5, 2013, but that he actually died in December 2012. This was done allegedly because allies close to Chavez forged his signature onto legislation that had been pending before his death.

forged signature facts
What is the penalty for notarizing a forged signature?

What is true about forged signature?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A government chemist falsified the results of 40,000 drug test that sent thousands of innocent Americans to prison. She had intentionally forged signatures and tampered with evidence to further both her career, as well as many prosecutors who she had close relations with.

Ty Cobb's reputation as a terrible person in baseball was due to his biographer Al Stump writing factual lies about the baseball player in his books. Stump was also accused of forging Cobb's signature on memorabilia - source

Hermann Goering's little brother Albert used his connections to help Jews escape the Third Reich. He once forged his brother's signature allowing him to rock up to a concentration camp, pick up a load of prisoners for "labour" and then release them in a forest.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Forged Signature. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Forged Signature so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor