Fool Joke facts
While investigating facts about Fool Jokes In Hindi and Fool Joker Quotes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2001 a Hooter's restaurant held a sales contest offering the prize of a new Toyota (which was actually April Fools’ joke). When a waitress won, she was given a new toy “Yoda". She sued the restaurant alleging fraudulent misrepresentation and won enough money to buy a new car.
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An April Fool's Day Joke on the BBC resulted in a number of people contacting them in order to discover how they could grow their own Spaghetti Trees. At the time, Spaghetti was fairly unknown in the UK. It is regarded as one of the biggest hoaxes ever from a reputable news establishment.
What are some good april fool jokes?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is 72000 april fool joke. Here are 50 of the best facts about Fool Joker and Fool Jokes In English I managed to collect.
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Pat Sajak and Alex Trebek swapped places on Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune as an April Fool's joke in 1997
When Gmail was introduced with an unbelievable 1GB free storage in 2004, Hotmail only offered 2MB. Google announced Gmail on April 1st, and wrote a punny and unprofessional press release, tricking many into thinking it was an April's fool joke
Gmail was believed to be an April Fools joke upon its release on March 29 due to its 1 GB storage space: Hotmail offered only 2mb at the time
Alex Trebek and Pat Sajak swapped places on Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune as an April Fool's joke in 1997
As an April Fool's joke, Audi once advertised a car with a built-in rice cooker in Japan
Mattel made and sold Wonder Woman’s “invisible jet” as a collectible. The package was an empty plastic shell with nothing inside, and was originally intended as an April Fool’s joke.
On Saturday night (30 March '12), the Chief of the Israeli Navy gave a surprise order for 3 ships to prepare to leave for a 10-day exercise; the men on the ships worked all night only to learn the next morning (1 April '12) that it was all an April Fool's Day joke.
Hooters was founded on April 1, 1983 by a group of six businessmen called the Hooters 6. They chose April Fools' Day as a joke because they believed it was going to fail.
Mattel made and sold Wonder Woman's "invisible jet" as a collectible. The package was an empty plastic shell with nothing inside, and was originally intended as an April Fool's joke. It now sells for several hundred dollars.
HTTP status code 418: "I'm a teapot", created as an April Fool's joke, but officially documented by IETF for "networked coffee pots".
Fool Joke data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fool Joke figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why iron pyrite is called fool gold by examining the linked well-known sources.
As an April Fool's joke, a man named Porky set fire to 70 tires he placed in the crater of the dormant volcano Mt. Edgecumbe, fooling the residents of Sitka, Alaska into believing the volcano was about to blow.
About the Spaghetti-tree hoax. An April fools day joke report by the BBC in 1957. It showed a family harvesting spaghetti from the family "spaghetti tree". At the time spaghetti was little known in the UK, so many viewers contacted the BBC for more information about spaghetti trees. - source
As an April Fool's Day joke, Gamestation added a clause stating that users who placed an order on April 1, 2010 agreed to irrevocably give their soul to the company. 7,500 users agreed. - source
Mitch Hedberg died of a cocaine and heroin drug overdose. His death was formally announced on April 1, 2005, leading some to believe it was an April Fools' Day joke.
Taco Bell once pranked Americans into thinking it bought the Liberty Bell in an April Fools joke, people went ballistic. - source
When was fool's gold discovered?
On April fools Day in 1957, BBC show panorama hoaxed the nation with a report about an annual spaghetti harvest. The report showed farmers picking spaghetti from trees and laying the strands down to dry. Newspapers were split over weather it was a great joke or a terrible hoax on the public.
As an April Fools joke, Wikitravel wrote an in depth travel guide for Mordor, comparing it to Detroit and labeling it the preferred destination for ringbearers.
In 1698 an April Fools" Day joke tricked several individuals to go to see lions being washed at the Tower Of London.
Italy, Belgium, France, and Quebec, Canada often refer to April Fools" Day as April Fish. Part of this custom is to attach a paper fish to someone's back as a joke, without being noticed. This is referred to as "Poisson d"Avril".
In 1998, David Bowie published a book detailing the life of a completely fictitious artist named "Nate Tate", to help out a friends April Fools joke.
Most April Fools" Day jokes include a prank, sending someone on an errand to find something that doesn"t exist, or trying to get someone to believe something that is not true.