Flight Simulator facts
While investigating facts about Flight Simulator X and Flight Simulator Google, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Two people died inside of a flight simulator inside of a flight safety building because an airplane crashed into it.
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Three people in a flight simulator died after a real plane crashed into the building
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best flight simulator. Here are 40 of the best facts about Flight Simulator 2019 and Flight Simulator Games I managed to collect.
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3 people died while in a flight simulator in a flight safety building, due to a plane crashing into it.
Microsoft Flight Simulator is the longest-running running software product line for Microsoft, predating Windows by three years.
Most of Apollo 13 was shot in simulated zero gravity, over the course of 612 25 second flights in a free-falling plane.
When Lauda Air Flight 4 crashed in the Thailand jungle in 1991, airline owner Niki Lauda, famed Formula 1 champion, personally went to Boeing to demonstrate in their flight simulator that the crash was an aircraft engine failure. He succeeded, changing how Boeing viewed their plane's engines.
About the "Barefoot Bandit," a Washington kid who began living in the wild at age 7. He was responsible for over 100 thefts including airplanes he learned to pilot by playing flight simulators. He was finally apprehended after crash-landing in the Bahamas with a Cesna he stole in Indiana.
In 2014 two people training in an flight simulator died FROM A PLANE CRASH when a pilot taking off lost his left engine and flew into the facility
The revolutionary Sega Model 2 arcade system used 3D texture mapping directly licensed from Lockheed Martin, which had developed the technology for use in military flight simulators
Microsoft Flight Simulator is the longest running Microsoft software product line for Microsoft, predating Windows by 3 years. It was originally picked up to show of superiority of IBM PC line over Apple products.
The most plausible reason behind MH 370 disappearance is that it was deliberately crashed by the plane pilot Zaharie. Forensic exam of Microsoft flight simulator in Zaharie's home by FBI revealed that he experimented with a flight profile roughly matching that of MH 370.
A man named Edwin Link, invented the flight simulator out of a amusement park toy that was used to train many pilots and stopped the crashing of planes in postal services.
Flight Simulator data charts
For your convenience take a look at Flight Simulator figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why rc flight simulator by examining the linked well-known sources.
Virgin America released a marketing campaign centred around a six hour long simulation of an average flight, BLAH Airlines. The six hour film premiered at a Dallas film festival, and whoever sat through the entire film got special rewards from Virgin America.
The flight software of the International Space Station (ISS) "exceeds 1.8 million lines of source code supported on the ground [Planet Earth] by a test environment comprised of another 3.3 million source lines of simulation software, and 11 million source lines of test scripts." - source
A TransAsia flight crashed in 2015 in Taiwan, killing 43 after the crew mishandled an engine malfunction after takeoff. An investigation revealed 9 months earlier the captain failed a simulator check, in which he improperly handled engine malfunctions after takeoff. - source
In 2013, Stanford conducted an experiment on how having superpowers could influence a person's moral decisions. They found that being granted the power of flight in a VR simulation (as opposed to riding passenger in a helicopter) resulted in the subjects being more helpful towards others.
The Microsoft Flight Simulator game series were at the centre of controversy shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Allegedly, it was suspected that terrorists used the game in order to practice the attacks on the WTC. - source
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The Space Shuttle "test article," a wood & steel crude mock-up of the shuttles used to test facilities, cranes, roadways, etc. instead of the far more expensive flight simulator "Enterprise." It was later refurbished to better resemble the Shuttles and renamed "Pathfinder."
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A Flight Enthusiast built an extremely realistic 747 Flight Simulator in his warehouse for under $200,000, and earned the Guinness World Record for his feat.
Images depicting the World Trade Centre were removed from Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 and several retailers stopped stocking the game after the attacks. It included simulations of flying around New York and Washington skylines that features the possibility of crashing planes into buildings
The Pilot Of The Famous Missing MH370 Plane That Was Supposed to be Flying From Malaysia to China Simulated Almost the Exact Off-Course Route The Plane Took Before It Disappeared On His Home Flight Simulator
On October 30, 2014 a real plane crashed against a Flight simulation center, killing 4 people
A Flight Simulator fan Killed a Pilot and took over an Airplane