Flat Earth facts
While investigating facts about Flat Earth, I found out little known, but curios details like:
“With extraordinary few exceptions, no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat,”
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During the early Middle Ages, almost every scholar thought the Earth was round, not flat. The myth that they thought earth is flat back, picked up steam in the 1800s, right around the same time the idea of evolution was rising in prominence — and religious and scientific interests clashed.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Flat Earth I managed to collect.
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People of the Middle Ages widely accepted the Earth was spherical. The notion they thought the world was flat is actually a misconception.
The idea that people used to think that the world was flat is actually a modern misconception and "with extraordinary few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat"
Virtually all Middle Ages scholars believed that the Earth is spherical. The myth that people in the Middle Ages thought the earth is flat appears to date from the 17th century as part of the campaign by Protestants against Catholic teaching.
Some people still believe earth is flat, and that earth is a disc encased by antarctica and a 150 foot wall of ice at the edge, guarded by NASA employed security guards.
Samuel Rowbotham who created the Flat Earth Society dropped out of school at the age of 9.
TIL The human eye is so sensitive that, if the Earth were flat, you could spot a candle in the dark from 20 miles away!
Many people who believe in the Flat Earth theory also believe that flat-top mountains are actually giant tree stumps
Rapper B.o.B thinks the earth is flat, and got into a Twitter war with Neil DeGrasse Tyson over it that ultimately resulted in a diss track.
Europeans in the Middle Ages never actually thought the Earth was flat. The idea that they did is called the Myth of the Flat Earth.
Flat Earth data charts
For your convenience take a look at Flat Earth figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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The Myers-Brigg Personality Test is characterized as pseudoscience, due to its "consistent problems with repeatability, in addition to problems of whether or not it has exhaustive and mutually exclusive classifications", landing it on the same list as Modern flat Earth beliefs and astrology
For all the hysteria, peak membership in the Flat Earth Society was 3500 people in the late 90s - source
In the Science of Discworld books, which tells of a flat "earth" floating through space, there is a organization called Omnianism, on Discworld, that believes the Discworld is round.
Although Nepal's area is actually much the same as that of the state of Florida in USA, if Nepal could be taken off the face of the earth and laid flat, its area would equal that of the whole of the United States of America - source
When the earth was still flat?
Mad Mike Hughes, a flat-earth conspiracy theorist and limo driver who taught himself rocket science and built his own rocket from scrap, launching himself multiple times 1000+ feet in the air, all without believing in science.
If the earth were suddenly flat the water would be 2 miles deep everywhere.
According to a flat earth theory our forests are not "real", thousands of years ago, 99% of the Earth’s biosphere were destroyed, and the real forests were taken away. Real trees were hundreds of kilometres tall, magical organisms that sustained a total living ecology of the flat earth.
A group of flat earthers spent tens of thousands of dollars to prove the earth was flat, only to prove it was a globe.