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Flashing Lights facts

While investigating facts about Flashing Lights Lyrics and Flashing Lights In Eye, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Michael Jordan practiced with strobe lights on so he wouldn't be distracted by camera flashes in game

how flashing lights cause seizures?

The Cinderella Castle (189 ft) and Tower of Terror (199 ft) at Disney World (Orlando, FL, USA) are intentionally under 200 feet (61 m) tall to avoid regulations that would require it to have flashing aircraft warning lights at the top.

What causes flashing lights in eyes?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes flashing lights in your eyes. Here are 50 of the best facts about Flashing Lights In Eye Stroke and Flashing Lights In Eyes At Night I managed to collect.

flashing lights when eyes closed at night?

  1. Nuclear bombers from the Cold War were typically painted white or with a white underside to reflect light from the nuclear blast it would deliver, the paint is called "anti-flash white"

  2. Every night in Providence, RI, skyscrapers, tugboats, hotels, and police cars flash and blink their lights on and off at 8:30 to tell kids at children's hospitals good night

  3. In Japan, in 1997, a Pokemon scene with flashing lights induced mass seizures in children across the country. Reporting on the incident, the nightly news replayed the offending scene, prompting yet MORE seizures.

  4. Hugh Grant got busted for soliciting a prostitute because he kept pressing his brake pedal with his foot while receiving oral sex, causing a police officer to notice the flashing brake light.

  5. A super massive star called Eta Carinae (7,500 light years from Earth) is nearing the end of its life. It could explode tomorrow or 1000 years from now in what is known as a supernova. The explosion will create a blast so violent that its flash will briefly outshine the entire Milky Way.

  6. Walt Disney specified that Cinderella Castle at Disney World would be just short enough not to require a flashing red aircraft warning light on top distracting from the "magic."

  7. Planet Fitness prohibits members from creating an "intimidating atmosphere." Grunting and banging weights result in either the "lunk alarm," a siren with flashing blue lights to humiliate the perpetrator, or membership cancellation.

  8. There is a species of firefly in the U.S.'s Great Smokey Mountains that synchronize their flashing patterns so that they all light up at the same time.

  9. About synchronous fireflies. They only appear a few places in the world. The males all flash at the same time signaling to the females they are the right species. The light display is so popular, over 20,000 people apply to a lottery to get into Shenendoah National Park every year to see them

  10. In MIT students once put a police car on top of MIT's dome overnight with the flashing warning lights still in operation with a dummy policeman inside holding a box of donuts and coffee.

flashing lights facts
What causes flashing lights in one eye?

Why flashing lights in eyes?

You can easily fact check why flashing lights in one eye by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1979 there was an unidentified double-flash of light near the Prince Edward Islands off of Antartica detected by the Vela Hotel Satellite, suspected to be a nuclear test carried out by South Africa and Israel, but no one ever took credit for it.

David Hasselhoff's incredible popularity in Germany began with a performance of "Looking for Freedom," atop the Berlin Wall and complete with jacket fitted with flashing, battery-powered lights, a month before the wall fell. People later thanked him for the fall of the wall. - source

The same “Blinking and Flashing Lights” prop in Airplane II (1982) was also used in Star Trek II (1982) and an episode of Star Trek: Voyager (2000). An image I made comparing the still-frames is in the comments. [resubmitted with a better source] - source

Flashes of light in the sky (earthquake lights) often appear before a major earthquake, and can serve as a warning of impending disaster.

Due to electrical excitement, xenon is used in high-powered lamps and flash lamps such as photography strobe lights.

Headache when flashing lights?

UK Radio stations have a blue 'OBIT Light' which will alert DJs to play "inoffensive music" and prepare for a news flash of the death of The Queen of England.

How to make flashing lights in minecraft?

In 1997, an episode of Pokemon featured a scene with flashing lights which induced mass seizures in children across Japan. A subsequent news report replayed the offending scene and prompted more seizures.

Fire trucks with lights and sirens blaring still have to stop when there is a school bus on the other side of the road with its red lights flashing.

In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho if a police officer suspects that the occupants of a vehicle are engaging in sex, he must either honk, or flash his lights and wait for three minutes before approaching the car.

Military used photo flash bombs to light up the sky's back in WWII

Flashing lights when eyes closed?

Krypton is used as a intense white light source for flash photography due to numerous emission lines.

Completely pure, recrystalized LSD will emit flashes of white light when shaken in the dark

There exists such a thing as "anti-paparazzi" clothing, coated in glass nanospheres which reflect light from camera flashes and results in images taken of the wearer coming back horrendously overexposed.

The green flash, an optical phenomenon that occurs during sunset or sunrise. The color green is occasionally visible for a few seconds, and happenes because Earth's atmosphere can separate the light into the spectrum.

There is a shrimp that can move its claw so fast that the water around the movement boils and there is a flash of light.

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Contrary to popular belief, photosensitive epilepsy (the form of epilepsy where seizures are triggered by flashing lights) is actually rare—it only accounts for about 3% of all cases.

The flashing red light on a Nintendo is caused by the lockout chip thinking games are pirated. Disabling it will have the old console running far more reliably.

Bono always wears sunglasses because his eyes are so sensitive to light that even the flash from a camera can cause swelling

"shrimpoluminescense": the pistol shrimp quickly snaps a specialized claw, creating a cavitation bubble moving at 60 miles per hour, releasing a sound reaching 218 decibels and acoustic pressures of up to 80 kPa, strong enough to kill small fish, and even create a tiny flash of light

Your eyes can detect even a single photon(Meaning that the nerves produce a response), though you won't be able to see a flash of light.

In Germany, LED lights have been installed on the curb to try to prevent people who are walking while looking at their phones from getting hit by streetcars. The lights flash red when a streetcar is approaching.

A mantis shrimp can swing its claw so fast it boils the water around it and creates a flash of light.

Only 3% of people with epilepsy are sensitive to flashing lights.

In Japan, in 1997, a Pokemon scene with flashing lights induced mass seizures in children across the country. Reporting on the incident, the nightly news replayed the offending scene, prompting yet MORE seizures.

Fireflies or lightning bugs use their bioluminescence (flash signaling) during twilight to attract mates. Their signals can vary greatly in duration, timing, colors, and repetition across sub-species and regions. Most importantly, their numbers are declining due to artificial night lighting.

Fireflies are actually beetles, there are about 2,000 firefly species, and their light flashes in patterns that are unique to each species.

Uber Technologies has filed a patent on how self-driving cars might communicate with pedestrians. The patent title is "Light output system for a self-driving vehicle." The patent looks at how flashing lights and signs on the outside of self-driving cars might tell pedestrians what is happening.

In 1994 the Academy Award's documentary nomination committee had a system in which one would wave a flashlight on screen when they gave up on the film. When a majority of the lights flashed, the film was turned off. Hoop Dreams didn’t even make it to 20 minutes.

Cookiecutter shark has light-emitting organs, called photophores, on the underside of the body. It can produce continuous greenish light or strobe-like, flashing light. Bioluminescence (production of light) is used mainly for the attraction of the prey. Cookiecutter shark is able to emit light up to 3 hours after death.

Buildings and people in Providence, RI flash their lights every night to cheer up and say goodnight to the children in Hasbro Children's Hospital

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Flashing Lights. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Flashing Lights so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor