Firefox Chrome facts
While investigating facts about Firefox Chromecast and Firefox Chromecast Extension, I found out little known, but curios details like:
AdBlock is the most popular Google Chrome extension, with over forty million users, and the most popular Safari extension as well. It averages about twenty-one million users per day through Firefox.
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Firefox and Chrome users stay in their jobs 15 percent longer than their Safari and IE counterparts.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the difference between firefox and chrome. Here are 10 of the best facts about Firefox Chromebook and Firefox Chrome Extension I managed to collect.
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How to Always Start Any Browser in Private Browsing Mode | Start private browsing in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Chrome.
How to download YouTube videos on Chrome & Mozilla Firefox | 2018
Animated PNGs are viewable in Firefox while Chrome and IE will show a static image
Netflix only outputs 1080p in IE, Edge, and Safari. Chrome and FireFox only support 720p.
If you want to play youtube without paying for youtube red on your phone with the screen off, just use a browser that isn't chrome. Mozilla Firefox or samsung's internet app work.
Google Chrome and Firefox caps streaming resolution (like Netflix) at 720p while Internet Explorer runs up to 1080p.
People who fill out online job applications using browsers that did not come with the computer (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer) but had to be deliberately installed (like Firefox or Chrome) perform better and change jobs less often.
Firefox Chrome data charts
For your convenience take a look at Firefox Chrome figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.