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Fire Brigades facts

While investigating facts about Fire Brigades Union and Fire Brigades Union Case, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The first Roman fire brigade was created to be very lucrative. Arriving at the scene the fire fighters did nothing while a price was negotiated. Failing to reach a deal, the structure was allowed to burn to the ground after which an offer was made to purchase it for a fraction of its value.

how many fire brigades in the uk?

A re-creation of the famous War of the Worlds broadcast preformed in Ecuador caused such a panic, that police and fire brigades rushed out of town to fight the supposed alien. After the people found out it was fake, they burned down the radio station, killing 6 people.

What are fire brigades?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do fire brigades do. Here are 16 of the best facts about Fire Brigades Credit Union and Fire Brigades Act 1942 I managed to collect.

what fire brigades are recruiting?

  1. Marcus Licinius Crassus created the first known Roman fire brigade. When a fire broke out, his crew did absolutely nothing until Crassus had negotiated a price for their services. If no price was agreed on, he'd let the property burn to the ground and offer to buy it for a fraction of the cost.

  2. In February 1942, unknown objects were seen over the city of Los Angeles. A nearby artillery brigade fired over 1400 rounds into the skies over the city in response.

  3. In Ypres, every day since 1928, at 8 o'clock the last post is sounded by the local fire brigade commemorating fallen WW1 soldiers

  4. In 2013, the London Fire Brigade released a campaign titled "Fifty Shades of Red," which discouraged men from performing sex acts with toasters and other household appliances.

  5. In 2013, the London Fire Brigade released a campaign titled "Fifty Shades of Red", discouraging young men from performing sexual acts with toasters, as they had received numerous calls in response to the acts.

  6. In 17th century England, fires were the biggest danger. Insurance companies would create their own fire brigades and put a firemark one their customers. In the event of a fire, several brigades would be dispatched. If they didn't see their firemark, they would leave and let the building burn.

  7. The Paris Fire Brigade, primary fire and rescue service for Paris, is actually a unit of the French Army.

fire brigades facts
What is the fire brigades role?

Fire Brigades data charts

For your convenience take a look at Fire Brigades figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

fire brigades fact data chart about Animal Rescue incidents attended by the London Fire Brigade,
Animal Rescue incidents attended by the London Fire Brigade, UK (2009-2016)

fire brigades fact data chart about I used 10 years of London Fire Brigade data on fires caused
I used 10 years of London Fire Brigade data on fires caused by candles

Why join the fire brigade?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1954 fire brigade reject Andre Duquerais set a house on fire and joined in to help the firemen. He told fire brigade officers afterwards that he wanted to show them he could fight fires as well as the next man.

Paris Fire Brigade is responsible for the fire safety of Guiana Space Centre located 7075km away from Paris itself - source

Foxconn City, a walled factory campus in China that has its own pools, fire brigade, city centre, and tv network. - source

In 17th Century London, insurance companies had their own fire brigades. Your insured building would have a plaque with the company's logo on it, and if it was burning down, the other fire brigades would not put it out because the plaque was not for their company.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Fire Brigades. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Fire Brigades so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor