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Finger Thumb facts

While investigating facts about Finger Thumb Circle and Finger Thumb Opposition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Mongols under the rule of Genghis Khan pulled the bowstrings of their bows back with their thumb instead of using a "Mediterranean draw" with three fingers, so to protect their thumbs, the Mongols invented a "thumb ring"

how to treat trigger finger thumb?

You can count to 12 on one hand by using your thumb to count the bones of each finger. This might explain the base 12 and base 60 number systems we use for telling time and measuring angles.

What causes trigger finger in thumb?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering the thumb is what to the ring finger. Here are 50 of the best facts about Finger Thumb Test and Finger Thumb Pot Holder I managed to collect.

what causes numbness in thumb index and middle finger?

  1. If you bend your middle finger under your palm on the table, you can lift the thumb, index, and little finger, but it is impossible to lift your ring finger. This is because the tendons in all fingers are independent, except those on the middle and ring finger.

  2. Spider monkeys do not have a thumb. Their four fingers are curved and look like a hook, which is special adaptation to the life in the forest.

  3. Just like humans, gorilla has 10 fingers on hands, 32 teeth and forward-looking eyes. Unlike humans, big toes on feet look like thumbs. Also, their arms are longer and more muscular.

  4. When playing the bongos the drummer usually holds them positioned between their legs. The position of the bongos depends on player preference but the technique of striking the bongos is the same in that the drummer strikes with their finger pads, thumbs, and heels of the hand, but never their knuckles.

  5. There are different techniques for holding the mallet when playing the vibraphone. Some hold the mallet between the index finger and thumb, and some players have many different mallets to enable them to create different sounds.

  6. The Sumerians used the duodecimal numeric system, counting the joints from each finger in both hands, excluding the thumbs and that's why we split the day in 24 hours (12x2).

  7. Legendary guitarist Django Reinhardt received first- and second-degree burns on his left hand when he was 18 and was told he would never be able to play guitar again, but by sheer will he taught himself to play using only his thumb, index and middle finger.

  8. Pandas have five fingers on their paws, and a sixth "thumb" that they evolved to handle bamboo better.

  9. A panda paw has six digits, including five fingers and an opposable "pseudo-thumb"

  10. Days are divided in two 12 hours periods because duodecimal number system was used by the Babylonians. They used their thumbs to count on their finger bones (3 on each of the 4 remaining fingers).

finger thumb facts
What did the finger say to the thumb?

Why is my thumb and pointer finger numb?

You can easily fact check why is your thumb not a finger by examining the linked well-known sources.

The most prominent feature on the body was hard, conically-shaped thumb spike. Researchers believe that Iguanodon used this spike either to protect itself against predators or to stab food. Long prehensile fifth finger was used for collecting food.

Chimpanzees thumb is in opposition with other fingers which means that their thumb is not in the same line with other four fingers (just like in human hands). Specific shape of hands allows them to develop and use tools, to groom each other....

About 85% of humans have a vestigial muscle called the Palmaris Longus muscle, which can be seen by touching the pads of the fourth finger and thumb and flexing the wrist. The tendon of the muscle, if present, will be visible in the midline of the anterior wrist. - source

Like many species of primates, bonobo's thumb is opposed to other fingers. This feature allows bonobo to grip the branches and to use different tools.

The sound that comes from snapping your fingers comes from your finger hitting your palm, not from the friction of the thumb and finger snapping. - source

Pain between thumb and index finger when gripping?

A theory on why we use a dozen as a unit of counting. Fingers! If counting with your thumb, each finger has three digits(the soft spots between the knuckles), you have 4 fingers, so one hand allows someone to count to twelve, using both hands you can count to 144 or 12 dozen!

How to make a finger thumb potholder?

Just like humans, loris has a thumb opposed to other fingers (thumb is not aligned with other fingers). This feature allows loris to grip the branches while walking and to hold the prey.

A thumbs up in Iran, Greece and Sardinia is comparable to giving someone the middle finger.

The scene from Inglorious Basterds with "3 glasses" is based in reality. Americans count on their fingers starting with the index fingers, whilst Western Europeans start with the thumb

Surgeons can transplant toes onto hands in order to replace missing fingers and thumbs.

The sound made when snapping your fingers is the sound of your middle finger slapping your palm and not the sound of your middle finger and thumb quickly rubbing past one another.

Thumb index and middle finger numb when sleeping?

Dentists can get thumb cancer from putting their fingers in peoples mouths to hold xray films

A "thumbs up" is equivalent to the "middle finger" in many parts of the world

In Iran & Iraq, the thumbs up gesture is the same as the middle finger in other parts of the world.

Lisa Bufano who, after losing both legs below the knee and all fingers and thumbs due to a Staph infection at 21, became a performance artists and dancer

To play the bassoon the bassoonist must use every finger and their thumbs as well.

How to cure trigger finger in thumb?

The thumb and pinky "Shaka sign" is believed to have originated in Hawaii during the early-mid 1900s and was inspired by Hamana Kalili, a security guard who lost his middle three fingers in a sugar cane mill accident, and would wave that hand to indicate "all clear"

Finger-counting is also known as "Dactylonomy" and some asian counters use the thumb as a pointer to the 3 finger bones on the other fingers to count to 12 on one hand (144 using both with the other hands joints representing each completed base-12)

Europeans use their thumb, index, and middle fingers to express the number 3 while in North America and the UK they use their index, middle, and ring fingers.

UK and US count numbers differently on their fingers to mainland Europe. We start with Index, they start with thumb. In China they have postures for all 10 with one hand.

The proper way to eat caviar is off the back of your hand, between your index finger and thumb. The reasoning is to avoid passing along bacteria by the palm of the hand, and to avoid unwanted flavor coming from a spoon.

Putting ones thumb on the tip of the nose and extending the fingers is called "Cock a Snook "

In former Persia, a gesture involving exposing only the thumb—a thumbs up—is used instead of the middle finger to express roughly the same sentiment.

You'll get more time off from work if you lose a thumb over a finger.

In developing vertebrates, growth factor "Sonic Hedgehog" ensures that the motor neurons in your spinal cord are located properly, that the bones of your vertebral column form correctly, and that your thumb and pinky fingers are on the correct sides of your hands.

We count in sets of 12 hours because you can conveniently use one hand's thumb to count the 12 phalanges of the remaining 4 fingers, and in sets of 60 minutes/seconds by using the remaining 5 fingers of the other hand for 5 iterations of 12.

Harold Lloyd lost a thumb and index finger doing publicity photos in 1919, which he disguised in later work with a prosthetic glove.

The number 6 in the chinese number gestures uses, like the hang loose, an extended thumb and little finger

After a Moray Eel bit off this diver's finger, surgeons made a functional thumb out of his toe

Before April 9, 2001, the NYSE used the denomination of 1/8 and then 1/16 because Spanish currency had a base of 8 when the exchange was founded in 1792. The Spanish used a base of 8 so that traders could more easily handle coins with their fingers and without the use of thumbs.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Finger Thumb. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Finger Thumb so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor