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Filed Complaint facts

While investigating facts about Filed Complaint Against Me and Filed Complaint Issued Summons, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The FBI started compiling a file on Sacha Baron Cohen while he was filming 'Borat' after receiving numerous complaints about a strange man travelling around the country in an ice cream truck.

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Parents filed an ethics complaint against a High School Biology teacher for using the word "vagina" while teaching reproduction.

What happens when a criminal complaint is filed against you?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does no complaint filed mean in arizona. Here are 33 of the best facts about Filed Complaint Lawsuit and Filed Complaint Meaning I managed to collect.

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  1. Burger King filed an official complaint against the movie “It” and tried to get it banned from theaters, claiming unlawful free advertising for McDonald’s since Pennywise is “an exact replica” of Ronald McDonald, thus promoting the rival restaurant.

  2. A 64-year-old Sydney man filed 19,600 noise complaints about airport noise over a 12 month period. He averaged approximately one complaint for every 20 minutes the airport was open.

  3. In March 2015, McDonald’s workers who allegedly suffered severe burns on the job have filed health and safety complaints. The complaints allege that, because of a lack of first aid supplies, workers were told by management to treat burn injuries with condiments such as mayonnaise and mustard.

  4. Parents filed an ethics complaint against a High School Biology teacher for using the word "vagina" while teaching reproduction.

  5. Since 2005, the Parents Television Council has deemed Family Guy the Worst TV Show of the Week on at least 40 occasions, and has filed many complaints to the FCC for "oblique sexual innuendo". Seth MacFarlane responded "it was like getting hate mail from Hitler."

  6. The United States Department of Justice has filed a forfeiture complaint in federal court to seize the rights to the movies "Dumb and Dumber To" and "Daddy's Home," on the grounds that the movies were financed using money stolen from a Malaysian government investment fund.

  7. When complaints were filed calling for the dismissal of Ulysses S. Grant due to his drinking habits, Lincoln responded, "I wish some of you would tell me the brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other generals."

  8. NYC Police Officers were formally accused of using an illegal chokehold during an arrest 1,048 times from January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2014 ... that's two complaints filed every three days

  9. A Swedish woman filed a police complaint for harassment when a man she rejected farted before leaving her home. Police dismissed the case and said: “It’s impossible to prove that he wanted to pass particularly smelly wind on purpose.”

  10. One of the things that initiated the downfall of Harvard educated money launderer Franklin Jurado was his neighbor in Luxembourg filing a noise complaint against him, because Jurado had a money-counting machine running all night

filed complaint facts
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In 2014 Segway Inc. filed a complaint about the infringement of its patents by several Chinese companies. One of those companies, backed by Xiaomi, simply acquired Segway Inc. in 2015.

Kimberly Turbin filed a complaint for battery and assault against Dr. Alex Abbassi when he performed an episiotomy on her during the birth of her son against her will. He made 12 cuts to her perineum, despite video footage showing her saying, "No, don't cut me." - source

Medical complaints in Kentucky require a $125 filing fee plus $12 for each named defendant. - source

Following the release of Stephen King’s “It” (2017) in Moscow, Burger King attempted to ban the movie by filing a complaint that Pennywise too closely resembles Ronald McDonald and therefore constitutes free marketing.

A woman filed a criminal complaint in 1938 against a 23 yo Frank Sinatra for Seduction and Adultery for sleeping with her while he was engaged to another woman. The charges were dismissed because she was not actually single and married to another man. - source

When was the whistleblower complaint filed?

In 2006 Morgan Stanley filed a complaint against a cat named Meow over a domain name the cat owned.

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Many fans and relatives of Michael Jackson doubt the authenticity of 3 tracks from his album "Michael." In 2014 a consumer who purchased the album filed a class action lawsuit against Sony Music. The complaint was based on an expert report prepared by a forensic phonetician.

Your membership in the UK's Registry of Artist's Models will likely be suspended if someone files a complaint that you got an erection while modeling nude for an art class.

1891, a criminal complaint was filed against 20 men for playing baseball on a Sunday as it was illegal for adults to "engage in sporting" on a Sunday. The judge dismissed the case after the men argued that baseball didn’t fall under the category of “sport”.

The Federal Communications Commission rules require commercials to have the same average volume as the programs they accompany. You can file a complaint if a TV commercial is obnoxiously loud.

Philip Morris International filed a complaint against Uruguay claiming that it's anti-smoking legislation devalued it's trademarks value.

What happens when a criminal complaint is filed against you?

The FCC bans sending Spam Text Messages without prior consent, and that complaints can be filed against violators.

In 1964 Oklahoma City was subjected to 6 months of daily sonic boom testing from jets by the FAA and US Air Force. Tests ended early when more than 15,000 residents filed complaints and windows on the tallest buildings were broken

The US filed a complaint with the WTO against the EU over a pact that enabled former colonies in the Caribbean to sell bananas exclusively to European markets, despite the US having no correlation to the exportation of bananas into Europe.

If you file an informal complaint to the FCC about a telecommunications billing or service issue, that company must reach out to you within 30 days.

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The city of Irwindale, CA once filed a lawsuit against Sriracha company, Huy Fong Foods, after receiving numerous complaints about peppery fumes.

In the U.S. folks not happy with the price of their cable service rates can file a complaint with the FCC

G.I. Joe character Zartan was originally released with a file card stating that he suffered from Paranoid Schizophrenia and Multiple Personality Disorder. After a complaint from a mental health organization, Hasbro removed this information from the file for later print runs.

Honduran courts tolerate child prostitution. "If the victim is older than 12, if he or she refuses to file a complaint and if the parents clearly profit from their child's commerce, we tend to look the other way" says a judge.

In Richmond, Canada, English-speaking residents of a townhouse complex filed a human rights complaint after the strata board switched to Mandarin-only meetings

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Editor Veselin Nedev Editor