Fell Asleep facts
While investigating facts about Fell Asleep Meaning and Fell Asleep With Contacts In, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Eminem's song "Lose Yourself" was the first rap song to win an Oscar for Best Original Song, but Eminem did not even watch the awards because he did not think he stood a chance at winning. Instead, he fell asleep watching cartoons with his daughter.
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At 84, Dick Van Dyke fell asleep surfing, floated out of sight of land and was rescued by Porpoises.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering guy who fell asleep at super bowl. Here are 50 of the best facts about Fell Asleep Or Fall Asleep and Fell Asleep Synonym I managed to collect.
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Ozzy Osbourne from Black Sabbath once fell asleep during a driving test, waking up to a note saying 'you have failed'. He passed in 2009, age 60, on his 19th attempt.
A woman fell asleep on a United flight and once the plane landed, the flight crew left her in the plane and locked her for 4 hours. A maintenance crew discovered her and had her detained and questioned.
A 5 year old boy in India fell asleep on a train and ended up lost and alone in Calcutta. 25 years later he finally found his way home using Google Maps
A British prisoner of war named Edwin Rose missed the liberation of his camp because he fell asleep on the toilet and slept through the battle. He woke to find everyone else gone, so he shaved, put on his best clothes and walked out to freedom.
In a Fox News interview for Now You See Me, Morgan Freeman fell asleep while co-star Michael Caine was chatting. Freeman responded, “Regarding my recent interview, I wasn’t actually sleeping. I’m a beta tester for Google Eyelids and I was merely taking the opportunity to update my Facebook page”
Salvador Dali would take micronaps by sitting in a chair holding a metal key above a plate. When he fell asleep, he'd drop the key and wake himself up.
The Santa Marie didn't make to the U.S. because the crew partied too hard and all fell asleep. Only the cabin boy stayed awake to steer, but he crashed the ship into Haiti.
A 2013 BBC study found that 56% of pilots fell asleep while flying, and 29% had woken up to find the co-pilot also asleep.
Fell Asleep data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fell Asleep figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why does only my pinky fell asleep by examining the linked well-known sources.
Thomas Edison's best ideas came to him before he fell asleep, so he would hold metal balls over buckets as he fell asleep so that when he dropped them, they would make a loud sound which would wake him up so the idea was fresh.
A German bank employee fell asleep on his keyboard while transfer funds. He transferred 222,222,222.22 euros in error, was fired and then later reinstated. - source
According to Japanese legend, Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen, also created tea. In a fit of anger at himself for falling asleep during meditation, he ripped off his eyelids, which fell to the ground and miraculously sprouted into tea plants. - source
Chinese Emperor Ai of Han fell asleep with his male lover. Legend says the Emperor was woken up but his lover was asleep on his sleeve. Instead of waking up his lover, the Emperor cut around his sleeve. The 'Passion of the Cut Sleeve' has since become a euphemism of same-sex love in China.
John Coltrane fell asleep on the set of a Thelonious Monk record due to his heroin addiction. You can hear Monk shout to him at 2:21 followed by a slightly delayed opening by Trane. - source
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A German bank teller fell asleep at the keyboard and accidentally transferred 222,222,222.222 euros from a customer's account.
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A United Airlines passenger fell asleep on a flight and woke up locked in an empty plane. She was discovered by a maintenance crew after 4 hours! At which point she was detained and questioned.
Michael Doucette, a teenager who was named “America’s safest driving teen”, died in a car crash when he fell asleep at the wheel
John Coltrane fell asleep during the recording of a Miles Davis album at the height of his heroin addiction and can be heard running towards the mic after waking up just in time for his solo at 2:34
In 1989, Michael Doucette was named America's Safest Driving Teen. In 1990, he fell asleep at the wheel and collided with an oncoming car, killing himself and the other driver.
Dave Mustaine from the metal band Megadeth fell asleep with his arm hung over the back of the chair. It caused severe nerve damage. He had to do a lot of therapy for nearly two years to regain his former ability.