Experiments Involving facts
While investigating facts about Experiments Involving Biology Chemistry And Physics and Experiments Involving Plants, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Royal Navy admitted their ships would be empty if they discharged "all the men with homosexual experience". Investigations in the 1960s reveal hundreds of British naval officers were sexually involved with other men, so for national security, discreet homosexuality was mostly ignored.
2.17 explain how experiments involving?
The CIA conducted experiments on French citizens during the 50's that involved spraying LSD onto unsuspecting towns. Resulting in numerous injuries and deaths.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Experiments Involving Water and Experiments Involving Enzymes I managed to collect.
what two experiments involving light and matter?
Stranger Things was allegedly based on Project Montauk, a supposed secret government program involving the kidnapping of children for use in mind control experiments.
Ewen Cameron, who in the the 50s ran experiments on humans which involved giving several electric shocks a week, taping blacked out football helmets to their heads and playing repetitive messages in their ears for months at a time. Some patients apparently forgot who they were and how to talk
Space Adaptation Syndrome, involving nausea and vomiting, vertigo, headaches, lethargy, and overall malaise. 45-75% of all astronauts experience it. It has always resolved within 72 hours.
Flim critic Roger Ebert was quoted saying “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments. One of these involves a dog-like robot humping the leg of the heroine. Such are the meager joys of this film."
In a housing experiment that involved moving families from poor neighborhoods to wealthier neighborhoods, boys experienced PTSD rates comparable to those of combat soldiers. Psychological well-being improved for girls.
The Japanese military ran human experiments in China, including organ removal, blood loss, being burnt alive, forced pregnancy followed by vivisection, all without anesthesia. The US gave immunity to those involved in exchange for the data. Many doctors had successful postwar careers.
Ken Kesey (Author of *One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest*) volunteered for MKUltra experiments involving LSD and other psychedelic drugs as a student, and inspired him to promote the drug outside of the experiments, which influenced the early development of hippie culture.
The invention of Wifi involved a failed experiment by Australian scientists to detect exploding mini black holes the size of an atomic particle.
A single plutonium core, dubbed the "Demon Core," killed two scientists developing the atom bomb in two separate incidents. The second experiment, which involved using only the tip of a screwdriver to prevent criticality, has since been dubbed "Tickling The Dragons Tail."
Experiments involving people in a dark room who were told that they would never meet each other, led to some consensual touching and making out with complete strangers (in 1973).
Why was the gold foil experiment conducted in a vacuum?
You can easily fact check why was the little albert experiment conducted by examining the linked well-known sources.
Bayer, one of the biggest pharmaceutical company, was involved in human trafficking during WWII, where they bought groups of women from Auschwitz to conduct secrets experiments on them.
About what psychologists call "the forbidden experiment," a test theorised by philosophers of human nature to reveal our true selves. It involves raising a human without the influence of culture or social interaction - creating conditions similar to those endured by children considered 'feral'. - source
The MK Ultra experiment involved giving random CIA agents LSD without their knowledge to the point that "surprise acid trips became something of an occupational hazard among CIA operatives." - source
Newly declassified public records obtained via the Freedom of Information Act shed light on Utah’s Dugway Proving Ground military experiments. Tests involved human exposure to biological and chemical agents while others studied weaponized mosquitos released on civilian populations in the U.S.
In Sweden from 1945-1955 the sugar industry and the dentist community sponsored an experiment to see if sugar was what caused dental caries. The experiment, known as the Vipeholm experiment, was conducted on mental patients and involved feeding them copious amounts of candy. - source
When an experiment is conducted without replacement?
While there is no specific treatment for HPIVs, treatment usually involves alleviating the specific symptoms a person experiences.
In addition to seismic activity, scientists use a variety of other information to learn about the earth's inner core. These additional methods involve lab experiments, meteorite analysis, computer modeling, and reading of data.
There is one retracted isotope of dubnium, Db-255, as it was believed to be the decay byproduct of a different experiment involving the discovery of Bohrium.
The Rawalpindi experiments involving use of mustard gas carried out by British military on Indian scientists soldiers carried out before and during WW2 at Rawalpindi. These experiments began in the early 1930s and lasted more than 10 years.
A recent experiment involved a small group of people who fasted for five consecutive days once a month, three months in a row. Among the study participants, markers of cell regeneration increased, while risk factors for diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and aging all dropped
It was first discovered digestion involved chemical actions when in 1822, a man shot himself in the stomach, who Army Surgeon William Beaumont healed but left an inch diameter hole, which he would experiment on placing small chunks of food into the hole and watching them digest in the stomach.