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Doses Lsd facts

While investigating facts about Doses Lsd, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When the Grateful Dead played "Playboy After Dark" in 1969, the band's LSD supplier 'Bear' dosed the coffee urn that everyone on set was drinking from, including Hugh Hefner. Hefner later wrote a letter to Jerry Garcia thanking the band for the enjoyable experience.

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Bicycle Day" (19th April) celebrates Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann's discovery of LSD in 1943, and the harrowing ride home on his bicycle after deliberately ingesting a dose of the drug

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a fatal dose of radiation. Here are 49 of the best facts about Doses Lsd I managed to collect.

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  1. 8 people accidentally snorted LSD at a party thinking it was cocaine, resulting in doses roughly 1000x higher than normal. All recovered fully within 12 hours.

  2. Owsley Stanley singlehandedly ignited the psychedelic scene in the sixties by producing over 1 million doses of LSD from a makeshift bathroom laboratory in Berkeley between 1965 and 1967.

  3. The largest recorded dose of LSD was taken by 8 men who snorted pure LSD thinking it was cocaine. Within 10 minutes, all were incapacitated with 10-70 hits of LSD in each 100mL of their blood plasma. Eventually, all were able to talk within 4-5 hours and normal within 12 with no residual effects

  4. LSD is non-addictive, is not known to cause brain damage, has extremely low toxicity relative to dose, there have been no documented deaths from an overdose, it is physiologically well tolerated and there is no evidence for long-lasting physiological effects on the brain or other organs.

  5. In the 1950's, CIA members feared being unknowingly dosed by LSD as it had become "something of an occupational hazard."

  6. In 1962, a group of scientists wanted to study the effects of LSD on elephants. They injected an elephant with 3,000 times the normal dose given to humans because they assumed elephants would be much less sensitive to LSD than humans. The elephant died in 100 minutes.

  7. The Trip (1967 movie) by Roger Corman is a movie about LSD, the director took doses to make it. Jack Nicholson who wrote the screenplay was taking it at this time along with two actors in the movie were famous for tripping: Dennis Hooper and Peter Fonda.

  8. NASA intoxicated spiders with different drugs to see if they could still build an effective web. All of the drugs reduced web regularity except for small doses of LSD, which actually increased it.

  9. The Nixon administration plotted the assassination of investigative journalist Jack Anderson, with plans including exposing him to a "massive dose" of LSD by smearing it on the steering wheel of his car

  10. In the 1950s and 60s, a Montreal hospital subjected psychiatric patients to electroshocks, drug-induced sleep and huge doses of LSD on behalf of the CIA's pursuit of mind control. It was part of MK ultra

doses lsd facts
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A US soldier once volunteered to be dosed with BZ: a rare chem-weapon 100x more powerful than LSD. He describes his descent into madness as a series of vivid dreams and wild hallucinations which lasted over 85 hours.

The CIA set up brothels, dosed the unsuspecting clients with LSD, and then watched them having sex with the prostitutes behind a one way mirror - source

Project Bluebird(a CIA project)researchers dosed over 7,000 U.S. military personnel with LSD, without their knowledge or consent. Years after the experiment, more than 1000 of these soldiers suffered from several illnesses, including depression and epilepsy. Many of them committed suicide. - source

Frank R Olson, a CIA biological warfare scientist who was dosed with LSD by his CIA supervisor and then committed suicide by jumping off a hotel nine days later.

In the 1960s, CIA Operation Midnight Climax Used Sex Workers to Secretly Dose People With LSD - source

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Grace Slick, lead singer of Jefferson Airplane, nearly dosed Richard Nixon with LSD at a White House tea party in 1970. She invited Albert Hoffman (creator/discoverer of LSD) as her date.

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Rats pressed a lever as many as 6,400 times to be administered one dose of cocaine, showing psychological dependence. In another experiment, monkeys were averse to repeat doses of LSD and antidepressants.

In 1951, the CIA dosed a French village with LSD.

NASA funded an experiment that ended with Dolphins being injected with LSD, and a woman sexually relieving a (non LSD dosed) dolphin

Interesting facts about doses lsd

I learned about British-born Harvard researcher Michael Hollingshead, who is believed to have introduced Tim Leary, Allen Ginsberg, Alan Watts, Keith Richards, and 3 of the Beatles to LSD. He later dosed a KGB spy while in prison and eventually died under mysterious circumstances in Bolivia.

Dr. Timothy Leary in 1960 dosed over 300 Harvard professors/grad students with LSD

When exposed to low doses of LSD, spiders' webs were "even better proportioned and more exactly built than normally."

In 1962 a scientist injected an elephant named Tusko with a massive dose of LSD. Tusko was then injected with a massive dose of the anti-psychotic drug Thorazine. He died after less than 2 hours.

The highest dose (297mg) of LSD was given to an elephant in 1962. After an hour the elephant was pronounced dead, after suffering a seizure.

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Ram Dass gave The Maharajji Neem Karoli Baba a twelve hundred micrograms dose of pure LSD

Ants can get high on LSD. Doses of 20ng will make an ant trip for up to 48 hrs, impairing locomotion, group formation, foraging skills, and social activity.

During the filming of 'Titanic', an unknown person dosed the crews lunch with LSD. Mayhem ensued, and James Cameron ended up stabbed in the face with a pencil.

Used in very small doses lsd can be used to focus and that the creator said "if it went for its harsh scheduling lsd would have been used as Ritalin"

LSD has a plasma half-life of 2.5 to 4 hours, meaning an LSD trip will most likely never last longer than 16 hours, regardless of single oral doses taken. Higher dosage increases the effects, not the duration.

LSD was actually discovered on April 16th, and Albert Hofman's infamous bike ride came three days later when he intentionally dosed himself.

LSD is potentially the safest recreational drug, having the best active/lethal dose ratio and lowest dependency potential, better than Marijuana, Caffeine, and Alcohol.

Tusko, the LSD elephant that was given over 1000 times the human recreational dose of LSD in the 60s, and subsequently died.

The CIA set up brothels in San Francisco and New York. Prostitutes on CIA payroll would lure men into a brothel. Once inside, the men would be dosed with LSD without their knowing, in order to study the effects of LSD on unconsenting individuals.

Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane planned to spike president Nixon's tea with a dose of LSD when she was invited to the White House

The CIA once dosed an unknowing mental patient with LSD for 174 continuous days during their MKUltra experiments to find drugs to use for mind control. They chose him and other subjects from groups of "people who could not fight back", including patients, prisoners, drug addicts and sex workers.

The CIA dosed the small French town of Pont-Saint-Esprit with LSD in 1951, causing mass hallucinations, 7 deaths, and 50 asylum internments.

Tusko" the name of a male Indian elephant at the Oklahoma City Zoo. On August 3, 1962,[4] researchers from the University of Oklahoma injected 297 mg of LSD to him, which is over 1,000 times the dose typical of human recreational use.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Doses Lsd. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Doses Lsd so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor