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Exact Copy facts

While investigating facts about Exact Copy Crossword Clue and Exact Copy Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When Jimmy Carter was a young Nuclear officer in the US Navy, they sent him to help a partial meltdown in a Canadian nuclear reactor. They built an exact copy of the reactor to train with, then lowered him into the still extremely radioactive reactor to take it apart one piece at a time.

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In 1982, Universal Studios sued Nintendo on the grounds that Donkey Kong was an exact copy of Universal-alleged owned King Kong. The judge ruled that Universal acted in bad faith by threatening Nintendo's licensees and it had no right over King Kong due to being in public domain.

What is an exact copy?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the process that makes an exact copy of dna. Here are 30 of the best facts about Exact Copy Of A Written Material and Exact Copy Machine That Sends A Copy I managed to collect.

what is an exact copy of something called?

  1. China has a giant ghost town, Tianducheng, built to be a near-exact Replica of Paris complete with a mock-up of Versailles and a copy of The Eiffel Tower. Now only 2,000 people live there.

  2. USSR's first long-range bomber, the Tu-4, was such an exact copy of a confiscated American B-29 that it even featured a repair patch on its fuselage where the original plane had been damaged.

  3. In a vacuum at zero gravity, the turbulence that occurs in plasma copies the spiral galaxy structure of our universe and if you cool it down you get an exact replica of the DNA double helix structure

  4. The engine of Elite Dangerous accidentally created an almost exact copy of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system before it was even discovered

  5. Burger King Russia Wanted ‘It’ Banned Because Pennywise Is ‘Exact Copy’ Of Ronald McDonald

  6. Females of some species of pseudoscorpions are able to reproduce asexually, without males. This phenomenon, called parthenogenesis, results in the formation of new generation of females that are exact genetic copy of their mother.

  7. Someone recorded an exact copy of Maroon 5's "Payphone," called it a cover, and released it before the official recording came out. It made it to the top 10 on multiple major charts.

  8. The 90's show Married with Children has 7 international remakes, at least 1 of which copied the exact 80's style set and 90's clothing while being made in the 00's.

  9. Tianducheng, a Chinese town built to be a near-exact Replica of Paris complete with a mock-up of Versailles and a copy of The Eiffel Tower. It is more or less now an abandoned ghost town.

  10. An "Old School" version of Runescape was created as an exact copy of the game from August 2007 to meet demand from old nostalgic players. This version now has more players than regular Runescape.

exact copy facts
What is another word for exact copy?

Why is a clone not an exact copy of a donor animal?

You can easily fact check why does dna make an exact copy of itself by examining the linked well-known sources.

RMS Olympic offered to take on passengers the morning after the sinking of her sister the Titanic but was sharply rebuffed by the captain of the rescue ship Carpathia, who was worried that seeing and being asked to board an exact copy of the doomed liner would cause panic among it's survivors

In China there are companies that make and sell almost exact copies of various foreign cars like Jeeps and Mercedes etc. - source

The Harry Truman Library has an exact replica of the Oval Office, a a feature that has been copied by other Presidential libraries, including the Johnson, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and George H. W. Bush - source

Trey Parker and Matt Stone got a copy of the Day After Tomorrow script and wanted to release an exact shot for shot puppet remake of it the day after its release and titled "The Day After the Day After Tomorrow", but were warned against it by their lawyers.

There is a Chinese car manufacturer called Land Wind that produces an exact copy of the Range Rover Evoque - source

When a cell is preparing to divide it makes an exact copy?

Both Terry McGinnis, the Batman in 'Batman Beyond', and his younger brother are the biological children of Bruce Wayne. Their father's DNA was re-written by Amanda Waller to be an exact copy of Wayne's in order to create a replacement Batman for Gotham City.

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Since 1875, the exact weight of a kilogram has been defined by the International Prototype of the Kilogram, a cylinder that sits locked in an environmentally regulated vault outside Paris. Every 40 years, it's removed and compared to a half-dozen copies around the world

The Bizarros (The evil mirror copies) of famous superheroes aren't exactly evil. They actually want to live up to do good like them, but are wired to do the complete opposite.

About the Banach–Tarski Paradox where mathematically it is possible to split an object in to multiple parts and recombine them into two exact copies of the original without adding new material.

If the universe were a Googoplex meters across, travel far enough you will see exact copies of yourself.

In a vacuum at zero gravity, the turbulence that occurs in plasma copies the spiral galaxy structure of our universe and if you cool it down you get an exact replica of the DNA double helix structure

What is it called when dna makes an exact copy of itself?

Lady Gaga is an exact copy of a Russian singer from the 80s named Zhanna Aguzarova

Bob Ross copied his show exactly from an earlier show hosted by Bill Alexander, whom Ross tracked down and became a student of after seeing him on TV.

If we were to live in a universe big enough, there would statisticaly be exact copies of yourself

Both Terry McGinnis, the Batman in 'Batman Beyond', and his younger brother are the biological children of Bruce Wayne. Their DNA was re-written by Amanda Waller to be an exact copy of Wayne's in order to create a replacement Batman for Gotham City.

Chinese companies make nearly exact copies of cars from around the world. BMWs and Audis, Smart Cars and Range Rovers. "Made in China".

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There exists a 13 meter long hand-stiched embroidery that is an exact copy of the Wikipedia page for the Magna Carta

There is a replica Titanic being built. Not only will the "Titanic II" be a near exact copy of the Titanic, but she will also serve the same brand drinks that were available on the original Titanic.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Exact Copy. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Exact Copy so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor