Childish Gambino facts
While investigating facts about Childish Gambino This Is America and Childish Gambino Songs, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Star rappers Post Malone and Childish Gambino got their famous stage names by inputting their real name into the "Wu-Tang Name Generator" and using the first nickname to pop up.
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Childish Gambino was given his name using a Wu-Tang name generator.
What is childish gambino?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is sweatpants by childish gambino about. Here are 36 of the best facts about Childish Gambino Tour and Childish Gambino New Album I managed to collect.
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Donald Glover (Childish Gambino, Community, Atlanta) grew up in a strict Jehovah's Witness household in Stone Mountain, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta. In high school, he was voted "Most Likely to Write for 'The Simpsons'" — a show that his mother wouldn't allow him to watch.
Tyler, the Creator and Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) were on an episode of 'the Regular show'.
Donald Glover (Community, Atlanta, Childish Gambino) got his start in show business when he was discovered by Tina Fey while he was still in college His first job was as a writer on 30 Rock.
Childish Gambino imitated Tracy Morgan for much of the actual singing on "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah" from 30 Rock.
The Childish Gambino song, "Redbone", did not use a different singer or vocal pitching. It was simply, Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) singing "differently".
Childish Gambino was given his name using a Wu-Tang name generator
There was an episode of Regular Show about rap battles. Tyler the Creator, Childish Gambino, and MC Lyte made appearances as voice actors.
Donald Glover (Childish Gambino, Troy from Community) was voted "Most Likely to Write for The Simpsons" in his high school yearbook, which is ironic because his mom wouldn't let him watch the show. She did let him watch The Muppets, a show he described as “made by hippies on drugs”.
Childish Gambino got his name from a Wu-Tang Clan name generator
Childish Gambino got his stage name from a Wu-Tang Clan name generator, and if you enter Donald Glover, it still generates Childish Gambino.
Childish Gambino data charts
For your convenience take a look at Childish Gambino figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why childish gambino grammy by examining the linked well-known sources.
Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino was raised a Jehovah's Witness
Donald Glover picked the stage name Childish Gambino by using the Wu-Tang Name Generator - source
Childish Gambino's producer on 'Awaken, My Love' and 'Camp', is also the composer for Community. - source
Donald Glover picked his stage name Childish Gambino after he used the Wu-Tang Clan name generator tool online that creates rap names. The generator works by entering your full name, which then translates into a stylized Wu-Tang Clan-style name.
Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) voices Marshall Lee, The Vampire King male version of Marceline in Adventure Time - source
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Childish Gambino turned a vertical video to horizontal at Lollapalooza 2014
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Childish Gambino and Donald Glover are the same person and he was a part of a video sketch comedy group that made this little gem over a decade ago.
In the music video for Childish Gambino - 3005 the teddy bear he sits next to moves around and even blinks.
Childish Gambino doesn't put the lyrics in his linear notes because he wants them to remain open for interpretation.
Tina Fey rapped in a Childish Gambino Song
Donald Glover (rapper Childish Gambino) of FX is also an awesome standup comedian