Epic Rap facts
While investigating facts about Epic Rap Battles Of History and Epic Rap Battles, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Disney owns Epic Rap Battles of History.
how to write an epic rap battle?
Epic Rap Battles Of History has 11 singles that are certified Gold by the RIAA.
What happened to epic rap battles?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best epic rap battles of history. Here are 11 of the best facts about Epic Rap Battles Of History Wiki and Epic Rap Battles Of Akademi I managed to collect.
what happened to epic rap battles of history?
Disney owns Epic Rap Battles of History.
Disney owns Epic Rap Battles of history (mobile link)
Epic Rap Battles has multiple songs certified Gold by RIAA
Shay Butler, better known online as Shay Carl, started a production company called Maker Studios. The studio went on to produce hit YouTube series like Epic Rap Battles of History before being bought by Disney for $500 million.
Epic Magna Carta Rap Battle. How UK got its freedom in 1215 in a rap battle!
There's a Reddit reference in the Nikola Telsa vs Thomas Edison from Epic Rap Battles of History
Weird Al was featured in an Epic Rap Battles of History as a rapping Issac Newton
Nice Peter (from Epic Rap Battles of History fame) wrote a song about breast cancer dedicated to his AP American History teacher who died from it.
Vikings had epic rap battles called "flyting"!
Epic Rap data charts
For your convenience take a look at Epic Rap figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.