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Elephant Trunk facts

While investigating facts about Elephant Trunk Flea Market and Elephant Trunk Snake, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An elephant destroyed a house in a remote village in Bengal and then turned to head back into the forest when a baby trapped under the rubble began crying. The elephant turned back and gently removed every last bit of debris covering the baby with their trunk.

how elephant trunk works?

In 2003 a herd of wild elephants released a group of captive antelopes from a game reserve in Southeast Africa. The matriarch of the herd undid all of the gate's metal latches with her trunk & then pushed it open. The antelope took their chance & ran into the bush followed by the elephants.

What does an elephant use its trunk for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does it mean when an elephant raises its trunk. Here are 50 of the best facts about Elephant Trunk Up and Elephant Trunk Underwear I managed to collect.

what does it mean if an elephant's trunk is down?

  1. Elephants are highly empathetic and generous even towards other species. Once an elephant found a rancher with a broken leg and dragged him under the shade of a tree, guarding him and gently touching him with her trunk

  2. Elephants can control their dick like a second trunk. As a result of this, collecting semen from an elephant by way of penile stimulation is dangerous, as one swing of that thing can knock a man clear off his feet. Therefore, the prostate must be stimulated instead through vigorous anal fisting.

  3. Baby elephants suck their trunks just like how babies suck their thumbs

  4. Baby elephants suck their trunks for comfort just like human babies suck their thumb

  5. An Elephant, Kosik, can speak 5 words in Korean, "sit, no, yes and lie down." He creates the words by putting his trunk in his mouth and vibrating it. He is the only elephant scientifically proven to speak human words.

  6. Elephants are excellent swimmers. They swim submerged underwater using their trunks as snorkels. African Elephants have been recorded swimming 48km .They can swim 6 hours nonstop then rest without sinking.

  7. Elephants "may show lateral preference when grasping with their trunks: some prefer to twist them to the left, others to the right." Essentially, they can be left or right "trunked"!

  8. An Asian elephant named Koshik can communicate by imitating human speech by inserting his trunk into his mouth. He can speak 5 words in Korean (words for hello, no, lie down, good) and is believed to have developed speech in order cement social bonds with humans

  9. It has been theorised that the myth of the Cyclops came about when Greeks discovered dwarf elephant skulls and misinterpreted the trunk cavity as a single eye socket.

  10. Female elephants are frequently bisexual and use their trunks to do the nasty.

elephant trunk facts
What are elephant trunks used for?

Why elephant trunk is long?

You can easily fact check why elephant has a trunk by examining the linked well-known sources.

Elephants bury their dead, can do math, use tools, and see humans like humans see puppies (the same part of their brain lights up when we see puppies; that’s why many elephants stroke humans with their trunk)

A charging elephant broke down the door and a wall of a home in India, but immediately stopped when it heard a baby crying. It then removed the debris from the child using its trunk and peacefully returned to the forest. - source

About Sissy the Elephant who survived submerged with only her trunk above water for a day and a half after a Texas storm flooded her zoo. - source

A male Asian elephant named Koshik can imitate human speech by sticking his trunk into his mouth. He can say "hello," "good," "no," "sit down" and "lie down" — all by using his trunk to do the work of lips in a process scientists don’t fully understand.

When elephant trunk is up?

Female elephants are known to masturbate one another with their trunks (observed only in captivity)

How the elephant got its trunk?

Similar to how a baby human sucks on its thumb, baby elephants can suck on their own trunks for comfort.

An elephant's trunk has more than 40,000 muscles. In comparision a human being only has 639 muscles total.

Koshik, an elephant in a South Korean zoo, learned to imitate human speech by sticking its trunk in its mouth

Paintings done by elephants aren't learned talents, but rather their trainers guiding their trunk with the brush using a sharp nail behind the ear.

Elephants console one another when they are upset with trunk strokes and touches

What does it mean when elephant trunk is up?

The Greek cyclops myth may have originated from the skulls of dwarf elephants, which appear to have a large central eye socket where a trunk would have been

Elephant trunk snake spends most of its life in the water. It rarely visits land because loose skin prevents normal movement on the solid ground.

War Elephants had swords strapped to their trunks, and one once sliced a chieftains horses leg clean off.

Elephant trunk snakes play important role in the freshwater eco-systems. They keep the number of fish and frogs under control, while young snakes serve as food source for animals such as wading birds and large fish.

Elephant trunk snake is nocturnal creature (active during the night).

How many bones are in an elephant's trunk?

Elephant trunk snake can spend 40 minutes under the water. When lungs need to be refilled with fresh air, snake aligns the body with the surface of water and exposes nostrils for 15 to 20 seconds.

An elephant at a zoo outside of Seoul uses his trunk to modulate pitch and tone in order to emulate Korean speech, similar to the way humans whistle

Elephant trunk snake has broad, flat head. Nostril and eyes are located on top of it. Body ends with short, mobile tail.

Asian elephant has dark grey to brown body. Pink skin can be seen on the parts of forehead, ears, trunk and chest.

Elephant trunk snake hunts as an ambush predators (using the factor of surprise) and kills the victim by squeezing the life out of it. Loose skin covered with sharp scales prevents victim to escape from a deadly grip.

Elephant trunk snake can reach 7.8 feet in length. Females are usually two times longer than males.

Elephant trunk snake has loose skin, covered with tiny, rough scales thanks to sharp triangular ridges on their surface.

Dorsal side of elephant trunk snake is brown in color. Belly is light yellow colored.

Elephant trunk snake can survive 5 to 6 years in the captivity.

Males occupy territory, produce loud, roaring noise (using their trunks) and protect it from other males. They do not eat during this period which usually lasts around 3 months.

Elephants that live in captivity can use their trunks for the artistic purposes. They can hold the brush and paint various pictures.

Elephant trunk snake shares similarities in appearance with boa. Unlike boa, head and body of elephant trunk snake are equally wide.

Elephants console one another when they are upset with gentle touches and trunk strokes. Previously, only humans, great apes and birds in the raven family were known to do this.

Trunk is a large and muscular fusion of elephant's nose and upper lip.

Elephant trunk snakes are ovoviviparous animals. Eggs develop inside mother's body until they become ready to hatch.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Elephant Trunk. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Elephant Trunk so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor