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Electrically Shock facts

While investigating facts about Electrically Shock Brain Math and Electrically Shocked, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Glenn Shadix, the actor who played Otho in Beetlejuice, was subjected to “ex gay” electrical shock treatments when he came out to his parent. When this failed to change his orientation, he attempted suicide and survived a 3 day coma. After the incident, his parents accept ed his sexuality.

how to electrically shock your brain?

The word "electrocute" is a combination of the words electro and execute, meaning you were killed by electricity. So if you don't die, you were not electrocuted, you were shocked.

What to do when someone is electrically shocked?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do if someone is electrically shocked. Here are 50 of the best facts about Electrically Shocking Your Brain and Electrically Shocked Hand I managed to collect.

what happens when you get electrically shocked?

  1. The solar storm of 1859 caused worldwide electrical failure, with telegraph systems being knocked out, some throwing sparks and shocking operators. This event, if it occured today, would cause trillions in damages.

  2. During the Dust Bowl, in Texas and Oklahoma static electricity was so bad children would run up to their mothers for a hug, and both would wake up on the ground, knocked unconscious by a massive static shock. Two men shaking hands could knock each other out.

  3. Rats who were trained to press a lever for food stopped pressing the lever once they saw that it also caused another rat to receive an electric shock

  4. In 1746, Jean-Antoine Nollet conducted an experiment in which 200 monks formed a circle (1.6 km in circumference) and were linked by iron wire. He then had electricity pass through them which shocked all the monks simultaneously. He concluded that the speed of electricity was very high.

  5. "Chimpanzees, who cannot swim, have drowned in zoo moats trying to save others." And "Given the chance to get food by pulling a chain that would also deliver an electric shock to a companion, Rhesus monkeys will starve themselves for several days."

  6. A recent study showed that subjects preferred to give themselves electric shocks rather than occupy themselves with their own thoughts for 15 minutes. Most people seem to prefer to be doing something rather than nothing, even if that something is negative

  7. Ewen Cameron, who in the the 50s ran experiments on humans which involved giving several electric shocks a week, taping blacked out football helmets to their heads and playing repetitive messages in their ears for months at a time. Some patients apparently forgot who they were and how to talk

  8. A small magnet implanted in a finger can allow one to sense magnetic fields. This body mod can be very useful in professions that work with electric currents, allowing the detection of live wires and avoiding electric shock.

  9. The famous inventor Nikola Tesla became interested in electricity after his cat gave him an electric shock

electrically shock facts
What to do if i get electrically shocked?

Why is copper used for most electrical wiring?

You can easily fact check why is copper used for electrical wiring by examining the linked well-known sources.

Rats who were trained to press a lever for food stopped pressing the lever once they saw that it also caused another rat to receive an electric shock

People have been found dead casually sitting next to open electrical equipment - they got a fatal shock to the heart but sat down because they only felt a little lightheaded - source

When Thomas Edison installed the modern electric lighting in the Ponce De Leon Hotel in St Augustine, FL they had to hire extra staff to turn lights on and off for guests that were scared of being shocked. - source

Japanese researchers have discovered that administering an electrical shock that simulates a lightning strike can increase mushroom yields -- leading to more and bigger mushrooms.

Pennies buried in a garden will repel slugs, which get electric shocks from touching copper and zinc - source

When expecting to be electrically shocked?

An asystole (flat line on a heart monitor) is not a shockable rhythm because there is no electrical activity in the heart for a cardiovert to work with. So every time you see a doctor/nurse/medic shock a flatline in the movies, it's all for dramatic affect, not realism.

How to stop being electrically shocked?

A study found that people would rather give themselves electric shocks than sit in the silence of their thoughts

When electricity was installed in the White House, President Benjamin Harrison and his wife, Caroline, were scared to use the light switches for fear of getting shocked

Neuroscientists in Japan discovered a protein that is essential for rapid communication between the eyes and they brain, so they named it "pikachurin" due to Pikachu's "lightning-fast moves and shocking electric effects."

A firefighter in Kentucky died due to electric shock injuries he suffered while helping out University students perform the Ice bucket challenge for charity.

The Joy Buzzer does NOT deliver an electric shock as stylized by villains in fiction, instead a button on the disc releases the spring, which rapidly unwinds creating a vibration that feels somewhat like an electric shock

What happens when you get electrically shocked?

When the first chimp was launched into space, the button he was trained to press to receive a treat malfunctioned & he received electric shock after electric shock. “I never seen such terror on a chimp’s face,” said his trainer on his return.

Scientists have created a two-chambered mouse heart using a modified inkjet printer with cells instead of ink. When shocked with electricity, the heart started beating

Man can die if an eel hits him with several electric shocks. Luckily, humans don"t come in contact with eels often.

In July 1924 he received a 1000 volt electric shock but survived with only burns.

That, despite its barbaric past, Electric Shock Therapy is on the rise in the UK and is considered by mental health professionals as the best cure for clinical depression.

In one study, rats were given unlimited access to "junk food" for 40 days. On subsequent testing days, the rats would voluntarily get electrically shocked, just so they could still have access to the sugary food.

The Tarantula Hawk is a Spider Wasp which hunts Tarantulas. They have the highest rating (4) on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. The pain is described as "blinding, fierce, and shockingly electric. A running hair dryer has been dropped into your bubble bath."

Electrolasers are powerful lasers that create plasma in the air, easily allowing powerful electric currents to be sent down the beam. Applications include long distance shock weapons and the ability to trigger lightning at a target if shot through a thundercloud.

About electric shock drowning which happens when electricity slowly leaks from faulty dock equipment (or a nearby lightning strike) and paralyzes swimmer's muscles before they realize what's happening.

When you receive a major electrical shock, it’s not the electricity that throws you across the room, it’s the force of your muscles contracting. Basically, we are strong enough to instantly throw ourselves across a room.

Drivers had to drag chains behind their cars during the Dust Bowl because dust storms cause high static electricity and the chains would ground the cars. This helped to prevent severe electrical shocks to people when they touched other people or objects.

Electric eels eventually go blind due to exposure to their own shocks.

Further experiments also showed that animal subjects would press the lever or button in order to stop negative consequences from occurring, such as electric shocks.

There's a maternity hospital in China that lets expecting dads experience labor pains. The 'Pain Experience Camp’ offers fathers-to-be the chance to experience the pain of childbirth by giving them electric shocks through special pads placed on their bellies.

Electric eel can produce electric shock strong enough to knock down a horse.

Dr. Emanuel Bronner, creator of Dr. Bronner's soap, was involuntarily committed in a mental institution in the U.S. and subjected to electric shock treatments for giving a lecture without a permit

Invasive brain implants which send electric shocks that activate pleasure senses are being used to treat severe cases of addiction

A recent study found some people prefer electric shocks to being alone with their thoughts.

About the No-Contact Jacket, an defensive device that uses electric shock to discourage assailants from grabbing the wearer in unwanted situations such as in cases of assault.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Electrically Shock. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Electrically Shock so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor