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Electric Fence facts

While investigating facts about Electric Fence For Dogs and Electric Fence Wire, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A group of 15 monkeys escaped a research institute in Japan by using trees to catapult themselves over a 17ft high electric fence one by one.

how electric fence works?

Troop of 15 monkeys escaped a primate research center in Japan by using trees as catapults over a five-metre high electric fence (and afterwards were lured back with peanuts).

What electric fence energiser?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens if you pee on an electric fence. Here are 18 of the best facts about Electric Fence Charger and Electric Fence Posts I managed to collect.

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  1. A group of 15 monkeys used trees to catapult themselves over a 17ft high electric fence after escaping a research institute.

  2. A man driving a Tesla Model S walked away from an accident after becoming airborne at 110mph and crashing through an electric fence, an 8 foot tall concrete wall, and then hitting a tree.

  3. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries telephone companies used existing barbed wire fences to transmit electrical phone signals to rural areas to save money due to the price of phone lines.

  4. The Berlin Wall began as a simple fence then included a 300-foot No-Man's-Land, an additional inner wall, soldiers patrolling w/dogs, raked ground that showed footprints, anti-vehicle trenches, electric fences, massive light systems, watchtowers, bunkers, and minefields.

  5. Sea lamprey can induce significant damage to an ecosystem by killing large number of native fish species. For that reason, people use chemicals, electric fences and dams to prevent uncontrolled spreading of the sea lampreys toward sensitive rivers and lakes.

  6. An orangutan named Karta escaped her enclosure by jamming a stick into the wires that control her electric fence, short-circuiting it. She then made a platform from leaves & branches to scale the enclosure & escape. Keepers believe her escape was driven by the death of her lifelong mate Pusung.

  7. During the First World War Germany constructed a 125-mile long, 2,000 volt electric fence along the Dutch-Belgian border, that would kill anyone who touched it.

  8. The Wire of Death was a 2000 volt lethal electric fence created by the German military to control the Dutch-Belgian frontier during the occupation of Belgium during WW1. The number of fatalities caused is estimated around 2,000 to 3,000 people

electric fence facts
What voltage is an electric fence?

Why electric fences are bad for dogs?

You can easily fact check why electric fence alarm keeps going off by examining the linked well-known sources.

Joseph Stalin hated his son, Yakov, so much that when he tried to commit suicide by shooting himself Stalin commented "He can't even shoot strait". Yakov later committed suicide by running into an electric fence at a German concentration camp.

In 1915, Germany sealed off the Dutch border with a lethally charged 300 km (186.411 mi) electric fence - source

There's a brand of electric fence insulator called "Red Snap'r" that's no longer red because hummingbirds were attracted to the color and were being electrocuted. - source

James Earl Ray escaped prison that was described as arguably second to Alcatraz in terms of high security via make shift pipes that barely looked like it could hold a cat over a wall with an electric fence. - source

What happens when you pee on an electric fence?

In spring 1915, in WW1, the Germans erected a 3m high electric, barbed wire fence along 200km of the Belgian-Dutch border.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Electric Fence. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Electric Fence so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor