Dwarf Giant facts
While investigating facts about Dwarf Giant Boxer and Dwarf Giant Papyrus, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Adam Rainer was born a dwarf (measuring 4'8" at the age of nineteen) and died a giant (measuring 7'8'' at the age of fifty-one). He is the only person in history to have been classified as both.
how does a red giant become a white dwarf?
An Austrian man named Adam Ranier was born a dwarf, but due to a tumor, developed acromegaly as an adult and died a giant, 7'8" (2.34 meters) tall. He's the only known person to be both a dwarf and a giant.
What is true of giant and dwarf elliptical galaxies?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens to the giant star as it becomes a white dwarf. Here are 35 of the best facts about Dwarf Giants Blood Bowl and Dwarf Giants Painting Guide I managed to collect.
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Adam Rainer is the only person in history to be categorized as both a dwarf and a giant in his lifetime. At age 21 he measured 3 feet 10.5 inches. By age 32 he measured 7 feet 2 inches tall.
Adam Rainer - the only person in recorded history to have both been a dwarf and a giant. At age 18, he was 4'0.25, 13 years later he reached a height of 7'2, and died at a height of 7'8.
Adam Rainer, the only person in history recorded to have been both a dwarf AND a giant
Strawweight Wanheng “The Thailand Dwarf Giant” Menayothin, a Thai professional boxer who quietly surpassed Floyd “Money” Mayweather’s 50-0-0 record. He is now 52-0-0.
In mythology giants and dwarfs were considered to be monsters. Today there are much nicer terms for congenital abnormalities. In the animal kingdom the bulldog is a type of dwarf.
Adam Rainer (1899–4 March 1950), of Austria, is the only person in recorded history ever to have been both a dwarf and a giant. 4 feet 6.3 inches (138 cm) at 18 years old and 7 feet 8 inches (233.7 cm) when he died at the age of 51.
Adam Rainer was the only man known to have been both a dwarf and a giant. At the age of 21 he measured only 3'10.5'' (118 cm) tall, but by the end of his life he was the tallest man in Austria at 7'8'' (234 cm).
Dwarf Giant data charts
For your convenience take a look at Dwarf Giant figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does a giant become a white dwarf?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Adam Rainer, a man who was born a dwarf, but developed acromegaly as an adult and became a giant. His adult height ranged from 4"6 - 7"1.
An Austrian man named Adam Rainer is the only man in history that has been classified as both a dwarf and a giant. He was measured at 3ft 8in at age 18, and then grew to 7ft 2in by age 32. - source
There is only one person in recorded history to have been both a dwarf and a giant. - source
When does a red giant become a white dwarf?
A guy who was born a dwarf and grew to an adult height of barely 4' when he suddenly had a growth spurt to well over 7' making him into a giant.
How to start the giant dwarf quest?
Adam Rainer is the only person in recorded history to have been both a dwarf and a giant.
There was a man named Adam Rainer, who was the only person in recorded history to be both a dwarf and a giant.
Adam Rainer, the only man who has lived as a dwarf and a giant