Driving Cars facts
While investigating facts about Driving Cars Lowers The Ph Of The Oceans By and Driving Cars In Fortnite, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Finland is the strictest country in the world in terms of driving lessons. There are lessons required regarding car maintenance and driving in icy conditions, with learners requiring a test in the summer and another one in the winter.
how do self driving cars work?
In 2003, after Kenneth Maxwell called 911 to report a fire he saw while driving home, his voice cut off, and when emergency personnel arrived on the scene he was found shot to death in his car. The fire was set to disguise a double homicide, and the killer saw Kenneth make the call.
What are the advantages of self driving cars?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the purpose of self driving cars. Here are 50 of the best facts about Driving Cars To Florida For Someone and Driving Cars Games I managed to collect.
what are self driving cars?
Owning an electric car in Norway grants you free public parking, free ferry trips and the right to drive in bus lanes
Self-driving cars can cruise to avoid paying to park. When you factor in electricity, depreciation, wear and tear and maintenance, cruising costs around 50 cents an hour. This is still cheaper than parking, even in many smaller towns.
A guy made his four-years-old son play San Andreas only to discover that the innocent kid used the Wide Open Sandbox potential to arrest criminals, help firefighters, and drive the wounded to the hospital in an ambulance, refusing to steal any cars or drive recklessly because that would be wrong
Prior to WWII, Los Angeles had one of the most advanced and efficient light rail systems in the country. This privately-run rail system was purchased by a company owned by General Motors, and slowly dismantled in order to drive demand for more cars and buses.
The official divorce complaint of Mary Louise Bell, wife of world-famous physicist Richard Feynman, was that "He begins working calculus problems in his head as soon as he awakens. He did calculus while driving in his car, while sitting in the living room, and while lying in bed at night."
Distracted driving from Pokemon Go is estimated to have led to 145,000 car accidents, injuring 30,000, killing 256 & causing $2B+ in damages
Lyndon B. Johnson owned an amphibious car and would prank visitors to his ranch by driving down a hill into his lake while yelling that he had bad brakes
Gordon Ramsay was doused in gasoline and held at gunpoint by gang members while attempting to film a documentary about the illegal shark fin industry. He managed to escape by diving into his car with his film crew and driving off.
Mario Andretti once refused to drive a racing car when he discovered that the Church of Scientology was one of its sponsors.
Winston Churchill was nearly killed in a car accident in NY in 1931 after trying to cross the street and look at the wrong side of the road forgetting he was in the US and not in the UK where driving directions are reversed.
Driving Cars data charts
For your convenience take a look at Driving Cars figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why self driving cars are bad?
You can easily fact check why self driving cars are not safe by examining the linked well-known sources.
1 in 5 organ donations comes from the victim of a vehicular accident, and self-driving cars may end up exacerbating the shortage.
After the death of Princess Diana, radio station XFM banned certain songs that might upset people. Banned songs included Drive by The Cars, Airbag by Radiohead and anything by the Crash Test Dummies. - source
Women can fly airplanes in Saudi Arabia, but can't drive cars. - source
A couple adopted a chimpanzee and which learned to open doors, use keys, get dresses, water the plants, feed the horses, use a computer and drive their car too. But when he was 14 yrs old, he brutally attacked a family friend totally disfiguring her.
President Lyndon B. Johnson owned an amphibious car, a car that serves as both a vehicle and a boat. He used it to scare guests by driving them into his lake while screaming that the brakes were malfunctioning - source
When will self driving cars be available?
Anyone can purchase a Volvo and get a free trip from the US to Sweden to tour the factory and test drive your car in the land that it was built. All costs including airfare and shipping the car to the US are complimentary.
How self driving cars work?
If you buy a Volvo through their Overseas Delivery Program, you will receive 2 free round-trip tickets to Sweden to test-drive your car (includes airport pickup/luxury hotel). Then you'll have 2 weeks to explore Europe in the car (they pay insurance). Volvo then ships your car to you for free
A 10-year-old saved his great-grandmother’s life in a speeding vehicle after she fell unconscious while driving. As they veered into oncoming traffic, the boy grabbed the wheel and guided the car to a halt in a mud filled ditch. Hailed as a hero, he credited his skills to playing Mario Kart.
A 10-year-old saved his great-grandmother’s life in a speeding vehicle after she fell unconscious while driving. As they veered into oncoming traffic, the boy grabbed the wheel and guided the car to a halt in a mud filled ditch. Hailed as a hero, he credited his skills to playing Mario Kart.
A woman texted "Driving drunk woo" 3 minutes before crashing her car into a truck which killed her 22 year old passenger friend.
Mike Merrill has modeled his life after the stock market. He's issued 1,000 "shares" of himself and life decisions are made by his shareholders' votes. Some of the life decisions his investors have made for him are his hair color, the car he drives, his love interests, and even his diet.