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Drank Alcohol facts

While investigating facts about Drank Alcohol, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2017, 70 students drank so much alcohol at a house party in maryland that the air inside the house registered positive an a breathalyser.

Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa, who is often portrayed as the epitome of Mexican machismo, never drank alcohol. He actually was so worried about alcoholism spreading in Mexico, that he banned alcohol from his province of Chihuahua.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 38 of the best facts about Drank Alcohol I managed to collect.

  1. A woman in Mexico named Ines Ramirez performed a C-section on herself after hours of painful contractions. Fearing that her baby would be stillborn, she drank 2 cups of high-proof alcohol and used a kitchen knife to make the incision. Both the mother and the baby survived.

  2. At George Washington's 1787 farewell party, 56 people drank 60 bottles of claret, 54 bottles of Madeira, 8 bottles of hard cider, 8 bottles of whiskey, 22 bottles of porter, and 7 large bowls of alcoholic punch; the bar tab cost $15 000 in today's money.

  3. Coffee is credited with helping to spark the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th century Europe. Before coffee was introduced to that part of the world, people often drank beer/alcohol throughout the day because it was safer than water. Coffee provided a safe alternative to alcohol.

  4. While Scientology and Dianetics bemoan any drug or Alcohol use, L. Ron Hubbard drank a bottle of scotch a day, used amphetamines and was addicted to phenobarbital.

  5. In the 1830s Americans drank an average of 7.1 gallons of pure alcohol per year. Early Americans took a healthful dram for breakfast, whiskey was a typical lunchtime tipple, ale accompanied supper and the day ended with a nightcap.

  6. ICE-T has never drank liquor or done any drugs because by being an orphan he felt if he ever got addicted or got into trouble with drugs or alcohol he wouldn't have any family to help him.

  7. On average, every person older than 15 in colonial America drank the equivalent of 7 shots of alcohol PER DAY

  8. In 2013 an Icelandair passenger drank an entire bottle of alcohol, grabbed women, strangled people, and screamed that the flight was going to crash. He was later taped to his seat by the crew

  9. Hoping to discourage drinking of industrial-grade alcohol during Prohibition the government added numerous poisons such as kerosene, gasoline, formaldehyde, chloroform and acetone, among others. This resulted in the inadvertent deaths of thousands who drank black market alcohol.

  10. Katherine Hepburn only drank water throughout The African Queen production as a protest of Humphrey Bogart’s alcoholism. However, most of the cast and crew became sick from the water and only Bogart was unaffected because he only drank whiskey. Thank you r/movies

drank alcohol facts
What are the best facts about Drank Alcohol?

What is true about drank alcohol?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Bruce Lee didn't smoke or drink alcohol but drank raw blended hamburger meat and carried hashish around in little bags and nibbled it like edibles.

In 2014 it was determined that the cause of 40% of working age deaths in Russia was due to alcohol. The risk of dying before 55 was 35% for those who drank 3 bottles of vodka a week. - source

Billionaire drug kingpin El Chapo never drank alcohol or did drugs. According to the wife of one of his henchmen, "He wanted to keep his mind and body healthy. He would take vitamins." - source

At the height of Stevie Ray Vaughan's drug and alcohol addiction, he snorted a quarter ounce of cocaine and drank a quart of whiskey a day.

In WWII, the Polish Army had a bear that drank alcohol and moved artillery shells for them. - source

Russian ground crews for the MIG25 drank the alcohol meant for cooling the plane and called MIG25 "The Flying Restaurant".

Nietzsche drank only water – and as a special treat, milk. And he thought we should do likewise. The idea went to the heart of his philosophy, as contained in his declaration: ‘There have been two great narcotics in European civilisation: Christianity and alcohol.’

Catherine and Peter did not have a good marriage. Peter often had mistresses and drank too much alcohol.

The Swedish King Charles XII famously never drank strong alcohol due to a vow he made after a night where he was so intoxicated that he and a friend forced a bear to drink wine. It drunkenly fell out of the palace window and died.

Ultimately, Prohibition only reduces alcohol consumption by 30% (and back then, American's drank 3 times what they do now)

There are characteristics of a child's face that can indicate if the mother drank heavily during the pregnancy, it's known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Interesting facts about drank alcohol

Wine is the alcoholic drink choice of Millennials. They drank 42% of the wine drunk in the US in 2015, which was almost 160 million cases of wine. Additionally, if they do drink beer, they are gravitating towards craft beers instead of big name beers.

Keith Whitley, a chart-topping country music artist who died of alcoholism at the age of 34. According to his wife, he once drank perfume and nail polish remover to become intoxicated.

The United States government ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols that would be used by bootleggers during Prohibition, which ultimately resulted in the death of as many as 10,000 people who drank it by the time Prohibition ended in 1933

North Dakota's only riot to be put down by the National Guard was actually a spring break diversion in which 2000-3000 students drove to Zap (pop. 100) and "drank copious amounts of alcohol" and many buildings were destroyed

The word “Honeymoon” has origins that date back to the 5th century, when cultures represented calendar time with moon cycles. Back then, a newlywed couple drank mead (the “honey”) during their first moon of marriage. Mead is a honey-based alcoholic drink believed to have aphrodisiac properties.

Oliver Reed aka Proximo from Gladiator was an alcoholic. Reed and 36 friends drank in an evening 60 gallons of beer, 32 bottles of scotch, 17 bottles of gin, and 4 crates of wine. He later died from a heart attack when filming. Several of his scenes had to be completed using CGI and a mannequin.

King Jie of China drank a type of pure alcohol wine (清醇), demanding the people working for him to supply this drink or be killed. Many people died because of this. And while he was drinking wine it was required that he ride on someone’s back like a horse.

Donald Trump claims he has never drank alcohol, taken illegal drugs or smoked cigarettes

In 1787, two days before they signed off on the Constitution, the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention partied at a tavern, where they drank 54 bottles of Madeira, 60 of claret, eight of whiskey, 22 of porter, eight of hard cider, 12 of beer and seven bowls of alcoholic punch.

Alexander the Great held a drinking competition among his army in 324 BC. The champion, drank 13 liters of wine and died 3 days later. A total of 42 men died of alcohol poisoning due to the contest.

Béla Kiss, a Hungarian serial killer who was allegedly a "vampire"; he killed and drank the blood of 24 people. He also pickled their corpses in alcohol and stored them in metal drums. He escaped arrest and was allegedly sighted in New York in 1932 working as a janitor.

GNR bassist Duff McKagan drank so much alcohol that his pancreas burst causing third-degree burns inside his stomach. Before that, he had cut off his drinking from a daily half-gallon vodka to 10 bottles of wine per day.

A man was convicted even after it was proven that the jury drank alcohol, snorted cocaine, and sold marijuana all throughout the entire court proceedings

Adolf Hitler did not drink alcohol and instead drank juice.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Drank Alcohol. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Drank Alcohol so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor