Recreational Drugs facts
While investigating facts about Recreational Drugs Meaning and Recreational Drugs Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The NHL "does not test for recreational drugs like cocaine or marijuana."
how recreational drugs affect the brain?
The Iranian Embassy in Washington, D.C. in the 1970s was an extravagant nonstop party-house that attracted movie stars, politicians, and socialites alike to partake in endless decadence and hedonism, from champagne and caviar to sexual favors and recreational drugs
What recreational drugs cause seizures?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what recreational drugs cause weight loss. Here are 32 of the best facts about Recreational Drugs And Seizures and Recreational Drugs Effects I managed to collect.
what recreational drugs are legal?
In the Netherlands there are dozens of public facilities where you can bring recreational drugs including weed, cocaine and ecstasy to test if they are safe
Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, could not imagine anyone using the drug recreationally due to its intense and introspective nature.
Scientists have been studying Ketamine, a recreational, dissociative drug, as a cure for depression. It is often discredited by the public due to being known as a horse tranquilizer.
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, was first used as a recreational party drug by Britain's wealthy class in the 1700s before it was ever utilized for medical reasons
Nitrous oxide was used primarily as a recreational drug in English parties for over 4 decades before doctors saw its potential in medicine.
The fish, Salema Porgy can cause hallucinations when it's eaten. It was consumed as a recreational drug at the time of the Roman Empire. These hallucinations, described as frightening, will take place a few minutes after eating the fish, the effect of which on the body lasts 36 hours.
Nitrous oxide has been used as a recreational drug since the late 1700s, when laughing gas parties were held. This use led to the discovery of anaesthesia.
In the Netherlands, there are dozens of public facilities where you can bring recreational drugs including amphetamines, cocaine and ecstasy to test if they are safe.
Alcohol and cocaine combine in your liver to create a new recreational drug, Cocaethylene
Opium poppy is also used for the production of heroin. Heroin is a type of recreational drug which induces euphoria and eliminates anxiety. It produces strong addiction.
Recreational Drugs data charts
For your convenience take a look at Recreational Drugs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why not legalize recreational drugs?
You can easily fact check why should we legalize recreational drugs by examining the linked well-known sources.
The film 'Project X' has spawned several grandiose parties in attempts to recreate it, resulting in some parties causing millions of dollars in damages, one death, and dozens of drug overdoses.
Ozzy Osbourne has "mutated" DNA that allows his body to process methamphetamine and other recreational drugs differently - source
Marijuana use in the U.S. became more common in the 1920s and 30s as a recreational drug.
Ketamine is South China's most popular recreational drug. And that a girl "...died in 2009 after participating in a ketamine snorting contest at a Hong Kong nightclub."
Humans are not the only species to use recreational drugs...and a new meaning for the phrase "Puff, puff, pass" - source
When does recreational drug use become a problem?
Dolphins have been documented using a recreational drug. Dolphins play catch with a puffer fish. The puffer fish feels threatened and releases a neurotoxin which at small doses has a narcotic effect. The dolphins will pass around the puffer fish and will be blissed out.
How recreational drugs affect fertility?
Dolphins display recreational use of drugs. They pass around puffer fish which releases a neurotoxin which in mild quantities give them a "high"
Dolphins participate in recreational drug use
Dolphins enjoy a bit of recreational drug usage
Dolphins exhibit recreational drug use. They use toxins produced by pufferfish to generate an intoxicating effect.
Recreational drugs infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Recreational Drugs numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.