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Doritos Chips facts

While investigating facts about Doritos Chips Calories and Doritos Chips Flavors, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An Ohio man called police in a panic because he thought he had smoked too much marijuana. Police found him in the fetal position, surrounded by Doritos, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, and Chips Ahoy cookies. He was fine, and police did not charge the man with any crime.

how doritos chips are made?

Doritos makes a "toasted corn" flavor, essentially tortilla chips

What's doritos chips?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to doritos salsa verde chips. Here are 19 of the best facts about Doritos Chips Nutrition Facts and Doritos Chips Price In Pakistan I managed to collect.

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  1. Saddam Hussein absolutely loved Doritos chips and would eat family sized bags of them while in captivity.

  2. Doritos were originally invented and distributed by a restaurant in Disneyland. A VP at Frito-Lay noticed their popularity with visitors and eventually launched their chips nationwide, making a huge success.

  3. Doritos were introduced in 1964 as plain tortilla chips. Taco flavor was introduced in 1967 and nacho cheese in 1972.

  4. The man who invented Doritos had the chips sprinkled on his grave

  5. Doritos sells "Cool American" flavor chips in parts of Europe.

  6. "Doritos" were released nationwide in 1966 and were the first tortilla chip to be launched nationally in the United States, their name derives from the Mexican Spanish doradito (meaning golden brown), and they were invented at Disneyland.

  7. Doritos were invented in Disneyland when it was suggested that instead of throwing away stale tortillas from Casa de Fritos they could be fried and sold as chips

  8. The creator of Doritos chips was buried with Doritos chips.

  9. Doritos used to have a cheeseburger flavored chip.

doritos chips facts
What to make with doritos chips?

What is true about doritos chips?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Doritos was sued in 2003 by Charles Grady, claimed that his throat had been damaged because of eating them. According to him, the shape and rigidity of the chips made them inherently dangerous. He attempted to admit into evidence a study that calculated how best to safely swallow the chip

Doritos were first launched in 1964, and were the first national tortilla chip in the U.S. - source

Doritos first sold nationally as a basic corn tortilla chip in 1967, Nacho Cheese wasn't sold until 1972, and much later Cool Ranch in 1986. - source

Not only has Mountain Dew made a Doritos flavored drink, but Doritos have also made a Mountain Dew flavored chip.

Scavengers on the Outer Banks of North Carolina were greeted by thousands of sealed bags of Doritos tortilla chips that floated onto the beach, dry and still in an edible condition. - source

When did doritos chips come out?

When the founder of Doritos died, he was buried in his beloved chips

How many calories in doritos chips?

When Doritos redesigned its chips in 1994, it also introduced a new logo, which then VP of tortilla-chip marketing described as "uninhibited and irreverent" like "the spirit and personality of Doritos… If you think of Doritos brand as a person, it would be a likable wise guy."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Doritos Chips. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Doritos Chips so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor