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Donner Party facts

While investigating facts about Donner Party Movie and Donner Party Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Native Americans were in contact with the Donner party several times, and actively offered them food. Only to be "Scared off/denied" and the Donner party to unfortunately choose cannibalism.

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The same man who left Hugh Glass for dead (The Revenant) later lied to the Donner Party about Hastings Cutoff, sending them to their fate.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the donner dinner party. Here are 23 of the best facts about Donner Party Cannibalism and Donner Party Documentary I managed to collect.

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  1. When the Donner Party was about to depart from Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln considered joining it, but only stayed behind to care for his son and his pregnant wife.

  2. Some members of the Donner party survived after their campfire fell through 25 feet of snow and landed on the ground, creating a cave-like area for them to shelter from an incoming winter storm.

  3. There are three types of cannibals. Exocannibals eat outsiders as a means of intimidation. Endocannibals eat members of their own kinship groups. Survival cannibals eat others to live (like the Donner Party).

  4. The ironic death of William Hook, a member of the ill-fated Donner Party. Stranded in the Rocky Mountains, the leading cause of death was starvation. Hook, however, was rescued early on, brought to Bear Valley Camp, and promptly died from overeating.

  5. The infamous Donner Party was tricked into taking a new "shortcut" by a trading post that desperately needed the route to succeed. They even hid letters left to warn that the route was hostile and deadly. The "shortcut" delayed the Party by a month, stranding them in the mountains as winter hit.

  6. Abraham Lincoln considered joining the Donner Party

  7. The Donner party was but a single day from crossing the mountains to safety in California when a blizzard would strike, trapping them for months. Several would resort to cannibalism. They had added weeks to their journey by taking an unproven cutoff.

  8. After surviving starvation with the Donner Party, Mary Graves married a man who was soon murdered. She cooked his murderer meals in prison so that he would not starve before his execution.

  9. The Donner party camped next to Truckee lake (Donner lake) which was full of trout. However, no one was familiar with fishing for trout.

  10. Abraham Lincoln briefly considered to become a member of the ill fated Donner party. He didn't go after protest by his wife.

donner party facts
What is the best book about the donner party?

Why did the donner party eat each other?

You can easily fact check why did the donner party resort to cannibalism by examining the linked well-known sources.

Abraham Lincoln could've been part of the Donner Party. Lincoln was James F. Reed's lawyer, who organized the trip. Lincoln showed interest in going but couldn't because his wife was pregnant. However, Mary Todd Lincoln waved the Donner Party goodbye in Illinois.

This was the day when the Donner party was rescued after being trapped in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

The Donner Party ate each other, brewed soup out of bones and shunned other families kids who parents left to find help like 2nd class humans because they decided to take a "faster" route through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. - source

When did the donner party reach california?

The Donner Party was a group of American Pioneers who set out for California in 1846. They were delayed due to mishaps and mistakes. Some resorted to cannibalism to survive.

How did the donner party eat each other?

One of the members of the Donner party died from overeating

'The Donner Party' was a group of American pioneers. A series of mishaps caused the party to be stranded in the Sierra Nevada mountains for an entire winter. The group resorted to cannibalism for survival, with only half the party reaching California the following year.

About the Donner Party, an ill-fated group of pioneers who got bogged down in the Sierra Nevada snowstorms on their way to California. They eventually succumbed to cannibalism -- eating the bodies of their dead to survive.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Donner Party. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Donner Party so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor