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Don Juan facts

While investigating facts about Don Juan Demarco and Don Juan Menu, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Magellan didn't circumnavigate the globe. Magellan only made it to the Philippines, where he started a battle and was killed by natives. It was one of his Captains — Juan Sebastián Elcano 1476 – 1526 — who actually completed the journey, yet historically has not received credit for his journey.

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In 2003, Juan Catalan was cleared of murder charges, after outtake footage shot for "The Car Pool Lane" episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm showed him and his daughter attending the Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Atlanta Braves baseball game some 20 miles from the crime scene at the time of the murder.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the story of don juan. Here are 50 of the best facts about Don Juan Narcos and Don Juan Restaurant I managed to collect.

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  1. About Juan Pujol Garcia, a spy who single handedly saved thousands of lives during D-Day by using his made-up network of spies to convince the Germans that another attack was going to happen in Calais instead of Normandy. He was also the only person to be decorated by both the Axis and Allies.

  2. A Spanish double agent, Juan Pujol Garcia got medals for spying from both Nazi Germany and the British Empire. He ran a fake spy network in London for Germany and recruited 27 fictitious agents all on German dime to provided them with fake intelligence during WW2.

  3. Juan García, deliberately became a double agent against the Nazi's during WWII. He was so good he was awarded medals by both sides in the war. He convinced the Nazi's the D-Day landing was a diversion for an attack in Pas de Calais, so they kept large forces there before and after the invasion.

  4. Prosecutors tried to put wrongfully convicted Juan Rivera back in prison for murder by introducing new evidence of blood on shoes; defense proved the shoes were not available for sale until after the alleged murder, resulting in an evidence tampering investigation

  5. Juan Pujol Garcia was a British double agent during WWII. He told Hitler D-Day would happen at the Strait of Dover, earning him the German Iron Cross. It was actually carried out at Normandy, earning him the British MBE.

  6. In 2003, Juan Catalan was cleared of murder charges, after outtake footage shot for "The Car Pool Lane" episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm showed him and his daughter attending the Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Atlanta Braves baseball game some 20 miles from the crime scene at the time of the murder.

  7. In 1859, an American farmer in the San Juan Islands shot a pig who was eating his potatoes, but the pig happened to belong to a British colonist. In the ensuing confrontation, 461 Americans and 14 artillery faced 5 British warships with 70 cannons and 2140 men. The only casualty was the pig

  8. It was first assumed that the sharks in the freshwater Lake Nicaragua were an endemic species, but it was later observed that the sharks were able to jump up and down the rapids of the freshwater San Juan River (which connects Lake Nicaragua and the Caribbean Sea) like salmon.

  9. Lance Armstrong owns a coffee shop called Juan Pelota Cafe. Juan is a homophone for "one" and "pelota" is Spanish for ball.

  10. Pablo Picasso's full name has 23 words and 103 characters. His full name is 'Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso'

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What is true about don juan?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

About Juan Catalan, a man who spent six months in prison for murder until his lawyer found unused curb your enthusiasm footage which proves he was actually at a dodgers game with his daughter.

There is a Spanish version of the song "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" called "Juan Pedro Pablo de la Mar" - source

Puerto Rico ("rich port") was the capitol of the island of San Juan until a mapmaker accidentally switched the names in 1521, and the mistake was never corrected. - source

In 1952-'54, the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico had snow delivered by plane to the city so that the children who had never seen or played in snow, would be able to do so

When Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders made their famous charge up San Juan Heights, they were entirely on foot. The only one riding anything was Roosevelt. They'd left the horses in Florida. - source

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Magellan did not actually complete his circumnavigation of the globe. He died in the Philippines and the voyage was completed by Juan Sebastian Elcano

The saltiest body of water on Earth, The Don Juan Pond. It is located in Antarctica but never freezes because of its high salinity.

Juan Catalan's murder charges were dismissed after background footage from "Curb Your Enthusiasm" filming showed he was at a Dodgers game at the time of the murder, confirming his alibi.

23% of the crew aboard Christopher Columbus' ship "Santa Maria" was named "Juan".

The island of Puerto Rico was originally named "San Juan Bautista" and the capital city was called "Puerto Rico". Eventually traders and visitors came to refer to the entire island as Puerto Rico, while San Juan became the name used for the main port and the capital city.

The great escape attempt of Juan, an Andean spectacled bear in Berlin zoo. Juan paddled across a moat using a log as a raft, scaled a wall and then finally appeared to commandeer a bicycle before being shot with a tranquiliser gun.

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An eagle stole a rabbit from a fox, carrying both into the air as the fox fought to hold onto his meal. The mid-flight tug of war over the rabbit was caught on tape by wildlife photographer Kevin Ebi in Washington State's San Juan Island National Historical Park.

Melanie Martinez had her home destroyed four times by Hurricane: Betsy (1965), Juan (1985), George (1998), and Katrina (2005). The reality TV show "Hideous Homes" gave her home a $20,000 remodeling, only to have it destroyed again by Hurricane Issac in 2012.

Lee Harvey Oswald still owes an overdue book – The Shark and the Sardines by Juan José Arévalo – to Dallas public library.

There is a Spanish version of the song "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" called "Juan Pedro Pablo de la Mar."

Pablo Picasso's full name is: Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso.

In 1859 an American farmer in the San Juan Islands shot a pig who was eating his potatoes, but the pig happened to belong to a British colonist. The conflict escalated to involve 461 Americans & 14 artillery against 5 British warships with 70 cannons and 2140 men. The only casualty was the pig

The oldest continuously occupied residence in California is the Rios Adobe in San Juan Capistrano, built in 1794 for Feliciano Rios, a soldier at Mission San Juan Capistrano. The current owner 225 years later is Stephen Rios, an ex-Marine raising the 10th generation in the adobe.

In 1957, Argentine F1 driver Juan Manuel Fangio broke the lap time record at the German Grand Prix 10 times in one race. In 22 laps he broke the standing record then beat his own record 9 more times. After making up a 48 second deficit he passed the leader on the last lap to take the win.

Lance Armstrong owns a coffee shop that makes fun of his testicular cancer. The shop is named "Juan Pelota Cafe." Juan is a homophone for "one" and pelota is the Spanish word for "ball".

There is a protester named Juan who has been at the same location in Seattle, shouting the same statements for over 20 years.

The first European explorer to reach Uruguay was Juan Diaz de Solis, in 1516.

After discovering Florida Juan Ponce de Leon returned to Puerto Rico, where he ended a rebellion by the Natives.

The saltiest body of water on the planet is Lake Don Juan in Antarctica. Although the temperature can be as low as -50 C, it never freezes.

Juan Ponce de Leon set sail again to return to Puerto Rico. He then began to search again for the island Bimini where he believed he would find the fountain of youth.

After marrying Juan left the family ranch and began to build his own estate while producing salted meat from his own plant Los Cerrillos.

In 1521 Juan Ponce de Leon set sail for the last time, again searching for Bimini. His crew of 200 men landed in Florida once again. Many of his crew and himself were wounded by the Native American's arrows.

By 1944, the villages of Paricutin and San Juan Parangaricutiro were smothered by volcanic lava with only the church tower of San Juan 2.8.miles (4.5 km) away, still visible.

In 1827 Juan helped Manuel Dorrego become the leader of the Federalists, and was appointed General Commander of the rural militia.

There is an area of Morrocoy National Park that is only accessible by boat known as La Piscina. In this area with no beach tourists enjoy the waters, anchor their boats, and are able to buy food and other items. This area is also known as Los Juanes.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Don Juan. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Don Juan so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor