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Documented Case facts

While investigating facts about Documented Cases Of Hiv From Oral and Documented Cases Of Faith Healing, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An alcoholic court stenographer in Manhattan repeatedly typed I hate my job instead of documenting speech during cases

how many documented cases of multiple personality disorder?

Clifford Stoll a sysadmin who’d tracked a $0.75 accounting error back to a an East German spy ring in one of the first documented cases of a computer break-in.

What was the first documented case of aids?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the last year for a documented case of polio in the united states. Here are 50 of the best facts about Documented Cases Of Feral Child and Documented Cases Of Cats Suffocating Babies I managed to collect.

what was the last year for a documented case of polio in the u.s?

  1. A female zebra shark held in captivity in Australia gave birth asexually in 2017. It is only the third documented case of a vertebrate of any species switching its reproductive strategy from sexual to asexual. Sperm storage was ruled out when genetic testing was done on the offspring.

  2. There have been no documented cases of children dying due to eating poisoned Halloween candy.

  3. In 1971, a chimpanzee community began to divide, and by 1974, it had split completely into two opposing communities. For the next 4 years this conflict led to the complete annihilation of one of the chimpanzee communities and became the first ever documented case of warfare in nonhumans

  4. A man committed to a high-security psychiatric hospital 7 years ago for fabricating a story of large scale money-laundering at a major bank is to have his case reviewed after internal bank documents proving the validity of his claims have been leaked.

  5. More than two-thirds of the DNA-cleared homicide cases documented by the Innocence Project were caused by false confessions.

  6. The first documented case of child abuse was reported to an animal welfare organization, for lack of a better resource. Which means that animals had welfare rights in the US before children did.

  7. The first documented cases of cancer were found on papyrus manuscripts in Egypt dating back to 3000 BC. In these manuscripts, 8 cases of breast tumors are mentioned that were removed by cauterization with a tool called the fire drill. The writing says about the disease, “There is no treatment.”

  8. Microsoft sued a high school student named Mike Rowe after he registered the domain He eventually gave up the domain for an Xbox (among other things). He later sold legal documents from the case on eBay for $1,037 as "a piece of Internet history."

  9. In Lagos, Nigeria people paint "This house is not for sale" outside their homes to prevent fake estate agents selling their house to someone using fake documents. In many cases the scammed buyer then has the true owner evicted from their own home.

  10. The first documented case of a ‘mail order bride’ / ‘catfishing’ was in 1539, when Henry VIII agreed to marry Anne of Cleves based on a painting of her he was sent. He found her so unattractive that he tried to send her back to Germany, and when he couldn’t, divorced her 6 months later.

documented case facts
What was the first documented case of cancer?

What is true about documented case?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pakistan was accused of forging documents in a corruption case dated from 2006 because they used the font Calibri, a font that wasn't available until 2007. It was referred to as "Fontgate"

Henry Ford published an anti-smoking book, circulated to youth in 1914, called The Case Against the Little White Slaver, which documented many dangers of cigarette smoking attested to by many researchers and luminaries. - source

The National Cancer Institute documented Cannabis killing cancer cells in numerous case studies. - source

Although the candiru fish is infamous for entering human urethras, there is only one documented case of this ever happening, and the accuracy of this case is highly disputed.

There are still about 650 documented cases of the bubonic plague a year. - source

When was the first documented case of cancer?

The Fall Creek Massacre. It was the first documented case in which white Americans were convicted, sentenced to capital punishment, and executed for the murder of Native Americans under U.S. law.

How many documented cases of hiv from oral?

About Roy Brown. By using Freedom of Information laws to request copies of his own court documents, Roy Brown solved his own case. DNA testing compared the suspected true perpetrator to DNA from a bite mark found on the victim and confirmed the truth of his suspicion.

In 1980 a Peruvian fighter pilot chased and shot at a UFO in what is the only documented case of a military aircraft successfully firing at a UFO.

Llamas can be very effective for protecting sheep, goats, hens or other livestock. In certain regions, studied showed that they lowered the the kill rate of livestock by predators from 21% to 7%. There have been documented cases of Guard Llamas killing coyotes or dogs to protect the herd.

The incubation period of CCHF is usually roughly 5 to 6 days but in some cases it can last as long as 9 days. One case was documented at 13 days.

Scientists have documented cases of Seals forcibly having sex with Penguins. In one case, the Seal killed and ate the Penguin after sex.

When was the first documented case of aids?

The Dutch famine of 1944–45 was a rare case of a famine which took place in a modern, developed, and literate country, albeit one suffering under the privations of occupation and war. The well-documented experience has helped scientists to measure the effects of famine on human health.

The 'Tailor of Châlons', one of the earliest known serial killers, murdered and cannibalized enough children to fill a barrel with their bones. After he was executed in 1598, all court documents regarding the case were destroyed in order to erase his name from history

There have been documented cases of flatulence during surgery being inadvertently ignited causing patient injury and the risk of death

In 1979, a patient exploded during a routine colonoscopy. Electrocautery combusted bowel gas (hydrogen & methane) causing fatal hemorrhaging despite administering 45 units of blood. At least 20 cases of "colonic gas explosion" are documented, typically caused by improper bowel preparation.

In medieval times, criminal trials were held for accused animals. Even insects were trialled. Documented cases range from a donkey cleared of bestiality due to its “good behaviour”, to a rooster sentenced for having apparently lain an egg. The practice lasted up until the 18th century.

How many documented cases of the flu in 2019?

The Pirahã language has an almost complete lack of numeracy, an extremely rare linguistic trait of which there are only a few documented cases. The language contains no words at all for discrete numbers and only three that approximate some notion of quantity

There is an extremely rare ability known as voluntary piloerection, where one can induce goosebumps or chills upon will. There is only 3 documented cases in history and it is considered theoretically impossible.

There are no documented cases of a historical pirate treasure map.

The unscientific and invasive practice of "virginity testing" is documented in at least 20 countries across the world, in many cases is performed by doctors, and can result in incarceration for the woman if she is deemed not a virgin

Smallpox outbreaks occurred for thousands of years before the development of a vaccine. The last case of smallpox in the United States was documented in 1949 and the last known naturally occurring case is documented in Somalia in 1977.

while Colombus brought disease to the New World, he brought back syphilis to the Old World with the first documented case in 1495

Princess Angela of Lichtenstein is the first documented case of a person of Sub-Saharan African descent marrying into a European royal family.

There is no minimum smoking age in Indonesia and there is a documented case of a 2 year-old smoking 40 cigarettes a day

In 2008 a biologist at Colorado State University made history in an ignoble way: the first documented case of a sexually transmitted insect-borne disease (Zika Virus), to his wife after returning from a field trip to Senegal.

There have not been any documented cases of HPV transmission through contact with a toilet seat.

A case of drug-resistant plague has been documented in Madagascar

There are three documented cases of death from monkeys throwing coconuts at people's heads

Important documents like the Declaration of Independence are stored in sealed, argon-filled glass cases to prevent decay.

The first and only documented case of "cement shoes" was reported in May 2016

Since 2000, there have been at least 17 documented cases of infant herpes due to Orthodox Rabbis' beliefs in sucking on the infants' penises to aide in circumcisions.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Documented Case. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Documented Case so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor