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Dishonorable Discharge facts

While investigating facts about Dishonorable Discharge List and Dishonorable Discharge Records, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Not only is Adultery illegal in the US Military, but it is punishable by Dishonorable Discharge, loss of pay, and confinement up to a year.

how bad is a dishonorable discharge?

In the now-defunct Star Wars Expanded Universe, Chewbacca owes a life-debt to Han Solo because Han refused an order from the Imperial Navy to skin the Wookiee as punishment for commandeering a ship full of slaves. Han is dishonorably discharged for his insubordination.

What does dishonorable discharge mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens if you get a dishonorable discharge. Here are 21 of the best facts about Dishonorable Discharge Consequences and Dishonorable Discharge Reasons I managed to collect.

what dishonorable discharge means?

  1. In many states a military dishonorable discharge is deemed the equivalent of a felony conviction, with attendant loss of civil rights including not being allowed to own or possess a firearm.

  2. The cross-dressing character “Corporal Klinger” on M*A*S*H was inspired by the '50s/'60s counterculture comedian Lenny Bruce who was dishonorably discharged from the Navy during WWII for wearing a woman's uniform and claiming homosexual tendencies

  3. A "blue discharge" was a form of administrative military discharge issued by the U.S. from 1916-1947. Neither honorable nor dishonorable, the blue discharge became the discharge of choice for commanders seeking to remove homosexual service members from the ranks.

  4. In 1941, an American sailor was dishonorably discharged for taking down a Nazi flag in San Francisco, only to be reinstated after war broke out

  5. In 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt dishonorably discharged 167 black soldiers. In September the Atlanta race riot broke out. 25 people died. William Du Bois" vision began to gain ground.

  6. Comedian and Actor Sinbad was a KC-135 airborne refueling tanker boom operator in the USAF and was booted out early... coming close to ending up with a Dishonorable Discharge.

  7. Ron Launius, ring leader of Hollywood's Wonderland Gang, was a United States Air Force veteran of the Vietnam era, who had been dishonorably discharged and convicted of smuggling heroin from Vietnam back to the United States in the corpses of American soldiers.

  8. The approximately 22,000 US soldiers and airmen who deserted during WW2, 7,000 had their US citizenship remitted when the military refused to overturn their dishonorable discharges, thus rendering them stateless.

  9. The US Army first banned gay sex between soldiers in 1921. Before that it was discouraged, but not grounds for a dishonorable discharge.

dishonorable discharge facts
What does a dishonorable discharge do?

Why is a dishonorable discharge bad?

You can easily fact check why did wade wilson get a dishonorable discharge by examining the linked well-known sources.

Calvin Graham was the youngest American serving in WWII. He was only 12 when he joined the Navy! He was wounded at Guadalcanal and dishonorably discharged when the Navy discovered his real age.

..Teddy Roosevelt dishonorably discharged Medal of Honor winners and men who fought with him in the Spanish American War because of the Brownsville Affair. - source

Walt Disney was dishonorably discharged from The Red Cross during WWI for abandoning a broken down supply truck after waiting for help for 2 days. - source

Area 51 is so secure that even nearby Air Force bases are not allowed to enter its airspace. Pilots who do, are punished by their commanders and can even be dishonorably discharged..

After two white civilians were shot in Brownsville, Texas in 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt ordered the dishonorable discharge of 167 black soldiers stationed at nearby Fort Brown, costing them their pensions and preventing them from getting civil jobs. - source

What happens when you get a dishonorable discharge?

Area 51 is so secure that even nearby Air Force bases are not allowed to enter its airspace. Pilots who do, are punished by their commanders and can even be dishonorably discharged.

How to get dishonorable discharge?

Comedian Sinbad was so distraught at not making the Air Force basketball team that he continually went AWOL, eventually being dishonorably discharged.

Jimi Hendrix got dishonorably discharged from the army for masturbating too frequently

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dishonorable Discharge. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dishonorable Discharge so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor