Die Hard facts
While investigating facts about Die Hard 2 and Die Hard Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Jonathan Hensleigh, the writer of "Die Hard With a Vengeance," was interrogated by the FBI over his screenplay. The plot Hensleigh devised to rob the bank was so plausible, the FBI wanted to know where he got his information.
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Alan Rickman had to fall 25ft into an airbag for his death scene in Die Hard. The plan was for the stuntman to drop Rickman on the count of 3. However, the director secretly had the stuntman drop Rickman after a count of 1. Because of this, Rickman's reaction in the film is completely genuine.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what die hard movie is the best. Here are 50 of the best facts about Die Hard 4 and Die Hard 3 I managed to collect.
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James Hard, a US Civil War veteran who died at 111 years old, living long enough to see both WW1 and WW2. We went from rows of musket fire to nuclear arms within his lifetime.
Bruce Willis is partially deaf in his left ear due to some of the loud explosions and gunfire while filming Die Hard. “Due to an accident on the first Die Hard, I suffer two-thirds partial hearing loss in my left ear and have a tendency to say, ‘Whaaa?’” Willis said.
The petrified look on Alan Rickmans’s face in 1988’s Die Hard is completely genuine as his stunt team dropped him on the count of 1 instead of the previously promised 3.
With 21 probable onscreen deaths and 15 mentioned deaths, Pixar's The Incredibles has a higher body count than Die Hard 1
The heist in Die Hard with a Vengance was so plausible that the FBI questioned the screenwriter leading to the Federal Reserve changing their security protocal.
While filming Hans Gruber's death scene in Die Hard, Alan Rickman was dropped a full second before he expected to fall, resulting in the look of shock present in the film.
One of the top things people regret when they are dying is that they worked too hard.
Alan Rickman almost turned down his first film role - Hans Gruber in Die Hard; changed his mind and suggested wearing a suit and pretending to be a hostage
In 2008, two researchers, a linguist and a sound engineer, found "the perfect male voice" to be a combination of Iron's and Alan Rickman's voices based on a sample of 50 voices. Coincidentally, the two actors played brothers in the Die Hard series of films.
In order to capture a genuine look of surprise on Hans Gruber's face, Alan Rickman was dropped one second early at the end of Die Hard.
Die Hard data charts
For your convenience take a look at Die Hard figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why die hard is the best christmas movie by examining the linked well-known sources.
President Harding died as one of the most popular presidents. Subsequent revelations caused him to be judged as one of the worst
Joel Silver, producer for some of the greatest action franchises of all time (Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, The Matrix, etc), also was one of the three college kids who created Ultimate Frisbee. - source
In 2013 a Chinese woman went on trial for murder after she squeezed a shopkeepers testicles so hard that he died. - source
Actress Bette Davis lived through four marriages, four strokes, breast cancer, and paralysis and died at the age of 81. Her epitaph reads "She did it the hard way."
While in prison, Clyde Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde) tried to avoid hard labor by chopping off two of his toes with an axe. As a result, he drove his getaway cars wearing only socks because he couldn’t balance correctly on the pedals of a car when wearing shoes. This is why he died wearing socks. - source
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Sylvester Stallone almost died filming Rocky IV when he asked Dolph Lundgren to try and hit him for real. Dolph hit Sylvester so hard it bruised his heart, which swelled up and sent Stallone to the hospital for a week. He said it felt liked he'd been in a serious car crash.
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The original script of "Gone Girl" called for Ben Affleck's character to wear a Yankees cap in one scene. Affleck refused to do so even in character being a die hard Red Sox fan and this halted production for 4 days.
The part of John McClane in Die Hard was first offered to 73 year old Frank Sinatra
There have been several reported cases of people dying from laughter, including Greek philosopher Chrysippus (279-206 BC), who died from laughing too hard at his own joke about a donkey eating figs and drinking wine.
A die hard football fan ran onto the field during a game and was sentenced to serve his jail time during the Super Bowl. He was also ordered not to watch or listen to the game.
Al Pacino was offered the role of Han Solo, but turned it down because he "didn't understand the script." He also turned down lead roles in Die Hard, Pretty Woman, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, First Blood, Beverly Hills Cop, and Apocalypse Now.
Die hard infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Die Hard numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

"Python" and "Die hard" search interest, and Christmas.