Dictionary Definition facts
While investigating facts about Dictionary Definition Of A Word and Dictionary Definition Format, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Oxford English Dictionary has included the informal use of the word "literally" in its official definition since 2011, and that use of the word "literally" to mean "figuratively" has been documented as far back as 250 years.
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A California school district banned dictionaries after a student who was searching for the word "orangutan" came across the definition for "oral sex." They pulled dictionaries from the school for having "age inappropriate" words.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the definition of a simp urban dictionary. Here are 24 of the best facts about Dictionary Definition In English and Dictionary Definition Python I managed to collect.
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The most complex word in the English dictionary is the word 'set' with over 430 definitions in the Oxford English dictionary
Having rejected the name Twitch for their social network, Jack Dorsey looked in the dictionary for words around it and we came across the word 'twitter' he thought the definition, 'a short burst of inconsequential information', was perfect.
JRR Tolkien was responsible for many W word definitions we have today in the Oxford English Dictionary
The most complex word in the English language, or the word with the longest dictionary definition, is the word "set", with 430 senses and a ~60,000-word definition in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Nickelodeon initially censored "blowhole" on The Adventures of Pete and Pete, which was Little Pete's favorite epithet. The creators had to read the dictionary definition (a muscular flap on a sea mammal) to standards and practices before they allowed it to be used on the air.
Resources such as maps, dictionaries, and encyclopedias, intentionally include false entries such as nonexistent roads, fake words and definitions, or made up events to protect against plagiarism and copyright infringement.
Due to the massive success and popularity of Eminem's "Stan", the Oxford Dictionary made a definition of "Stan" - 'an obsessive fan of a particular celebrity'
In 1934 the ghost word "Dord" appeared in Webster's dictionary as a term for density in chemistry. Originally it was meant for density to be added as a definition for the abbreviation "D or d" but the mistake wasn't found for another 5 years, and removed for another 2 after that
The numbered multiple definitions of a word in the dictionary are called "senses"
IBM once programmed supercomputer Watson to incorporate all the words and definitions from Urban Dictionary, but had to undo it when Watson soon began responding to researchers' questions with profanity.
Dictionary Definition data charts
For your convenience take a look at Dictionary Definition figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why definition urban dictionary by examining the linked well-known sources.
Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey rejected the name "Twitch" for their social network platform, and instead they searched the dictionary for similar words until they finally settled on "Twitter". They thought the definition "A short burst of inconsequential information" was perfect.
There is a theoretical dictionary called the "hyperwebster" made of of an infinite number of each combination of alphabetical letters and would contain every single possible word, thought, definition, truth, lie...everything. - source
About The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form, which is a dictionary where every definition is written as a limerick - source
The Oxford English Dictionary has added a definition for Literally that isn't literal.
The word Zumbooruk is in the Oxford English Dictionary. The Definition is " a small swivel gun, especially one mounted on the back of a camel" - source
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The Merriam-Wesbter and Cambridge dictionaries, as well as Google definitions, changed the definition of the word "Literally" to also mean figuratively. This means literally literally means literally and not literally.
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After Merriam-Webster added "McJob"–defined: a low-paying job that requires little skill and provides little opportunity for advancement–to their dictionary, McDonald's asked for it to be removed. They responded with"we stand by the accuracy and appropriateness of our definition."
One of the Oxford English Dictionary definitions for the word "trump" is to fart.
Several dictionaries changed the definition of literally because so many people misused the word
Literally" is now in several dictionaries as an alternate definition... for precisely the opposite of what it means.
The word 'run' has a ridiculously lengthy definition in the dictionary.