Day Landings facts
While investigating facts about D'day Landings and D Day Landings Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2014, an 89 year old WW2 veteran, Bernard Shaw went missing from his nursing home. It turned out that he went to Normandy for the 70th anniversary of D-Day landings against the nursing home's orders. He left the home wearing a grey mack concealing the war medals on his jacket.
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Christopher Columbus, when he heard that one of his men had sighted land in the Americas (earning a lifetime pension for it), claimed that he had seen it the day before but simply not bothered to mention it, and was given the pension instead.
What were the d day landings?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what date was d day landings. Here are 50 of the best facts about D Day Landings Beaches and D Day Landings Anniversary I managed to collect.
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Despite having a heart condition and arthritis that forced him to use a cane, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. led the first wave of landings at Utah Beach on D-Day, becoming the only general to land with his soldiers that day.
Sarah Rector who in 1913 at age 10 was known as "Richest Colored Girl in the world". After being given a land grant that unknowingly produced 2,500 barrels of oil a day. Soon she received a daily revenue of $300 (approx $2.6 million annually today) and marriage offers worldwide at age 12
During the initial airborne landings on D-Day, paratrooper John Steele got stuck on a church tower. He played dead for two hours dangling on the side of the church, was later captured and promptly escaped, fought for the entire day and was awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart.
Whilst filming the movie Entebbe, about a plane being hijacked, a plane was hijacked and landed at the airport on the day of the filming. They then filmed the real hostages being released and edited it into the movie. The producer called it a "blessing from the sky on a day of bad acting."
The 1,213 warships involved in D-Day, only 200 were American and 892 were British; of the 4,126 landing craft involved, 805 were American and 3,261 were British
Juan García, deliberately became a double agent against the Nazi's during WWII. He was so good he was awarded medals by both sides in the war. He convinced the Nazi's the D-Day landing was a diversion for an attack in Pas de Calais, so they kept large forces there before and after the invasion.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr was the only general to land on the beaches during D-Day. Although he was the oldest man on the beach and walked with a cane, he was the first man out of his landing craft. He recited poetry and joked with his men to keep them calm. He was awarded the Medal of Honor.
East China Sea parts every year and exposes a narrow 2.9km long strip of land allowing thousands of people to cross from Jindo island to Modo island of Korea. This land is exposed about an hour each day for approximately 4 days every year.
On April Fools Day in 1989, billionaire Richard Branson designed a hot air balloon to look like a UFO, and hired a dwarf in an E.T. costume to come out and scare whoever was near it when it landed.
On April Fools Day in 1989, billionaire Richard Branson designed a hot air balloon to look like a UFO, and hired a dwarf in an E.T. costume to come out and scare whoever was near it when it landed.
Day Landings data charts
For your convenience take a look at Day Landings figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why were the d-day landings so important?
You can easily fact check why did the d day landings happen by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2009, a hard ground ball hit Adrián Beltré in the crotch which landed him on the 15-day disabled list. In his first game back from the DL, teammate Ken Griffey Jr. conspired with those responsible for the PA system to have Beltré's at-bat intro music be the waltz from The Nutcracker Suite
On September 11 2001, Delta flight 15 had to land near Lewisporte, Newfoundland (pop. 4000). The town took care of 800 passengers for 3 days with homemade food, toiletries and fresh blankets daily. Since then, Flight 15 Fund has raised 1.5 million dollars and has presented 134 scholarships. - source
When the D-Day forces landed, Hitler was asleep. None of his generals dared send re-enforcements without his permission, and no-one dared wake him. - source
The BBC ran a contest asking vacationers for pictures of French beaches prior to D-Day to help gather intelligence and determine whether the beach was suitable for an amphibious landing. - source
When were the d day landings?
When ships pass through Point Nemo in the Pacific Ocean, the nearest land mass is 1677 (2,700 kms) miles away. This means that at certain times of the day, the nearest humans are on the international space station (ISS) 258 miles (416 kms) up.
How many emergency landings per day?
H. L. Mencken when writing about the US Presidency predicted that "On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
In 1980 the Supreme Court awarded the Sioux tribe 106 million dollars as compensation for land that was taken from them. The Sioux refused to accept the payment, and the money remains in the US Treasury to this day, accruing interest.
On 9/11, passengers of Delta 15 were forced to land in Gander, Canada, where they stayed for more than 2 days. In appreciation of the hospitality shown by the locals, passengers created a scholarship fund for students of Gander.
The D-day landing scene in Saving Private Ryan was so violent the film should have received an NC-17 rating, however received an R rating due to the "masterpiece exception."
Sarah Rector, a young black girl, became a millionaire at the age of 11 in 1913 when the land she had been deeded under the Dawes Allotment Act produced a ‘gusher’ that brought in 2500 barrels of oil a day