Dark Ages facts
While investigating facts about Dark Ages Tbs and Dark Ages Show, I found out little known, but curios details like:
1 in every 14 people in the US under the age of 50 are estimated to have owned a copy of 'The Dark Side of The Moon' by Pink Floyd.
how dark ages ended?
Reading silently didn't happen until the dark ages, when monks took a vow of silence. Before that, reading was done aloud, which is why the Romans had no punctuation and instead, chanted words to rhythms. Reading silently uses an entirely different part of the brain.
What happened in the dark ages?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what ended the dark ages. Here are 46 of the best facts about Dark Ages Years and Dark Ages Cast I managed to collect.
what caused the dark ages?
Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance design supervisor Toby Froud was the baby in the Jim Henson movie, Labyrinth!
Marketing to children, such as commercials and toys based off kids shows, was illegal in the United States until Ronald Reagan took office. He changed that law, which started the “Dark Ages of Animation.” This lasted until 1991, when Nickelodeon changed to focus on animators and storytelling
Sylvester Stallone thinks having the Second Amendment is "like living in the Dark Ages" and has been described as "the most anti-gun person in Hollywood"
About Heinrich Kramer who, after being obsessed with a woman who rejected him sexually, went on to write Malleus Maleficarum, a book that explained how to find and destroy witches, causing the beginning of the massive witch hunt during the dark ages and the countless murders of innocents
The term "dark ages" do not refer to the period where science was shunned. It was a term coined by Francesco Petrarca in the 1300's, criticizing the lack of good literature following Rome's fall.
After the collapse of the Roman Empire, spas and mineral springs became associated with brothels. This gradually led people to associate frequent bathing with disease and sickness during the Dark Ages.
The medieval torture device known as the "Iron Maiden" was actually made up in the 19th century to "show the dark spirit of the Middle Ages in contrast to the progress of humanity."
The Dark Ages may have literally been dark because of debris from a comet filling the atmosphere
In cosmology there is a period known as the Dark Ages which began around 377,000 years after the Big Bang. During the Dark Ages, the temperature of the universe cooled from 4000 K (6740 F) down to about 60 K (-351.67 F). The first generation of stars formed a few hundred million years later.
Cicero translated many of the Greek classics into Latin, which is how many of those works were preserved in western Europe during the Dark Ages.
Dark Ages data charts
For your convenience take a look at Dark Ages figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why dark ages happened?
You can easily fact check why dark ages in europe by examining the linked well-known sources.
Female gives birth to 9 to 12 babies usually from March to April. Spiny bush vipers are 6 inches long at birth and have dark green bodies covered in wavy stripes. Young snakes attain adult coloration at the age of 3 to 4 months.
The Digital dark age, a time that may come when historical documents and pictures will be inaccessible to future generations due to out of date software, hardware and file formats. - source
Dalmatian gives birth to 6 to 9 puppies (up to 13) which are snowy white at birth. Dark spots start to appear at the age of 10 to 14 days.
Young dark-eyed juncos are ready to leave the nest 9 to 13 days after hatching and begin independent life 3 weeks later. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 1 year.
The 9-gate wall built around the spring known as Clepsydra was built during the Dark Ages. The wall was known as Enneapylon.
When dark ages started?
A century-long drought in 2100 BC that collapsed empires, forced the ancient Egyptians into their own dark ages, and completely changed cultures in China and the Persian Gulf region.
How long did the dark ages last?
Eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate benefits health in many ways. In fact, chocolate is now considered an anti-aging, anti-inflammatory ‘superfood’ for the brain and body.
There is a widespread myth that says people of the middle (dark) ages thought the world was flat. "In fact, lecturers in the medieval universities commonly advanced evidence in favor of the idea that the Earth was a sphere."
The Greek Dark Ages were also known as the Homeric Age after the fabled poet Homer
Elephant seal can be grey, light or dark brown or tan-colored, depending on the age, gender and season.
In July of 2012 the Earth had a near miss with a solar flare that could have sent Earth back to the Dark Ages.