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Danube River facts

While investigating facts about Danube River Cruise and Danube River Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Hungary held a contest to name a Danube River bridge. Within days, "Stephen Colbert hid" (hid is Hungarian for bridge) was number one in the poll with 17 million votes, seven million more than the population of Hungary.

how long is the danube river?

The Hungarian capital, Budapest, was actually a merger between two different cities-Buda and Pest, separated by the river Danube.

What to know about danube river cruises?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best danube river cruise line. Here are 38 of the best facts about Danube River Cruise Budapest and Danube River Cruise Map I managed to collect.

what countries does the danube river flow through?

  1. The Danube River has been featured in songs, novels, legends, and movies.

  2. The Danube passes through many other European cities including Ulm, Ingolstadt, Regensburg, Linz, Gyor, Danaujvaros, Vukovar, Novi Sad, Zemun, Pancevo, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, and Vidin.

  3. There is a bike trail along the Danube River called the Danube Bike Trail. It is divided into four sections along the river including Donaueschingen-Passau, Passau-Vienna, Vienna-Budapest, and Budapest-Black Sea. It begins and ends where the Danube River begins and ends.

  4. The Danube is the second longest river in Europe after the River Volga.

  5. There have been more than 700 dams constructed on the Danube River's tributaries in various European countries.

  6. Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, is actually comprised of two former cities, Buda and Pest, on either side of the Danube River

  7. The Danube River was once extremely important for fisherman but this has declined since the Middle Ages. Some regions are still very active but there are also a variety of endangered species in the Danube River such as sturgeon species.

  8. The Danube River is considered to be one of the most important shipping routes in Europe. Its size will accommodate the largest shipping vessels when necessary.

  9. It is estimated that there are more than 5000 species of animals, birds, and plants in the Danube's delta.

  10. The Danube River's tributaries include Iller, Lech, Altmuhi, Naab, Regen, Isar, Inn, Enns, Morova, Raba, Vah, Hron, Ipel, Sio, Drava, Vuka, Tisza, Sava, Timis, Great Morava, Caras, Jiu, Iskar, Olt, Osam, Arges, lalomita, Siret, and Prut.

danube river facts
Danube river flows into what sea?

Why was the danube river rerouted around the city of vienna?

You can easily fact check why is the danube river important by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Danube river (Europe's longest river) begins in the Black Forest in Germany, flows southeast for 1,189 miles, passes through four capital cities, and ends in the Black Sea.

The German town Donaueschingen is where the Danube river is born and they have a monument for that, the Donauquelle - source

In Budapest on the banks of the Danube River there are 60 pairs of 1940s-style shoes sculpted out of iron as a monument called “Shoes on the Promenade.” There 20,000 Jews were forced to remove their shoes--a commodity at the time--before being shot and thrown in the river during WW2. - source

Croatia and Serbia have a border dispute because they marked their border using the Danube River, and it has since changed course. Serbia claims the current course, Croatia claims the old course

The Danube River flows through or along 10 countries including Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, and Romania.

When is the danube river low?

The Danube River is a graveyard for many German ships. During World War II the Germans sunk their ships to avoid allowing the Soviets to gain control of them.

How deep is the danube river?

Approximately 20 million people rely of the Danube River for their drinking water.

The Danube River flows through several countries" capital cities including Vienna, Belgrade, Budapest, and Bratislava.

There is a Hindu water goddess named Danu, whose name is etymologically related to the names of some European rivers such as the Danube and Dnieper.

The Amazon River Discharges about 200,000 cubic meters of water into the Atlantic Ocean every second, or more than 11 times as much as the Mississippi discharges into the Gulf of Mexico, and 30 times what the Danube discharges into the Black Sea.

Flat country valleys tend to be almost flat, often with rivers. Examples of these types of valleys include the Nile River Valley, the Euphrates Valley in Iraq, the Danube Valley in Romania, and the Ganges River Valley at Varanasi.

When is the best time to take a river cruise on the danube?

Some of the earliest human cultures lived in the vicinity of the Danube River - in its basin.

Austria, despite being landlocked, had a naval squadron until 2006. the squadron consisted of two boats, patrolling the Danube river.

Due to road clearance issues, the spectrometer for the KATRIN physics experiment was shipped down the Danube to the Black Sea, through the Mediterranean, around Spain and up to the North Sea and up the Rhine river to end its 9000 Km journey back in Germany, 400 Km from where it started.

The Danube River is often used for leisure boating and travel cruises, with as many as 70 cruise ships between Vienna and Budapest alone.

Tourism along the Danube River is diverse with natural places of interest including the Wachau Valley, Hungary's Gemenc, Germany's Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Croatia's, Kopački rit, Romania and Serbia's Iron Gate, Romania's Danube Delta, and Bulgaria's Srebarna Nature Reserve.

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In 1991 the Danube River was designated a UNESCO Heritage Site.

Roman Emperor Trajan constructed an enormous bridge over the Danube River in just a year just to defeat the Dacians.

Approximately one-third of the Danube River passes through Hungary's borders.

The Rhine-Main-Danube canal, which connects the Rhine and Danube rivers and allows ships to move between the Atlantic and the Black Sea

A lot of land on Earth is unclaimed by any country, including part of the desert between Egypt and Sudan, some of the Danube River between Croatia and Serbia, and much of Antarctica.

The legendary Tailor of Ulm, who was mocked for building a hang glider into which he invested all his effort and money. When he went to test the contraption to prove everyone wrong, he crashed into the River Danube.

The names of 5 of the largest European rivers (Danube [#2], Dnieper [#4],Don [#5], Dniester [#11] and Donets [#14]) all (partly) share the same etymological root: the 'Don' part comes from the Scythian word 'Dānu', which just means 'river'.

The Danube river separates the Hungarian cities of Buda and Pest. You may know them better by their united name, Budapest.

The Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, which connects the Rhine and Danube rivers and allows ships to travel from the Atlantic and North Sea to the Black Sea without the Mediterranean.

Hungary held a contest to name a Danube River bridge. Within days, "Stephen Colbert hid" (hid is Hungarian for bridge) was number one in the poll with 17 million votes, seven million more than the population of Hungary.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Danube River. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Danube River so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor