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Dance Move facts

While investigating facts about Dance Moves and Dance Moves 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Dancing Plant (Codariocalyx motorius) will move its leaves when subjected to loud music, but we do not know exactly how and why it does this.

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On Seinfeld, Elaine Benes' dance moves were inspired by SNL chief Lorne Michaels. Michaels was once observed “dancing as if he’d never seen another human being dance before. The man heaved and gyrated to a rhythm only he could feel.” Just like Elaine.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what dance moves are popular. Here are 50 of the best facts about Dance Moves Names and Dance Moves Fortnite I managed to collect.

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  1. The floor in the music video for Jamiroquai's Virtual Insanity never moved. The entire set was put on wheels, with the camera attached to one wall. Movers would yell NORTH! and Jay Kay would have to dance corresponding to the movements of the set, giving the illusion of moving with the floor.

  2. Jeffrey Daniel from Shalamar performed the moonwalk on TV a year before Michael Jackson did. Michael hired Jeffrey to teach him the dance move.

  3. Rashida Jones and Nicole Richie hold the world record for most hip-hop dance moves done in one minute by two people in one sweatsuit.

  4. The best known fact about seahorses is that male carries the babies. Mating ritual is complex and it involves dancing when seahorses intertwine their tails and move around tangled. It may last for hours.

  5. Competitive ballroom dancing has a very specific set of moves dancers can perform, and it is possible for two couples to get "locked", unable to move.

  6. Male salamanders perform special type of dancing in the water, a ritual which precedes mating. By moving his head and tail, he sends chemical signals (pheromones) to alert the female that he is ready for the mating. If the dance attracts the female, she will join him in dance.

  7. In the movie, Flashdance, one of Jennifer Beals’ body double dancers was a MAN ( Richard “Crazy Legs” Colón) who was responsible for the break dance move, the whip backspin, in the final sequence of the “What a Feeling” audition. In fact, 4 dancers were filmed for that “solo.”

  8. Snowball the cockatoo has recently shown ground-breaking evidence that other animals besides humans can recognize a musical beat and create their own dance moves

  9. Stoats employ an ingenious hunting tactic to catch their prey. They break out the crazy moves and go methodically nuts in a strategy called the "weasel war dance".

  10. In order to perform the anti-gravity dance move from “Smooth Criminal” live, Michael Jackson and designers developed and patented a special shoe that locks the performer's feet to the stage, allowing them to lean forward at 45 degrees.

dance move facts
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Why was the ghost dance movement?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Codariocalyx motorius, a plant that starts moving, or "dancing" when exposed to sound. We don't know how it works, or why this plant would develop such an ability.

Paula Abdul choreographed the piano dance scene in the Tom Hanks move BIG - source

Lynda Carter is credited with inventing Wonder Woman's transformation move for the TV show. She had a background in dancing, so she decided on a pirouette or a spin. An explosion effect would be added later on - source

Emmanuel Augustus AKA The Drunken Boxer, who would use dance moves to set up feints, counters, and other offensive and defensive moves.

Signature dance move (woman tilting the head back) of Argentine Tango comes from the fact that the gauchos that visited the clubs and asked the girls to dance did not shower themselves. - source

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Infants as young as five months move rhythmically when exposed to a beat. This suggests that dancing is an innate, not learned, response in humans.

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Pinky Lee, a children's TV host in the 1950s, collapsed on stage while writhing in pain in front of a live studio audience. His normal style of dancing was so energetic that the producers and audience assumed he was trying a new dance move and continued to film and cheer.

The left shark's awful dance moves were intentional.

Capoeira was invented by slaves in Brazil because it was illegal for them to practice martial arts so they disguised it in dance moves.

Michael Jackson borrowed his dance moves from Bob Fosse

The Popeye dance craze (based on moves of the cartoon character, such as lighting a pipe and skating) was bigger in some areas during the 50's and 60's than The Twist.

When will dance halls reopen?

The famous YMCA dance moves were not actually featured in the music video and were only later picked up by the Village People after seeing the audience do it in an episode of Dick Clark's American Bandstand in 1979

The reason Irish dance has so little body movement is because dancing was banned by British soldiers. Dancers would appear to stand still while moving their feet.

Yellow-headed jawfish often look like they are dancing while they are vanishing and appearing from their burrows. When they live in large groups on the small territory (such as aquarium), they occasionally exclude some of the fish from the group. Rejected yellow-headed jawfish often moves to the corner of aquarium where it dies.

Alfonso Ribiero based his "Carlton Dance" moves off the way Courtney Cox danced on stage during the Dancing in the Dark music video.

The famous dance troupe the Rockettes began in Missouri as the Rockets, before moving to NY's Roxy Theatre and becoming the Roxyettes before finally moving to Radio City and becoming the Rockettes

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Michael Jackson was a 2nd dan black belt martial artist. He incorporated the skills into his dance moves and felt the two were closely linked

Bees perform a Waggle dance to share information regarding the direction and distance to nearby flowers yielding nectar, pollen, water sources etc.They move relative to their hive and the sun for direction and the duration of the waggle part of the dance for distance.

Martial arts hall of famer Matt Fiddes was a former bodyguard of Michael Jackson and he trained the singer to 2nd Dan back belt. Apparently he incorporated the martial arts into his dance moves.

Sifakas stay very upright, standing on their strong back legs and can jump more than 30ft from branch to branch or tree to tree. They move on the ground with arms outstretched for balance. Using a 2 legged sideways hop, it looks as if they're dancing.

Elaine's Terrible Dancing on Seinfeld Episode "The Little Kicks" was Inspired By the Real Life Awkward Moves of SNL-Creator Lorne Michaels Dancing Badly at an SNL After-Party

During dancing plague of 1518, authorities instead of finding the cause, encouraged more dancing by opening halls, constructing wooden stages and even paid the musicians to keep them moving.

Michael Jackson is not the one who invented moonwalk dance move, it dates back to 1932. Cab Calloway performed similar steps in 1932 and at that time they called it “The Buzz”.

Locking (dance) was created by chance: Don Campbell, while performing, couldn't do a move and stopped at a particular point whilst moving his arms creating a 'locking' effect as he couldn't remember the next step. The audience found this funny and Don later added these ‘halts’ to his routines.

Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal video is based on the 1953 Fred Astaire film The Band Wagon. Astaire dances solo, no tap, with modern jazz moves, together with professional dancers. It's like he's ripping off Jackson.

Carlton based his dance moves off of the dancing in Bruce Springstein's "Dancing in the Dark" video.

Tap dance was the original street dance, and in Philadelphia different corners of a street represented your tap dancing skill level. If you got better, you moved up a corner.

In 1993 Michael Jackson patented a shoe to perform his "anti gravity lean" dance move as seen in Smooth Criminal.

In Sweden dancing without a license is banned! "Illegally moving one's feet to music" is a jailable offense.

Michael Jackson patented that leaning-forward dance move. And that it was achieved by engaging a retractable hitch in the floor.

During Tiesto's set in the 2004 Olympics, the Dutch athletes started dancing in front of the DJ booth and had to be moved on by officials

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dance Move. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dance Move so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor