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Dairy Farmers facts

While investigating facts about Dairy Farmers Of America and Dairy Farmers Of Ontario, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In the 1870s margarine, the economical rival to butter, was mandated in New Hampshire to be dyed pink in order to help dairy farmers. The reasoning: nobody would buy pink margarine.

how much do dairy farmers make?

Due to overproduction, American dairy farmers dumped more than 43 million gallons of milk into their fields in the first eight months of 2016. Enough to fill 66 Olympic swimming pools. Part of the problem is people are turning to dairy-free alternatives like almond milk and coconut milk.

What problems do dairy farmers currently face?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do dairy farmers do. Here are 22 of the best facts about Dairy Farmers Of Canada and Dairy Farmers Milk I managed to collect.

what dairy farmers milk is recalled?

  1. Only 5% of milk crates are stolen for personal use, with the biggest problem being organized theft, causing dairy farmers $80 million annually

  2. Many dairy farmers are using Fitbit-like devices to help detect when a cow is in heat or becoming ill.

  3. In the 1930's, there was a life-threatening issue facing many New Zealand Dairy Farmers - their pants were spontaneously combusting. Farmers used sodium chlorate to control an invasive weed. When dried, remnants of the chemical were highly volatile and would ignite easily.

  4. In the late 1800s dairy farmers made it illegal for margarine to be sold yellow. To skirt the law, margarine was sold with a dye packet that you had to mix in at home.

  5. Name "Appenzeller Sennenhund" refers to the Appenzell region (alpine area in the northeast part of Switzerland), where this breed was created, and Senn people, dairy farmers in the Swiss Alps, who created this breed.

  6. The world record for consecutive free throws made is held by a guy who didn't make his high school A basketball team. He attributes his skill to the concentration he learned as a dairy farmer.

  7. Glastonbury festival was started 49 years ago by an English, dairy farmer. It runs on his farm still.

  8. In emergencies dairy farmers used to use their trucks manifolds to temporarily power the milkers.

  9. In 1773 a Cape Dutch dairy farmer named Wolraad Woltemade saved 14 drowning sailors on horseback from a shipwreck. Ultimately he and his horse drowned while trying to save more.

  10. The US dairy production is so high that farmers are forced to dump tens of million gallons milk into the ground every year.

dairy farmers facts
What time do dairy farmers wake up?

Why are dairy farmers dumping their milk?

You can easily fact check why are dairy farmers struggling by examining the linked well-known sources.

Yellow margarine was outlawed in Missouri until 2010 because dairy farmers wanted to increase butter sales

95,000 male calves were slaughtered at birth by British dairy farmers as it was cheaper than rearing them. - source

There is a monastery in Leicester that makes the first - and to date - only Trappist beer in the UK. The monks were originally dairy farmers, but turned to brewing beer when the cost of keeping cattle became too expensive. - source

Fred Tuttle. Vermont dairy farmer who was an indie film star of a mocumentary about a dairy farmer running for Senate. Two years later he ran for real and won the primary.

There are 1.4 billion lbs of cheese stockpiled into Missouri caves due to a milk surplus that prompted federal cheese buy-ups to protect the already thin margins of dairy farmers. - source

When was dairy farmers sold?

Milk is expensive in Canada because a dairy cartel limits surplus milk production and imports. This is done in the interest of "protecting local dairy farmers", but the only winners are a few big players that operate massive factory farms.

How much do dairy farmers make in australia?

Dairy farmer calls out company she sells milk to for intentionally misleading consumers

The United States obsession with cheese is a result of the governments attempt to bail out dairy farmers during the Great Depression.

Declining dairy prices are leading to a huge surge in dairy farmer suicides.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dairy Farmers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dairy Farmers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor