Cyber Security facts
While investigating facts about Cyber Security Jobs and Cyber Security Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The TV show Mr Robot has a team of hackers and cyber security experts who make sure that the hacking shown on the show is accurate. Hacking scenes are also performed by members of the technical team in real life, then recorded and rebuilt using Flash animation.
how cyber security works?
Symantec (Norton) had launched a totally random marketing campaign “Hack is Wack”. Contestants needed to submit their rap songs about cyber-crime, malware, hackers. The contest was endorsed by Snoop Dogg, contest's website was full of security holes and there were only ~200 contestants.
What cyber security is all about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cyber security means. Here are 19 of the best facts about Cyber Security Course and Cyber Security Certifications I managed to collect.
what cyber security do?
Despite being deputy chief of the government's cyber-security strategy office, Sakurada admitted to the Japanese Diet in November 2018 that he had never used, and did not know how to use, a computer.
A cyber security analyst named Robin Sage befriended nearly 300 military personnel, intelligence agencies staff and defense contractors through social networks despite being a completely fictitious profile with no real life information
It took hackers about two hours to hack US voting machines. This report makes one key point: our voting systems are not secure. DEFCON 25 Voting Machine Hacking Village’s Report on Cyber Vulnerabilities in U.S. Election Equipment, Databases, and Infrastructure highlights the vulnerabilities.
While the cost of cyber crimes to US companies was only US $12.7 Million last year, the overall cyber security market was worth $67.2 Billion
The VA has failed its cyber security audit for 16 years in a row
TIDAL, a music streaming service owned mostly by Jay-Z, was accused of deliberately inflating streaming numbers for Beyonce's album "Lemonade" and Kanye West's "The Life of Pablo" by more than 300 million plays in 2016 based on study by NTNU Center for Cyber and Information Security.
The new cyber security technique named Invi-Server makes your server more secure. New research in cyber security. Link to research paper given in the video description.
The Governator was almost a TV Series by Stan Lee featuring "cyber security expert, Zeke Muckerberg"
Do you know the need of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security?
California becomes the first state in the United States to pass an Internet of Things cyber-security law
Cyber Security data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cyber Security figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why cyber security career?
You can easily fact check why cyber security course by examining the linked well-known sources.
One software company provides cyber security software for more than half of the Fortune 100 companies, including Google and Facebook
The National Security Agency, the Central Security Service and US Cyber Command are all run by one guy named Paul - source
The head of the French Cyber Security Agency (ANSSI) stated there was no trace of Russia hacking the French election earlier this year. - source
If 23 random people are in a room, there is >50% chance that two of them have the same birthday. In a room of 41 people, odds are >90%! This has profound cyber-security implications, where "having the same birthday" means being able to forge documents as the other person.
China is training 10,000 messenger pigeons to carry secret military letters in order to avoid cyber-security leaks. - source
When is cyber security month?
The TV show Mr Robot has a team of hackers and cyber security experts who make sure that the hacking shown on the show, and the technology used, is accurate. Hacking scenes are also performed by members of the technical team in real life, then recorded and rebuilt using Flash animation.
How cyber security is important?
The TV show Mr Robot has a team of hackers and cyber security who make sure that the hacking shown on the show, and the technology used, is accurate. Hacking scenes are also performed by members of the technical team in real life, then recorded and rebuilt using Flash animation.