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Crop Circles facts

While investigating facts about Crop Circles 2019 and Crop Circles Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Australian opium farmers found mysterious crop circles in their fields. The culprits were wallabies who got high and bounced around in circles

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In 2009, Tasmanian opium farmers discovered circles and patterns in their crops. It turns out it was wallabies getting high and bouncing around in circles.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cause crop circles. Here are 31 of the best facts about Crop Circles 2018 and Crop Circles Uk I managed to collect.

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  1. Australian opium farmers discovered mysterious crop circles in their fields. The culprits were wallabies who got high and bounced around in circles.

  2. Crop Circles found in Australia turned out to be made by Wallabies totally high on legally grown poppy seeds.

  3. Australian Wallabies have been found to make crop circles in Tasmania after ingesting opium poppies.

  4. In 1976 after enjoying a few pints, two chaps decided to “...go over there and make it look like a flying saucer has landed.” From 1976-1991, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley were responsible for over 200 crop circles that started the craze.

  5. Wallabies in Tasmania were eating poppies and running around in circles, making tracks that were mistaken for UFO crop circles.

  6. Simon Beck created giant 'crop circles' in the snow by walking for up to 10 hours at a time. Problems in his feet prevented him from running, so he initially started walking in these intricate patterns for the exercise.

  7. Australian Wallabies eat opium poppies and then create crop circles as they hop around "high as kites"

  8. Australian opium farmers have problems with mysterious crop circles in their fields, it turns out that these circles were made by wallabies who got stoned after breaking into the poppy farm and started hopping around in circles.

  9. In 2009, mysterious crop circles were found in Tasmanian poppy fields. They were caused by stoned wallabies hopping in circles.

crop circles facts
What is the meaning of crop circles?

What is true about crop circles?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Wallabies like to get stoned and make crop circles

Australian wallabies in Tasmania had been found creating crop circles in fields of opium poppies, which are grown legally for medicinal use, after consuming some of the opiate-laden poppies and running in circles - source

Not everyone believes that crop circles are made by aliens. Some believe they are the result of small wind funnels.

Some people believe that aliens built Stonehenge but there has not been any proof of this theory. Stonehenge is often referred to when people discuss crop circles.

When you dream about teeth being crooked?

A puffer fish who makes amazing underwater "crop circles" to attract a mate

How to crop photos into circles?

There is a UFO exhibit in a town in Alberta Canada (St. Paul) where you can view actual photographs of UFOs, crop circles and cattle mutilations. And it has the first official UFO landing pad.

Crop circles have been used as an advertising medium. Spirit Airlines took out a crop circle near Kansas City in 2014 to advertise its fares.

A species of pufferfish build intricate nests that resemble crop circles to attract mates

Pufferfish create intricate crop circles to attract a mate.

How to smile when you have crooked teeth?

Tasmanian poppy farmers started reporting the appearance of strange ‘crop circles’ running through their supply. They later found it was wallabies getting high and going around in circles

The Troggs' Reg Presley spent a large amount of his songwriting royalties researching alien spacecraft and crop circles.

Controversial UFO's Recoded (1996 in Scotland) forming crop circles

Fish draws beautiful crop circles to find a mate

Pufferfish carve 'crop circles' in the sand to attract females. And the 'carvings' are beautiful! Longer version here: (and no I would not like to fish for them *username*)

How many crop circles in 2019?

Crop circles and frequency just seen this w--f worth watching

Crop Circles discovered in Australia were actually made by Wallabies stoned on poppy seeds.

A major cause of crop circles in Tasmania is wallabies getting stoned and hopping in circles

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Crop Circles. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Crop Circles so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor