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Continent Antarctica facts

While investigating facts about Continent Antarctica Countries and Continent Antarctica Countries List, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Antarctic Treaty of 1961 which recognizes no sovereign claim of Antarctica, prohibits mining, prohibits military activity & only allows scientific activity on the continent

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In 1977, Argentina flew a pregnant woman to their military base in Antarctica so she could have first baby to ever be born on the continent. In doing so, the Argentine government believed this would give them an undisputable claim on the land, but the claim is not recognized internationally.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what continent is closest to antarctica. Here are 50 of the best facts about Continent Antarctica Lies At and Continent Antarctica Map I managed to collect.

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  1. Metallica performed in Antarctica just to break a record and be the first musical act to perform on all 7 continents.

  2. The planet Uranus was discovered before the continent of Antarctica

  3. There are two species of flowering plants growing in Antarctica, even though 98% of the continent is covered by ice that averages 1.9 kilometres (1.2 miles) in thickness.

  4. Antarctica's largest land animal is a 2mm-long insect called Belgica antarctica, the only insect on the continent.

  5. In 2014, Tinder made its first match on the continent of Antarctica. Not surprisingly, both parties involved were research scientists.

  6. Peregrine Falcons are one of the most common birds of prey, living in every continent except Antarctica.

  7. No sitting US president has visited the continent of Antarctica

  8. Antarctica has the highest literacy rate of any continent.

  9. Metallica became the first band to play on all seven continents by holding a concert on Antarctica. However, they didn't play "Trapped under ice"

  10. Metallica became the first band to perform on all 7 continents after a concert at Carlini station in Antarctica in 2013

continent antarctica facts
What countries are in antarctica continent?

Why is antarctica a continent but the arctic is not?

You can easily fact check why is antarctica a continent and not the arctic by examining the linked well-known sources.

Not all of Antarctica is covered with ice; the continent also has ice-free dry valleys featuring bodies of water - hypersaline ponds - that never freeze, even in the depths of winter.

The discovery of the planet of Uranus (1781) predates the discovery of the continent Antarctica (1821). - source

Rabies has been found on every continent of the planet except for Antarctica.

The world's largest penguin species the emperor penguin lives on the ice of the Southern Ocean and on the Antarctica continent.

Although there are no permanent residents of Antarctica, there are approximately 5,000 temporary residents, including scientists who perform research on the frozen continent.

When did antarctica become a continent?

The continent of Antarctica doesn't have a timezone.

How many countries are there in antarctica continent?

A Russian research station in Antarctica allowed an American tattoo artist to set up an impromptu tattoo studio and tattoo his "assistant" so that he could be the first person to tattoo on all 7 continents.

Emilio Marcos Palma is the first documented person born on the continent of Antarctica.

Antarctica is home to 90% of the world's ice. This continent contained within the Southern Ocean's boundaries is the windiest, driest and coldest continent in the world.

The Russians erected a bust of Lenin at the Pole of Inaccessibility in Antarctica - the point on the continent that is the most distant from any coast

Antarctica is the only continent yet to be connected to a submarine telecommunications cable. All phone, video, and e-mail traffic must be relayed to the rest of the world via satellite.

What continent is antarctica a part of?

There is one species of insect that lives on Antarctica: the Antarctic midge. At only 2-6 mm (0.079–0.236 in) long, it's the largest purely terrestrial animal on the continent.

Antarctica was not seen by man until 1820, but nobody set foot on the frozen continent until 1895. The first man to set foot on Antarctica's ice is believed to be Henryk Bull, and his whaling ship crew.

Antarctica should have been named Australia (after Terra Australis or 'South Land') but explorers that discovered Australia did not believe there was any land further south and named the continent Australia

Argentina sent a pregnant woman to Antarctica as part of its effort to claim a portion of the continent. Emile Marco Palma became the first child born in Antarctica in January 1979.

Catfish exist on every continent except Antarctica.

How many countries are in antarctica continent 2018?

Plant-eating spiders have been found on every continent except Antarctica! Currently, there are 60 species, representing 10 taxonomic families.

The first baby born on the continent Antarctica was Emilio Marcos de Palma, on January 7th, 1978. He was also the first in history to be born as far south as he was.

Coal seam fires burn for hundreds of years on every continent (except Antarctica) with 200 active fires in the US which emit carbon dioxide, methane, mercury and at least 40 other toxic compounds.

Metallica played a show in Antarctica as a part of playing in all of the continents

Antarctica is divided into 9 territories, with eight of these claimed by nations including Australia, Norway, France and Chile. The ninth segment of the continent, called Marie Bird Land, is the largest single unclaimed territory on Earth due to its extreme remoteness.

It took until 1820 for humans to discover the continent of Antarctica. It was also the last region on Earth in recorded history to be discovered!

Ants are found on every continent except Antarctica

Metallica played a gig in Antarctica called Freeze 'Em All, making them the first band to have played on every continent

McMurdo Station in Antarctica has the only two ATM's in the entire continent, both operated by Wells Fargo.

About the United States Exploratory Expedition. An adventure that dwarfed Louis and Clark and discovered the continent of Antarctica among its many accomplishments. However, the expedition was largely forgotten due to the controversial actions of its leader.

In July, conservationists found a fruitcake from Robert Scott's 1911 Antarctica expedition in the continent's oldest building. It was still "almost edible" after 106 years.

Theoretically, Antarctica would be located in all time zones because Antarctica sits on every line of longitude, due to the South Pole being situated near the middle of the continent. The time zones are usually based on territorial claims

There is a luxury cruise by a group called Silversea that visits all 7 continents which inclues 62 ports in 32 countries as well as a stop in Antarctica

An Argentine soldier's wife was flown to Antarctica in 1978 to help Argentina claim part of the continent. Chile decided to one up them and claim part of the continent too by bringing married couples to Antarctica to produce babies conceived in Antarctica.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Continent Antarctica. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Continent Antarctica so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor