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Consumer Products facts

While investigating facts about Consumer Products Safety Commission and Consumer Products Industry, I found out little known, but curios details like:

About shrinkflation, the practice of stealthily reducing a product's size while maintaining its price so that consumers may unknowingly pay the same for less. According to the UK’s Office of National Statistics, 2,529 supermarket products decreased in size or weight between 2012 and 2017.

how do you choose which consumer products to buy?

The "Made in [Country]" mark was first established by the UK in 1887 in order to denounce foreign goods (mostly made in Germany) and encourage consumption of domestic goods. The plan backfired and consumers specifically bought products made in Germany as they were seen as reliable and cheap.

What is consumer products industry?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the four types of consumer products. Here are 50 of the best facts about Consumer Products List and Consumer Products Giant For Short I managed to collect.

what are the 4 types of consumer products?

  1. Eight deaths related to ingesting liquid laundry packets (i.e. Tide Pods) in the U.S. between 2012 and early 2017 that have been reported to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, only two of the cases were actually children, with six of them being adults with dementia.

  2. About Benjamin Careathers, an american man who sued RedBull in 2015, stating that after 10 years of consuming the product, he received no wings, or enhanced physical or intellectual performance.

  3. Kodak discovered the US was testing atomic weapons due to problems appearing on their consumer film. Kodak was worried about their product and profits ultimately striking a deal with the US Government in order to get schedules and maps of future tests in exchange for Kodak's silence.

  4. Over 60 percent of Chinese consumers also say that they are willing to pay more for products labeled “Made in USA” than for those labeled “Made in China”.

  5. Coke was sued for the "unwarranted health claims" on their product Vitaminwater. Coke's defense was "no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."

  6. Planned obsolescence, a manufacturing decision by a company to make consumer products in such a way that they become out-of-date or useless within a known time period so that consumers are forced to buy a product multiple times rather than just once.

  7. The Chivas Regal effect is when an increase in price of a product drives increased sales without a change in quality of the product. This happens because consumers frequently associate quality with cost.

  8. During the Manhattan Project, a production race was held between two calutrons, one run by "hillbilly" girls and the other run by Ph.Ds. The girls won the contest because "the scientists could not refrain from time-consuming investigation of the cause of even minor fluctuations of the dials"

  9. About a French law that demands that manufacturers display how long their appliances will last. French companies have to inform consumers how long spare parts for the product will be available or risk a fine of up to €15,000 (£11,000).

consumer products facts
What are the types of consumer products?

What is true about consumer products?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A group of consumers known as "Harbingers of Failure" can predict the failure of products by liking them. The more their enthusiasm for a new product the higher the chance of the products failure. (e.g. People who like Diet Crystal Pepsi are more likely to have purchased other failed products.)

Coke was sued for the "unwarranted health claims" on their product Vitamin water. Coke's defense was "no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitamin water was a healthy beverage." - source

Johnson & Johnson knew their baby powder product caused ovarian cancer in some consumers, but sold it anyway. A victim successfully sued for $70 million but J&J still maintained that their baby powder was "perfectly safe".

Big educational companies like Pearson have allowed plugs (ads) for consumer products in their standardized tests - source

In purchasing products a and b a consumer is in equilibrium when?

In 2011 a 14 year old girl died as a result of caffeine toxicity after consuming a 0.7 liter Monster Energy drink can. Her mother proceeded to sue, stating that "I just want Monster Energy to know their product can kill."

How is agriculture a consumer of industrial products?

Up 95% of All Rebates Offered to Consumers for Purchasing Products Go Unclaimed

The IKEA effect is an actual cognitive bias in which consumers place more value on products they themselves created at least partially.

Egyptian cotton really is a special type of cotton from Egypt with longer/stronger fibers that is used to make high-end consumer textile products.

Coca-Cola was first served on May 8th, 1886. At that time, only 9 colas were served in an average day: 3285 a year. Today, worldwide, 19,400 Coke products are consumed every second.

The reason a bag of potato chips contains mostly air is not to deceive the consumer into believing there is more product. Instead, the air (called slack fill) provides cushioning that protects the chips. "Less air, more chips but they are shattered or More air, fewer chips but they are whole"

Interesting facts about consumer products

The Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service all have their own SWAT teams

In 1974, the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued 80,00 lapel buttons promoting toy safety. The buttons later had to be recalled because they contained lead paint, had sharp edges, and were considered a choking hazard.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the sale of Lawn Darts in 1988 after the deaths of 3 children.

Some individuals are unable to digest lactose which is found in milk and as a result will experience cramps, bloating and diarrhea if they consume milk. The dairy industry now manufacturers many products that are lactose-reduced and there are also pills that an individual can eat prior to consuming dairy to aid in its digestion.

Some people are not able to consume dairy products because they lack the enzyme necessary to digest lactose. Lactose intolerance is not the same as having an allergy to cow's milk.

How did digital technology changed consumer products?

In 1924 his company went bankrupt because there was a lack of consumer interest in the product.

Ripe coconut has 3.2 pounds of weight. White, edible flesh of coconut can be consumed raw or dried. Dry version of coconut flesh is called "copra". Production of one ton of copra requires 6000 coconuts.

Each person requires approximately 12 gallons of water each day when all water is taken into account. This includes water for drinking, toilet flushing, showers, and the production of the food one consumes.

Soybean is important part of human diet, but it needs to be processed (cannot be consumed raw) before consumption. Best known products made of soybean are tofu, miso, tempeh, soy milk, soy meal and soy flour.

80 percent of people in the US who consume Kosher products are not Jewish.

The "pink tax": a phenomenon where products marketed specifically toward women are generally more expensive than those marketed for men. According to the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs, products marketed specifically toward women cost on average 7 percent more than those for men.

1% of human population cannot consume wheat-based products due to celiac disease. This disorder results from intolerance to the wheat protein called gluten.

Cornflower produces edible flowers. They have cucumber-like taste. Flowers can be consumed in the form of salad and tea or used as garnish. Cornflower is an excellent source of nectar, which is used for the production of high-quality honey.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission had to recall 80,000 of its own lapel buttons promoting "toy safety", because the buttons had sharp edges, used lead paint, and had small clips that could be broken off and subsequently swallowed

When Atari's 'Pong' creators were sued by Magnavox Odyssey creators, they settled outside of court. Magnavox got the rights to any product Atari came up with in the following 365 days... Atari delayed their consumer products for a year. (page 47)

Cranberries are rarely consumed raw. They are often used dried or in the form of sauces, jams, juices and various cocktails. These berries are also used in the production of cranberry wine.

Some Archaea, such as methane-producing Archaea that can be found in the guts of human and ruminants, consume organic compounds. They absorb waste products from the gut and eliminate methane as by-product. Methane-producing Archaea are frequently used in sewage treatment and for the production of biogas.

Muji, a Japanese household and consumer goods company, does not advertise or overtly label its products. Their "no-brand" strategy means that little money is spent on advertisement or classical marketing, and Muji's success is attributed to word of mouth.

Peel of pomelo can be candied, used for the production of marmalades or consumed in combination with chocolate. It is also used as seasoning for dishes made of meat.

Printer companies intentionally design their products to perform ineffectively in an effort to get more money from the consumer.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Consumer Products. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Consumer Products so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor