Consumer Goods facts
While investigating facts about Consumer Goods Forum and Consumer Goods Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The "Made in [Country]" mark was first established by the UK in 1887 in order to denounce foreign goods (mostly made in Germany) and encourage consumption of domestic goods. The plan backfired and consumers specifically bought products made in Germany as they were seen as reliable and cheap.
how consumer goods marketing?
To prove that weight loss wasn't about eating healthier, but rather just eating less calories; a Nutrition Professor consumed 1,800 cal of junk food per day for 10 weeks. Not only did he lose 27 lbs he also lowered his bad cholesterol and raised his good cholesterol.
What consumer goods marketing?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are fast moving consumer goods. Here are 32 of the best facts about Consumer Goods Examples and Consumer Goods Meaning I managed to collect.
what consumer goods became popular in the 1950s?
In Taiwan, store receipts come with a free lottery number printed at the top, and winning numbers are drawn every two months. The initiative has been running over 60 years, and encourages businesses and consumers to keep good records.
Chinese-run factories in Prato, Italy, the majority of which underpay workers and force them to work in horrific conditions, allow designers to put 'Made in Italy' on their labels, and charge a premium because consumers think they are buying ethically produced goods.
Agrimony is good source of vitamins of the B group, vitamin K and iron. Leaves and flowers can be consumed in the form of tea. Fresh flowers can be also used to improve the flavor of the home-made beer.
While consuming fat is important for health, the type of fat is important. Too much fat in the diet is not good for human health in the same way that too little fat is not good for human health.
Popcorn is gluten-free, which means it is a good snack for those who cannot consume gluten (celiac disease or gluten-sensitivity).
Leaves of pigweed can be consumed raw (as salad) or boiled (like spinach). They represent good source of iron, calcium and vitamins C and A. Seed can be consumed raw, in the form of flour or popped like popcorn. Seed contain substantial amount of proteins, fibers and vitamins A and C.
There was an alarm clock sortage in the second world war, due to all the factories being converted for war. Workers subsequently missed their shifts as a result, and were one of the first consumer good to be made after the war ended.
When told Science Fiction couldn't be taken seriously because it was mostly terrible, Theodore Sturgeon responded "90% of [all] film, literature, consumer goods, etc. is crap". This is now referred to as Sturgeon's Law
Muji, a Japanese household and consumer goods company, does not advertise or overtly label its products. Their "no-brand" strategy means that little money is spent on advertisement or classical marketing, and Muji's success is attributed to word of mouth.
Flower buds of Good King Henry are usually prepared and consumed like broccoli, while flowers are often consumed sautéed in butter.
Consumer Goods data charts
For your convenience take a look at Consumer Goods figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why consumer goods marketing?
You can easily fact check why were consumer goods rationed during the war by examining the linked well-known sources.
Veblen goods, a term used for products that consumers buy BECAUSE they're expensive.
Unlike in Winnie the Pooh, bears eat more than just honey. They will also consume the bees and larvae inside the beehive, which are a good source of protein. - source
Orange juice can help to reduce bad cholesterol in the body, while increasing good cholesterol. This can help to prevent cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes when consumed regularly.
To a Soviet consumer, a luxury item was any good with the exception of plain breads, cabbage, potatoes and vodka.
In economics and consumer theory, a Giffen good is a product that people consume more of as the price rises and vice versa—violating the law of demand - source
Consumer rights when returning goods?
Leaves of Good King Henry are excellent source of vitamin C, iron and calcium. Leaves and flowering stem are available from June to September. They can be consumed in the form of salads or cooked like spinach.
Stellaris how to get consumer goods?
In the UK, consumers have a minimum of 6 years warranty on all electrical goods according to Section 19 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015
Seeds of Good King Henry can be consumed like classical grains. They need to be soaked overnight before consumption to eliminate saponins. Flour made of ground seeds can be used for the preparation of bread.
Oysters are part of human diet for thousands of years. They can be consumed raw or cooked. Oysters have salty, pleasant taste and they represent good source of vitamins, minerals and proteins. They are often cultivated in the artificial ponds (oyster farms) to ensure constant supply and good quality of meat.
Milk is not necessary for good health, good nutrition. Many cultures that consume few dairy products, such as Japan, have much lower rates of osteoporosis than North America, where consumption of milk and other types of dairy is higher
Clorox is not owned by any of the large consumer goods companies (Unilever, Proctor & Gamble, SC Johnson, etc.) but is in fact its own company with numerous well known brands.