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Completely Unrelated facts

While investigating facts about Completely Unrelated Amendments To A Bill and Completely Unrelated Synonym, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Anise, star anise, and licorice are completely botanically unrelated, despite smelling and tasting very similar.

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In Mbabaram - an extinct Australian language completely unrelated to English - the word for "dog" is "dog."

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 18 of the best facts about Completely Unrelated Podcast and Completely Unrelated Statistics I managed to collect.

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  1. Coincidentally, the US and UK versions of Dennis the Menace, while completely unrelated, were both published in the same month, completely independent of one another.

  2. Movie star Harrison Ford, a leading performer during the silent film era. He is completely unrelated to movie star Harrison Ford, the second highest-grossing U.S. domestic box-office star.

  3. Before Carrie Anne Moss starred in The Matrix, she starred in a completely unrelated Canadian TV series called Matrix.

  4. Spoken Ancient Greek sounded amazingly similar to modern day Norwegian or Swedish even though those languages are almost completely unrelated.

  5. The "-ing" suffix in English is from three distinct suffixes with as many as six distinct meanings and are etymologically completely unrelated So that in early Germanic, "he is mak(ing) the roof(ing) for a shill(ing)" would look like "hiz sindi makōn(ąndz) sa hrōf(ungo) furi ain skil(lingaz)"

  6. The word "pidgin" (as in "pidgin English") is completely unrelated to "pigeon", and actually derives from a Chinese pronunciation of "business"

  7. Traffic fines in the state of California start at $35. However, after unrelated fees are added the cost can balloon up to 1000%. There are even fees that are completely optional.

  8. Bill Murray signed to voice 'Garfield' because he thought the film was directed by Joel Coen of the Coen brothers, when in actual fact it was a completely unrelated Joel Cohen.

  9. Complex decisions are easier to make after you complete something unrelated. Giving your conscious mind a break from the decision makes it easier to "go with your gut".

  10. An illegal street racing club called the 'Mid Night Club'. Members of the club would have to own a car that could average 300km/h and be driven safely at that speed and meets would be posted in newspaper classifieds, with the advert reading something completely unrelated to street racing.

completely unrelated facts
What are the best facts about Completely Unrelated?

Explain why the beach is not completely submerged?

You can easily fact check when a block of wood is completely submerged in water why does it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Hershey's and Hershey's Ice Cream are two completely unrelated companies.

The word 'able' is completely unrelated to the suffix '-able' (as in eg. movable) - source

If you go back to 2016 in the internet archive and click on a video it will only show one completely unrelated rock song - source

On the March 12, 1951, Dennis the Menace premiered, as did Dennis the Menace. The two characters were completely unrelated and separated by an entire ocean, one being American and the other, British.

The company Target in America and Australia share a logo and name, however are completely unrelated. - source

When two companies in completely unrelated industries?

Holographs and holography are completely unrelated things

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Completely Unrelated. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Completely Unrelated so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor